Th r-I -r a, ovempter 310 2004-5 Police bjudget cais for 9.6 % increase By H-OWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion l'lic llaliiii Rcgiiinal Scr riccs, Board bis ci)p-d a 9) 6 per ceiit i ncicasc Ior ihe 2(X5 plice liudgci aî likc iliai Chici Li Aigaisnud couild have cee aci loi highier AI Ihiisîli sboard îîîcctin,î (hicl Algar ,aiîl ail a saried (lic vcar luuuking at a I12.i lier centi inc asc but iiianagcd iii n biflc il don n Dcspitetc act Ii lic $76.5-îîîîllion buodg- et recuiiiiiiiid Ilc liring oii cîglît l ien I rout-in uiil Iiccrs. as nclI as iiiher iniprivcmnicns. thc chie)' inianîained îîcnl ycar's tundîiig rcqucsl is IrilI free. -Tbis us al very Ican buidgct-- said ChicI Algar. Aller 21114\ police bndget represenled a 13.1 per cent jump îîver the previous year -a bile Ihat regional cinincil balked aI Direclir of' Cîîmmîîniy Piilicîing Adiistratioin Jîm 6Watsoni cbaracterized 2005l's budt as -quilc responsible. -Ten pcr cent senis Io lic the hbutilon nLiiibeýr l'ir ccîuîcil îîgbîhtm bo, e saîd. Boart niember anîl OakvilIc Councilliie Keilli Hirît agrced aiic said ibai hie woulut hiave a liardlfinie se llîîîg anviliing lîîgbcr lIo Iii îlclcîsc îîl hîs budget, Chiel Algar s;idi hc lias litic oîr inoi cîîîrîîl ose r eny coîîIsý. i aigiiîg lrii salaries, hciîc is, ulebi aisoiice aicîli1 capital csîeiciiiurcs unît pi u iicaly iaiutacd Adcquiacy I iiisiuli ig Ilie seli es i ofi un Ii- liiiicd oîliîccrs lii pouplationi fic ioaiiy t iiiaic il andu suiciclal pressuires. fi o usi cil îîîlîc iii peî- capila iii Haliiii andc illier lac- lors, Chiel Ab'ir maiuîiaiicctIhat -Werc iii il a ai ii aiualiii. We' arc a sireainliicu îirgaliialiîii.- t a saicl. lie reccisccl flic buiarcls blcss- uiii bire a pair ofl detcîccl coniistablcs ýpi ls iii îî lcci s ciinsitables lîîdccl hy Nlapletiuies Ciirrciîiial lacifly i and tur iliril coniistablcs. Scs crîl îîîer cKsiliaii lii igs ise c lîkcîsý nc tled Hoairi Chiair Doniaild Riuisii sait îîcsî ycar s bîudgct n aliiiiiici oîîî iii aiii intelligenti andl îîîlîrîîîcî no*- anid repre- seuls spcniiîlii ilai su iKes a bialanice hcen fiilec scr\ iccsý ciiiiiioiini iii pub- lic saIt andu lic liscal neculs il hlalliii tialiiii Reiiiial Poîlicc Assoiciaioîn Prcsîîlcîî Dasc Al iiisiîn, bîînv cs cid u lic budget liîscs sighi of thc ilciianiîs oni -We n îîîuld like lii rcmnîuu the chiair iliao tiîci c s alsiî a ieil iii balance filie ieuls îî tlîc lcalili and salci, oil tie lrîîntl he îîli- ces-liecad Mr. Aîkîîîsîî saidl lic appreciales the sleps iliai hanc heen laken iii date lui address staling anct woirkload issues' but.' cîîmîng ofI' back lii back years ofI $'2 mil- jin iii iiserime. îilficer buroil aod other senons mallers wîll îînly gel morse. 'Front-i e prîîblenîis base fol been addressed,- said Mr. Alkinson. -We recog- nize ihere are financial restraînts. but we caolt keep doing Ibis ai the expense of tbe front ine." Mr. Atinscîn saic il ibe situatiuon conlîn- cies., perbaps the police sbîîîld ask tbe pub- lic mliai il îbînks. Il il's tonu ibai taxpay- ers arenit willîng Io pcty more. Iben lbey sbîîulul bc mnade anare tbii ciiibac ks in sersvicc iiîay 6e the onlv option. Mrr. Atinsuin saicl thc clîtel"s budget presciilaliin csplailiig is bal an effiient aiîl uncîîsi sersice, 6e ruins s fine andc goodîi. bîît trouible cîîilil 6e arîinul tlie cor- -Tbai savs a liii abouti t6e qiialily îîl uur illîcers buti sîîîocing lias lii gis e 6ie saut. 6 îîîî e lhiiiii rîglîl il's a lean budîget. bîîi duocs ibai iiieaii nexi year ne'lI have 12-milliiin more in iisertimct"' Cails for service up Dîîrîîg bis preseiilaliiiii CliiefAlgar saicl 2(X)14 prîîjecleul slalislics shown a drop ni c rîîîîîal îîtleîces andl t6e crime raIe and a clecrease iio ulenti crime. iiîiior rehlicle coîllisionîs andI deaibs. lripenyv crimes andc imipaiieul driving. Ai t6e saille lîe. lie saiil, calîs I îr service iseic up andl flic c icai aice i aie jîîîîpcîl I roîî 38 iii 411 per centi. -AIl ilie siaIýs sav ilîie are gii ilîngs happeing iii îîîiî coiiiiiniii saut Cliiel Algar, We re otfering: SWinterization *Under Car * * une ups Rust proofing Brake Service *Winter Ice Tires *Transmission Service *Tire Rotation To get you ready for the cold, snow and ice' SCal! ta book your appointment today' 'AIILàobI Corne in Today to Clmc, ~ ~4ni hAvUiIUb -CHBE VRO L E T 20 dmO ITFS VOUR TUHN TO PIISH YU UK ya u 1 UCs 1 aS Si itu 150 0F OUR HOT NEW 2005s ARE TO SE WVONEr IsGM Canadas biggost year-end coiobralîoo ever We're gîvîng away 150 vebîclos from our hot, new 2005 lune-op during oir GM IHoi Botion event* For yoor chance t0 play just vîsîl your local GM dealer. press the desîgoated OnStar bot- M1TOT1EFAUVASTE AWAWO off EL »L PUKCNA OR LEA SE ton aod waît te, boar if yoo'vo won, F00 coold Iootantly roroîvo crodîto op t10.000 off olîgîble porrbaoo or lease on yoor GM vehicle, or drive away wîth the grand prîze of a brand iiev vehîcle. 110 on for a limite lime. 30 bollon op i Omo