26-The Canadiar Chair r T' c . -sleblanc@hlosac.m /-Weekend costly on two fronts for IceHawks Team loses key games, key players in three-day span By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The losses quickly piled up l'or the Milton lceHawks ibis past weckend. And Iwo home-ice defeats were jusi the hall'ol i. The mosti sgnilicant Ioss of their three-gamnes- iii thre days weekend came midsvay through (lie secondl period Sunday. whien goalie Deug Ciroenestege landed on the back of hisý head afier beiiig tripped by f)akville's Brad MeKenzie. He ternatrd mii lie garne, but fei ai intermission ilb a sitspecied councussion. I ason Dopaco ta as sîdelied À iii a cousio Ille utgbi belote in Biantpiow taMille n isie \illoniai Niail Price sutiferesi. kuecetîi'. tditis Bt litgiont F riday. Fictiti ini tnit -i end cenhtre ifieIt Robins ii. in-ithit îteîsconei Chrîs Baint and cl eigctic sýi iger Stefani Lenein -ettîrettis 't s hp witte iceDiigs miln the iceHan ks hiase nimlý titi lîîl lornýatd itles mîissîng frorn tabai they espeet iii gît itt the playiils \vth iii Febrti.ry. "Wetie niai lalking about riu tf-the- tîll pîlay- ers here. either." saîd head cttach/general mnanag- er f3eîîrge Dupont. fîallowiîîg Sîîiday aflernoits 6-2 loss Ia )ak-vjllc ai Metiîri ai Aicîta. lttîm a performnce sîandpoinî titis pasi îseek- enti. there wasnîl tut, much positive iii say about the lceHawks -whtt sputiered olleniîsvely atnd tîeeded a flawlessý game frona Groenesiege Saturtfay Ioi pull oîut iheir one andc oîîly vitiory. Here's a quick recap of the hect seheditie. Friday: 5-1 Ioss to Burlington Delîvering hy fai their most fundamenîally- flawed effort of the season. the lceHawks suf- fered through a rush of hoîched breakouls and pîtstionai pitfalis. An (l-for-6 powerpiay whttewash didut heip matlers either. Mike DeMarchi scored the lone goal on a shadrthanded giveaway just 23 seconds inîo, the mîîddle stanza. Bairlîngton would Ihen sink four uuanswered goals tii hanîf Milton ils fjrst battafide humbiing of the vear anîd niove the Cîtugars n% itin four points oiii te leeHaN ks foîr titird in the West Conference stanadings. (iroctiestege %vus fiardiy up lad par, but bis tiefeit- sitec tunt was jiast as nîuch td hianie --lea% îîîg huit to fend tior htmseýif on îîuîîeroîîs occasions. Frtday's game nîaeked oîîiy the seconîd finte ibis year that the lcelianks iost iii a teani belon ihetî in the standings. Va îb Parker Van Bîîskîrk leas îîîg lie teatit ear- liri he wk ad no Toronto Marlies cailup a lble NMitou used dei ncem.n Casey Who Does Lt..P Phutu by GRAHAM PAINE OakvilIe Blades defenceman Brian Hamm (44) cocks his fist for another swing at Milton IceHawks opponent Jesse Jenish as Uines- men intervene during Sunday's Provincial Junior A Hockey League contest at Memorial Arena. The Blades downed Milton 6-2, the lceHawks' second home-ice loss of the weekend. Gîlholm as ils hack-up goafie. Saturday: 2-0) win in Brampton Glrtteneslege turned back 23 sts for his firsi ,shutoul as au lceHawk. baref v outdueiing uew Captais cager Jontiahan Keaiing -ný ho allowed jusi one goal ou 37 shîts before Adam Piieggi's last-secitud enttîi itettet seaied the deai. Shaudcîr Aiphoisc sattk the gante n indet 11:24 int the secondf. \Nînîîng a face-tuf in Bramrpton's end anti usiug a picfuresqite spîin nuise fto beat Keatîttg. Miltonî perse%îered tbrîdîgh al raîher rough sec- onîd peniod and stepped up ils defensîse pressure as the garne ssore on, keeping quaiy scoring chances to a minimum. Founteen-year-itid Daniel Marchione of the bauiam Mariles assumed hack-up duties in Brampton. while the lceHassks eamed their fisi giiose egg sînce a i- (icvertimne triumph over Burlintîgon September 2h. Il nus the seconud straîghft tairîîss decistîtî in Bramtplton. folintg a 5-4 sudden deaih stcîtory Oct. 2_3. Sundav: 6-2 Ioss to Oakille Ltiwn f0 sshaî Dupot caiied bis 'B' squad tonce Grîtenestege lif andt Jesse .teîîîsh anîd Mîke Gersbon earned eariy ejecîlous for fightiug. Milton jusî couldut gel oui of nenîral against te lop-ranked Biades. Fotiner lceHawk Ryau Augeltîn îelivered bis second sîraîgit twî gîtai game againsl bas for- nier mates. hîghlighîîng bis iatest effîtrts ith a hack-breakîug shîdrthauded taiiy mitîway ilîrotîgi the secottnc. Jettîsi aund Lotte. 1) tt cîreci itor the leeHan ,ks. each ueîîîug titeir tsiý ailthe seasont. Dranîng assîsîs siere DeNlarchi. Jasonu Fiottitu anti 14-yeae ld Niante eau aup Jîthu [asares. Mantie tiidget E.J. Smith n iirked the last pet i od tir Miltontu stoppîîg litai ofl lîve sits nhîie hîghiighîîng the eunîuîîîaaly chargeti clash sias a heavyneîghî tilt belweeu Jenîsh andc Oakvilnes Brian Hamim. tflF~~IflMAL B ~Dtf~IALW DVuS~W~ * -Nova Business Sevices'Çzfn 'lP (905) 691-8229 Iq'it ,iîq es BEk..péng and Te, pnPflo S.1-. DogWakle *ýtn ýkep g - Gomnarvtaa PdiTai Sice (LM8fl P3a4eFnaca Saemns rfssional bog Groomning Anime 7 cvsA wb.k utgw Sadatffl t *eaat'W dyb Ead5-875-Tatil (824!5) à i ue R* lbs osfigs" D48Knseg crt.Milton Gale Bock (95)876-430 ________________________ ________________________ Sewtît Minon and Campbiol www.ruffnpurr.com