Don't Clean Up For The Holidays... Let Us Do That For Yom! Call toli free 866-327-5522 or ceil: 416-575-6243 (MAID) ved the Duke of Edinburgh's Silver Medal recent ceremong at Queen's Park from the Laura Selby-Maley achieved the award by attaining personally-establlshied goals in the areas of commUMity service, shili developent, physical fitMess and expedltlens. ,-2,O0OO people expected to attend this year 's Christmas pageant By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Milton resiilents vî I havîe a chance Ioi escaîpe plaisic Santas and husv miils ti n eekend and esperietice Ille Iiis Christmas in Bethlehetm heliire their scry eves. On the Wav to Bethlehem is aui iutdoiir Christmas nativity pageant tai nul take place lrom 6:30 to 9< p.m. Friday to Monday ai Country Hientage Park. 8560 Tremaine Rd. The event is free, but donatioins wil! be accepted. "This year we're antictpating 2,11111 peo- pie per nîght." said pageant directîir Andrea * Rowbottom. 'The response is geliîg real- ly big." More tItan 51(1) volunteers -including a cast tof more than 1501 and inn school choirs -are contributing to tis year's pageant, which is a projeet of the Milton Area Christian Churches Working Together. On arrival ai the park. vusitors null enter a laege barn and can eujoy refreshmenis and Christmas music by a mass choir before leavîng in smatl groups ta travel the road to Bethlehem. Each group wiul be assigued a guide somneone who knows the road neil and wihl lead the group along a 2(0 to 3(1-minute joumey making 15 stops alîîîg the way ai scenes thut enact the Christmas story. Vistors nul even be able to îuteract wîth some of the characters. îucluding Roman Iodiers shepherds. mugi. innkeepers and t llon trasellers. "W n anted tri create a pageant where people tl they nere part ofi te perfîirm- ane-sid Ms Rîînboitîom. BLOW SNOW. NOT MONEY. Model Number: 38172 (Powerlîte 325 R> * 98 cc anginie, 16 in. clearing wîdlh. *Lighlweighl-uuder 40 lbs. *Paleuted Power Curve rotor system cleans down lu pavement. - Handie fulds fut compact Storage. Starting aI '569 Fiee set-up anu uelivery. *Wuuuunt tepaîrs perlntmeu un premnises. Visit Us at AMilt3 Smai Engines TON MoOntario St. Unit8 1J (Behind Brians Auto - l[~ S. W Corner of Steeles & Hwy 25) Milton, L9T 2V1 (905) 878-0004 "So ne have trieul ii ticirporate as mucli inîteractionî beineen the actors atud the vîsi- loîrs as poissible." At the end of' the joîîmey, vîsîtors null take a wagon ride back. Otte of the hîghlîghts is the more than tno dozen lise attîmals - nctudiug a camrel -thut add a seuse of auîhenticity tii the event. Event in ils third year This us the thîrd year tifthe pageant. Over the past twîî years. more thun 9.000O visitors have experieuced the eveni, front places as far away as Peterborough and Sarnia. lu fuel, a survey found that more than 4(0 per cent ofl ast year's visîtors came front tînt- side Haltoit. Ms Rowbttom satd the eveut is oîîe ihat delights voung and old. 'Last year 1 goi lettets trom three petople tîver (the age of)I 801 who said tl was worth every hutte-chîllîng second naitiug ni hune," she said. lu the past cîuple tif years. tlie piiptlai-i îy tif the evetît led iii soute loîng I ine-ips ai the start of the tohtr. Ms Rîîn hîîîîm siid. But this year iliceiire bas heeti chatîged. so vîsitoîs stail ai the large hum. iîîstead oil ending up there. That nay. they can nuit tut a narm and cozy atmosphere util uts time to depurt for the tour. Costumes colourful There are ut leasi 175 colourlul and unique costumes that nîlI he won in the pageant -not an easy feai 10 organt/e. "Other filant the augels, no two costumes are the samne," Ms Rowbottom suid, addtug, "Carelul thought is put into their design." Ou the Way îo Bethlehem appeals to people of varions religions beltefs. Everyoue -Chrtstian oir ut t can tuke somethîng anay (rom t., Ms Rowhottom said. "Anyhody of uny laîth eau sec tl and get sîîmethîng tont tif tl. Whether îhey thînk tl happenet tir uts just a story. everytîne can take il ai iheir (inn eleU Deal- inlerpreters n Il he as ailihle tîptmn request. Visittrs are îîîs'îed to eîîjuy a borme- cîîoked dînner helitre the eseit ai one of' fotur partictpaling churehes in Milton. The cilsi is SI 0I per persîtî. and $5 l'or children. Resers iîtîs tait hc madIe h\ r.lling f9115 8<64-71 27 tir e rnatling nati i- ru 21(A4@ cinatlî.cun. S'iiplieThiesn /t't unt li trtm lied uit