Incomïing fire ch iet is no stranger toMluna By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Milton Ill rinig ini 211X)5 %%ih a ne\& lite chiel. andl for the iask tfi 440i liai cîtîten siimc*ine woîs nio stranger 10 the comînimtity. l'lte Tîtîî t i Milton ainnuiced mîiiîuay tilît clectîve Janiiary 3, k arry Brassard wilI replace Haroldl Penson is lire chiel ol tlic Miltîon [ire Depaiment. Cilii peîtsîî iîll retire ellectîre l)eenîhe 3l aLter alntîst 30l vears o ith Nitîio Fine l)epartment and Il years as Mr. Brassard sias ais îlde ranîge id expe- rîeîtce n It boh liue .il potlice senrices Si ....... .. 11 be)i, been depttuy chiel/chief oîf ilperations ai Halton Hîls Fine Depariment. Before that. he sers'ed 244 yeari wîth Halion Regîîînal Poîlice Sersice aller wîîrkîng as a sîtîntîteer fure- fiîgbier and Ibeit a ftre preîeniîu oflicer. 'Lairy's cîosîderable experîeîîce ini lire and police ser-vice is contpleiitenied by ltîs siîlîs uit leacdership. huLmais resottrce management andi comnmaifmuca tiîi," saicl Vard 1 Councilloi Briait Penissan. chsair il the iniervieli comimit- tee. "These skiffs wîll be it aisSet ici itur gr4oi commiitity. Mr. Brassard brîngs wih Isini esperi- eîîce a, biîih a fuîll acl part-ltte ti iVol- utîteer) fire-igbier - 4 plus. sînce Milton Fire Depannîcol is a coîmpoîsite fire service with bîîih types of freight- ers operatbng ont oil tbree statioins Thlat's somethtng thai takes. a greai cleal ol sk:Mr. Peiman saut oft nîî- îîîîsg a composite station. "You itaie 41144 grîttpi cîînvergiitg ui4h ai sinigle pur- Posse. He addecl the laci Mo. Brassai ils a lHalioii bits canit be i îîîssîzeî, silice it iicaits he tilreaîly kiiîtis Ilaltîtîts valuie sstem. 'Y.îYiî cati bring sîbnîeîîîe tromît oiiside. antic he fl itiglsi 4441t 14e iitC Mr. Pennian saicl. Mr. Brassard ts tio siraiger ici Milton, eiter. Foîr numeîîîîî years; Mille %iilh Halion police lie workecl îiîn.wý iiîcîicl- îîîg ais a iiniforni pairol îîll cer and it te crimnîcal investigationîs unit. coimitntNi." hie saicl. Mr. Brassard, ioho lises in Cie4trettîsn. said he's exciied abotut ii ne\t chapter in lits lite "The Miltont Fîre Deparinteit las al soitîî repulation. and thaïis %% bai ,îiiiacied nie." ie said. "Miltîon s a giiai place antd 1 loo4k ltoaid iii contg doýi tiere." Mariiî Beli edere. fite Titists eltiel* admtinistrative otllicer. sait Mr. Brasssarcl sîmply bas whlai Miltin iteeîs- "He bas il \nde-ranging backgroundii and île leli he oas the hesi sîîîiied candi- dite fior thte job." Mr. Beli edere saut. .Stî'p/liîiitii Tiî'.t.uci i- bc liem'iiî'i Larry Brassard SUEL eO'EDN OEHNGT EE HS 0111317-1 , Sarnsung a6e6O $1 Ï7 $29* 6585 19, 3 months FREE service** No hidden fees. No connections charges. Know what CO LO UR you're paying for with All-in-one pricing FLIP PHONES UNUMITED local callingbetween Mobility customers, F Worry-free wireless. Only from Bell. I-wR% 0 M $19* $50 Bell World gift card with any new activation!- ExpressVu- - You haven't seen anything like it " Choose front over 400 channinels and 15 simplilied theme packs " Fnjoy crystal-clear picture and îouxîd on our H7100 digiutal service $494 AFTER CREOITi INSTALLATION INCLUDED Mito Oa S ll 377 Mamt St lait Oîkîîtil Place (905) 878-1113 (905) 845 3080 Wtt,îtott Poer Certît (905) 829 9001 h ,týhl M. $35) c0ttl3tt,tht, 3 y-, 0îo4M44300014ît, $10S Ap i. -Io,$30 Ali tnt Nqi,1, tWeek-I, - $3 &îttc A14tti' 5,IC.4l1141411t4îî- -îth 2,4 0 4tt1 lttt4t4t4htttt a ,,,îîî,,ttth, M tthtoittihIoBdNC.,1tt4,ngh -îîtAy Oq,,o îfît t- .,tC,12 ettt,,9,Gî4 NO-- - tItq,tItTh, t i t4t fe-~îî -1>t 4tt t MI t4tttWl 4441114 BIM.btt to-tttttt h.It,-deMt,11 th $tO rt of 'N134t1444t1tp-1 batqd or 44R -l $ 43 a 194t414- 0,ed, $O htîttttttlltt" Ct1 Dto tt0t - -,0-04o t -k, t ,bt4444Oto24,,13th1424 tt0t4týe,4Ib Wepoqri00 844II,tblt t41tion Cet t t,î o 90 day5 le r acîOtttlt Fo Not el,ýslpbOticit ,8Mi orld s o F oeV atrademarkt0 43tt4~0î of471114 Bell4 E,0414414444 1 R,10 Audiovox 8450 I