/" PERMANENT MAKE-UP INC. C.Ct~[f(t~y Ls3ai3' é-7I,/ t't lu te ij ict- i t(c/ieft An Interview with Beauty Enhancement Artist Ann-Marie Furness EYELASH ENHANCEMENTi,,tie int ilat suite-up piiiiuiit Titis pseiedttîiititpeitiinl sp 't crishe, viktig theriiispprii isues Att the, nus i s dusse iu'Lnernthe lasheis Thietu', it it tiiitttit nosnetun'w i hto BEFORE AFTER EYEBROW S h,,tgtih, t L- ci tulitt ontîi5siî ilstu ilhe t,ittisfitl,, Lui,ý u <<tse usîje littiithii tii h.l , iv tii ns,-h, siig thi- u ' tise t t i i E Y E1N E R t st ,Ltw.itisiiii îles or o iiîdtteut île lises îivâtiig itithtt.înteutttte. ing itetirse.idiitei tîidtidtsdptt sîsid ttfitisi tu therovs. S . ur" sis Xnuc' \lat Fttrtess. une ofi Canada's snust sought aller pernianenut îttake-îtp trtists.' "Finesse' permtanet ut nakettp isai s'nbanceins't of permantent tatitrai heasit. it's sent andi soft. setîsîta and subtie, tl gîsts vir a situipis Ciegast loosk." Furniess is tr 'tvng Lu replace the poutîar terni "permanent make-tUp.' as site feeis uts îîîtsieadttîg. "Wunien shui sut imagine that thes wiii look 'tîtade-tip' ai ail, but bhat dieu- un n iaturai appearance wiii bat e extra pîrsence." site expiatits "Beatîts, enbaîîcetiient" lie terni Furnesi prefers. tises a process caies tttiicrsepigtttentatiuts" tu create permuanenît effecîs un ess lips antd eyebrows. Beijesabie is wbat the art is A abut. Wr askest Ann-Marie te qutestions that evers isumas bas: First of ail, wbere can we find Finesse? Finesse is baird îtt tts boume ststdtu at 42 Dilis Crescent in Miltun. Mi satellite lucaiouns are'aiiiin cusînette sttrgeuns' uffices in Ontariso: Torontu, Luondon, Dr. Stepben Bruons uffice in Oakiie, and in tbe Laser Rejsmsenaîums ('liis. What malses Finesse beauty enhancement special? My perfectionisni! 1 tave a bigbic criticai esc andi a passin fur perfection. Vve fotînd ibat my clients are bappiest witis sutîbîet, becatîse mts belîrsabie. What about Health and Safety Issues? I tise tbe btgbest qitatits' of bipoaliergenie. trou ssxtde ptgttetnts. I praettce tbe saite sîrîîsgeîsî. sterile technîiquîes tbat ans litatl tire fictiitv nuîd tise. I ant Heaiîb Catada apprusedi atts base bîsit a repsîtaîtun fosr excellenice tn hsstb artistes antd clittîcai stanriarsis. Does it burt? Ssîcb a psspuiiesquesî tin 1 tise a gt eas tîspis ai aîtacsîtîtii tt rtsttbs tbe aiea. Wbat age groups are yow' clients ini? i clients range ti age fronut 15 tu 90. lIs argest giîutp ut clients is isunen user 60. I sas tes tbese issîien. "D)sn'î bc s aboist beiîtg (uer 710 tr 80-bere's sinspis tit reasuti tu stop linug sharp amni supbîsticaed.i I tise %te sutible couisurs tbat itake tbe feastit s sisaric agaiti Vsttnger isuiueutn wiii bave a peeeire (folie auid Ibert gtse a gîtt cet tificite ti) tieir ntîttiees n% bu are in ieu- tits. 70s antd 80is. Atd 1 have une client i set 90s. How do you know what colour te, use? Great question' i bave bsîndreds oaf culones ibicis I cati mix anst nomrî ntru infinite colulîr clîssces. Ms enbancements are csusiized te eacb tndividtîal's baie ansd skîn culour. I base cenr sufi eselsîsers tirs crs dark sitades. I base sofi blonde eyebross colosîrs ai tbe Lias tu tbe darkest shades. My lip colosses are su nainrai sht ibes îîîst ressore tbe lips son once bad. My pigments are of the bîgbesî qtalits acaîlable in Canada anîd tbe US. Can you tell us about tIhe Reconstructive work von do after an accident or illness? its tii specialti in ale Lis ircats' ls'asitittttt sitaisti sîtirîs suiti t eplicate es eiasbes for sbssse expernette sssg baie lssss lfi(te acr relatesi treatsse its tir alupecta tiici salis. Atii set s t essaetltg spectcalis s ecuîssîescîîîsg esebosiss eseiîer anti tilt shape fisr pseople tibs tiave been in accisdents. its ais lissîtssî tsi niake sisiteune feet beasîsilsîl agaîn atter ibessec laced ssîcb a misfstrîne. ulLer tbe suetos perforîn ibeir nmtracles Lu recuttimtici somesînes lace, I asis cîsissît anti ditmensioîn ici resîsîre tise lace ftre 14/at is Finesse make-up going toi look like as a client gets older? Great! Becasîse tbe permansent make-up lasies and in tintei t iii bectîme softjnst thb eay vosit wn it tes becunte [Dite tsi tbe facs issne face is exposed tu tbe soin, tbe soin null faste ans n'urk viss bad dsonc. .s n'eu. ctsîr sin exfuliates esery six n'eeks anti suer lune tbe pignient becomes iigbîee. lits a naturai agîng prescess. Tlhseretstvon permnîent make-sîp suhiens tsi gu wiîb tbe gruisîer eflecîs ibat flatter altier skin. You're doing sucb delicate work on the bumain face, ssbat gives you your confidence as a permanent make-up artist? Knon'iedge. its tus passioni to iearn and cutîtinuse tsi iearn. lue bîtili a reptitarion of excellence in tbe Permnîent Make-U.p Prsofessin. Tbe Iseecisîsîn ansd acesteas ibat I insust on, speaks loistsi. I tise caliîpers tue meastire andi I ainays dean uit exacty sebat ne're guîng îss imtplatnt befote sîaeîîng. isVien a wnsîat sor nman essnies tsi me fosr a cosnsutationî, 1 rake tbe finie Lis lîsen sud deliier exicitio n'bat ibis 'tec tssckiîsg fsor. Wiset 1 n'tst oîs a clitets face andc fi se sssk is pernsanett iiis crîtîcai tes keep tbe art sîsfî ansd pesse Does Finesse bave any medical partnersbips? l'nsi prîstiegei Lis bc nssrkîîg lit sestrai (snieLis suiigeonss ofîtces tsscaîed in Torountos ansi Londonss anid iii Oaki ii ai tihe Biai n ssse (ssmte Stîrgîcai C entre tii lie Siepieti Beuns silice fosi ibe paît eîglt stars. Fiseisnateli titi', ai tlit% iw uies sisritig ite cosnsulitationt. tisere ci bc' ut1 ts sesets stait 'ineýnîie)rs tes ting tsi shisî tiff tii sîssek. 'I eit respecit tir tsiN nsîk îa rsseiess t5 nse. How dors someone know if tlcy're ready for Finesse Permanent Make-Up? Finuesse Permaea nt'î Maike 1,p s. pitetes ils createti fise ibe nuuas sitLi a lait pace'd lite, a "no sfinie fo setiatsi pc' tsi petîssît Isicai fise sthe active individualinîîssucd nt finesi andt siot s, anid a mîutto tishiîse whbs jîtt wnt tbe saturai beatt ands cesieiietit( et turîtgi lit additiosn, iiis a boisus to the pbYiscais ebaitengesi sîîsb as sotmesnue n'itb iînpaieed vsioîn tir ibesse wîîb aetbrsîc ose înstearis bauds, its ahi> a great solntion for peuple nbu are aiiergic ici make-up and peuple sebo just can't see n'eu enugb ii appis perfect make-sîp eeery ime. Wbat's the first step for a new client? Cati me ai 905-8710hi5 ai Finesse Permanent Make-Up lnc. fore a free consultation. LIP LIN ER ,iddainsitioni tati -nîi biig hautheiiiis i nd Imi ciipui, is t ips i tnt h nieedîng ..g aite ioe W ~Ann-Marie Furness Certified Pesranent Make-up Speormurt le (aifiliated nfi De Steptien Bemîssi 905,876-0105 www. fi n esse perma ne ntmakeu p. corn e42 DILLS CRESCENT, MILTON I I FIFT CERTIFICATES p G AVAIL LE AB z o r rijK r