Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 2004, p. 28

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28e-Tha Canadion Champian Fnaday, Nonamban 26 2004 Caoe~ BYCR ain ni g anufctre ofv vvq<vd assrd ie oxand 0 ine vinrnse alIvn, avarbuo of bicricald.vvtr svl h ide nd a ieivn ansýnrgtc. Proive ,and yecvv vviprcaiv Hamd Reoaeesi, ye l Tecoogy ne aione.s Winlre& Cablec 2455s Mianoeary outyot Misksuas ON rlatN 5Z6 Fuan 0 nd2 -7260e-mction ressyo.e Applehp Collage rarrestlp lis a challeaglap apponlaaily for a:, Marketing Co-ordinator Appteby cliage vsan radeperîdant ssbaatla 0o 59 avina men aînd aamirenr in Grades T Ioa12 Fannded in tOit Appielry cltefs agqaItty edasfatran ta bain bnardîng and day sna lents. Appleba allers an tnvtitng enîvinmani oîtb a ritgtty campelttve satary and Onee fils package Av are sarreatty sek va Marketing Ca ardînatar lafin aiur Marketing team n a tait- rime basin. Ihn nscennînt candidate is respannînte lai crîiîag carrent and management ai than production pracens vi a aarîeiy aI pubicsaioans. The sandidate ns alsa resynabte lai tve tead an stary geverairan anîd varinas marketing pragrans and levensn carkîng ta deadîns and obîectîven an dntnrmîned tbragb cosauîltaioan tilh ihn Dîrectar ai Marketing. e Prnntreadn docunments and canrespanidence Write, vain pnbtrsb and dirîbate neastetiers and oter publications " Wirite media reteases and pravîde marketing snppart and consultaioan. Satins ctvnety cîtb napplînîs ai marketing, advertînîng and priai maierrain Io cant- dtnate praductîon ai marketing materraîn e Oser sen and attenai cammnnily/ charîtable nyncrat avenits initiatîven Pbvtograyby an regnîreai asd aiber geverat dattes as assîgaed. e Kaactedge ai Quark, Phsivsbay/ttasiranr, Mîcrasaft Office ns preierred Ihn saccestat candidate orît pnnsens aI teani ave year marketng/commnicaioan enpie resse cîib encellent crîtîng, ediîvg and verbal niîlîs Ibis persan cr11 alan On bîgbty argarîved, rîenîble, and energelîs euth the Mrîîiy ta canin tdepeadenitly Pont secasdary edacatiar ta cavmnaîfcatîavs/anrnalrsmi an relted discipline cuIrl a suran cammanîca- liran campavent. Pînase e-mail tan ai mail yanr renarne by Navember 30 2004 ta Humna Ralsaurcas, Appbeby collage 540 Lokashore Rood West, Oalesiiio, ON LSK 371 Fas: 905-845-93031, Email: iobs@apbebv.aa.ca Web site: ww.oppleby.mnca BD- - -O e e- lDOis a moiciai tednnotogy rompasy abat manuactuares and selts a biffai rangs of moiiai supplieas, deelces and systems. We rrmstty have noverai positions aaaitablo: EXECUIVE ASSISTANT teeea Puonoo av dire, to Ih tv-aýt, Ge il Mî- , ni s[i'i . , ,v, Ifnq,- ti Sýie CIJSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE tiienerat Oanrbioel POSIIN REUIaaiOMENrS CONTiRACT ANALYST tOnnerai Faartioel OBD campany ta Iaakîng tan a hîgh-enengy, malîi-taoking prafeovional la help spear- head is technîcal efforts. Candidates maat have a mechanical en- gineering degree an a lhree year mechan - cal. elactra-mechanical or plastics engi- neering technalogiat diptoma, extensive PVC extrasion and inlection moatding knowtedge, gavai interpersonol okîlto, ondi na lesa than 3-4 yearo hando-on esperi- ence in a tasi-paceai monvfactanîng envi- nonment. Exposare ta or involvement wîth - jean manntactarîng techniqaes, contînatoao improvement initiatives, andiortlechot- cal/ISO docamentation moatd aibe an as- set. Want an opportanîly ta contrîbate ta - and grom vil- a amaI bat very dynamie and yoang basineso team? .. e-mail yoar te- anme, mvih on informative canler note (in- clading alary eapectalîana), ta Panla - pauia@eItonmanufactuifg.com or fao (905) 876 1898 1 WAREHOUSE TEAM LEADER Sigma-Aldrich is a leadîng Lite Science oaid Hîgh Tectnnology Campany operating rn 34 coantrien oltir over 6,000 employees. Our biachemîcal and organic chemîical prodacta are aaed primarly by Ite science companies, aniversity and gaverniment institutîons, hoapitala and la indaatry. Oar Canadian Warehoase and Dtstribation Centre reqaires an enthasîastic anai people arienteai leader. As the Teamn Leader an the t2:00 pma ta 0:30 pm shift, yaa eutl direct the daily adîivîtien oi a amrati creof ai boat ten employees. oa wiii be reoponsi- ble for the ochedatîng ai oork ods and ooersee the picking, packlng, and shîppîng of arders in v 5AP and I50 9001 envîranment. oa sosld have at leant three yeans napervisary or lead hand eapenience in a warehoase and distrîba- tion setting and be a cefied tarn tift operatar mîth warkîng knoiedge of WHMIS. TDO and IATA. Seing a H & S Rep, innooledge of SAP ana pos- aesoîng sapenior compater and interperoonol nilîs are detinite asseto. Tit s a fatîtime position atierîng campetîtive sviory and benetits. Please reply ini vonfidence ta: SIGMA-ALDRICH- CANADA LiT. 2149 mision Park Dr., Oakeitie, ON LIt- 6J8 amati: canadahrt8siat.cam er tae: 905-829- 9274 ave it Whan eeactly la lat, yoa migbt asin. Weil, me can onty teloit ya it might ho. It might be that aar teare al iighly eoperienced, mhicn makes thom trao professionots. Or it migna be nar sapportivo enviaonment, mhich attams thom ta soar lot minatonor t s, mie do innom one tining: Yoattl find it an Vme International. Customs Analysts eepvnting tv the Manager of Customs Comptiance, yaa miii be morining mînhîn a aeam of Customs Analysas nosponisibto for noamination of docaments for confarmîty ta nanif and castoms regalatians. oaa shaatd ho famitiar mîinh NAFIA and 000 roqairomonts. Knvwtedge ai retonds anai drambackns ilsa definîto asset. Roqaîron 2-3 yoars ai broinerago riaporrenco and innomiedgeofa customs nanif and gvods classîfîcation. Maya have campieted -or ho onrottod la -ThInttrnational Busîness Dîptama programn or have a CLO donignation. Farmard rosponso and caver ltnor, qootîng lob tinte, tao emaril: ifcasnoms@vmrcam or fao an: 905-813-5216. Equa Opporaanrav Employer MaPtOtO HOUIDAY HELP Customer Sales/ Service, $14.85 base/ appt. Flexible ocinedatea. Ideal tan atadeats. 905-469-6490 Wl are cîrreîty Seking Pioker/PookerS PiA crîss Mississauga and Milton $8.50-$i8.SOhr Plîsse contact Volf Homos Resourcîs 416-306-33900X 248 fat mont information W al Ag You - S hil oing ath wwwxwrcom oil inon Charîrîns vvww.Ea.c 0 nwan îal orS the noms? N vInaailt -, Ctl&Mfini hs 11 olaalfiieegltuemiaaohagepem-oIR Cou 905-844-10251 Carrefeills Carws Carum ý Carel SHOPPER'S DRUG MARI Hapedale Mali (Cakailie) regaîres Cashier Manager <Ffr) & Cosmetician (PIT) Esînrience rgo i Il yn are self mvtîvatnd. dnendriabln yod bave great people soiis, Pieau tas retoune Aton keran O fluiy 905-827-8170 Are you av okngfra job ta iii baRlane MOol & socilI aGEctîiîo Pl ea b in res itne: Nut.riti non l ine.cn ota HealSt Company Are loîkng for aia peronne thoï w baance too n ca nvînosme ha Tnuîn prove Mihe lis of soltens. P7a-ime St. (carer oppan orlunities CRSail 905-864-664 Drivers Drivers Tow Truck & Fiait Bed Operator Reauired Mast have 'D'clsn lceose and viras drivers asract. Picase apply in persan tai Kevin's Towieg 221 Nipisning Rd. Milton FOROTO APTO AUtndat VarioL-, son R a utaO L_5 Auooiv yar +ols eaperiece preferbtoMs c G ieSeeurit or eure Ph:ac 4164r4911 Feax: or05-o76-4323 for nr apersann. *okn for ar & iM FîmAogmoi Shipin sprvio (Corar Wfatero i 25c)i 1asaninea re da shevrs aI pradaferam tOr t sitia nn ina shategîr pas unbrîrasene PhT 416464ar1 Fa: 05-86-4323 FULL-TIME ASSEMBLER FOR GEORGETOWN AREA MANUFACTURER DUTIES: AssenbLîngtTesting of valves and other garerai duties WàI train, Salary and lenetits Fan resave. 905-702-0501 Need a Job? CLEANERS Are yau 16-24 reqaired part-time years aid? evenioga in the WE CAN HELPI Lamnille area. Cali Must have osa JOB CONNECT transportatione ai SHERIDAN Ploaso coul 905-878-4956 519-659-3369 HAVING DIFFICULTY FINDING A PART-lIME EMPLOYEE? Advertise a WORD AD in the Champion classifieds for PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT as ltlle as $10O3OO0+ GST for 1 day or $57.OO + GST per day for 2 days or more. The ad wiIl only appear in The Champion. Take advantage ai this opportunity and contact us todayf If Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 classified@mittoncanadîan- champion.coml Gerai Gêerai Laiao Edaierviesr DRIVERS STILI NEEDED Free Training Schooi Baa Driveras Wanted Cati 905-877-4448 Laidawea an ognai oenrautn Comnany Inserters Reîgaîred by aine Badîngian Posa, Cîrcatation Doparimena, ta package ttyers and nemapapers. Day and evaning shifts onsiiobie. F10050 appty in persan ta Rab or Orace or 4390 Palelia Crt, Burlington lait Service Rd., beameen Apptoby and Watker's Lino, acceas onf Harvester Rd. near Applebyl LELMANUFACTURER *Reqaired IExperieneed FexoPrel uOperator, 8 Coior M.A. *Miaoiaaga Locio Fax:5 95-819557 NIGHT SHIFT Persan ta canin cirr, and supervise a smaliti ai ia Ovsy Wovd Siropý Same heavy lifting. Basic cvvdcorkîag re vînnO Mualso orn nrganîze an safnrv csnscras Apple in persan oith renvon ynd cilage napectatrans 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit B GogtwON ALSO DAY AND NIGi-i SHIFT AVAîLABLE MONTHLY PROFIT $800-$1000 PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE Badiagtnn Early maroing doar ta door detîvori ai aine Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Stan Must Have a Reliabte Veinicie CALL NOW! 905-639-7700 Lyngar tac. -Nom Managemena

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