Lsa Vuoa& FrnosRoy MilinaepesdI TOWNyriSpeND. Mank 6 o Taoetute Coîeii at fned o accg eected t aeeoeee. tine rlh ofttherct chtta Jake Thomas Earlehericin Cicca heeemhe 2at 951 p ie wpighineg8tbc t Il oc Fst ime grandicareetsareRon eý Jafcel Towneficc Ced Ciate Coîteco cake.i îoegty mat'ced 'cmr sy ois lat" gtaedtather Thomac tc.cecs Jake te atco weccoeced Sy hos Secte Tommy, Aunt Amy Ced maey tîteedc aed tamcty Acspeciacthantt yoo to tr Sharma, BaCc M acintost aed the oActelnec staft at OTMH tor eeceîceg.cakecc ale arriva Wed atcotctetfo thaetc att our triend aed taritytforattthettloeeandcsup- port 9btt'rc tiont ttc submit yîrur S pictures fr our 2005 Baby Sectin.if oru had ahieth 0 annhrunrtirent ttc' th'r Champions fl 20014 subinit yrrr picture ai 19t Matin . ir ' I [)ccs 300h with riantc, eb S birhjday & crtatact# 256 256 Coming Events Coming Events tg& Poe FAYE ANPKUCHW PAYE MASON Sat. Nov. Il1. 004 hegi19s 8 PM TICKETS $1 O/PERSON'. AVAILABLE AT THE DIlR Music 0S9Mçs, ?oizEs. Fîta Oeelp a Relelixasipith ai Yaar Baby Tirat Rigiri Irai tira Stit tas Infant-Pareti Pragrem Skitl Buildinig Oreapt 8 Friday Maraiags: 9:30 -t1130j loitac 201h -Matchr 25th 2055 Georgetown - Ontario Early Yeers Cestre 96 Guelph Street, Georgetowna Fareets, et chttdeen cedet 2. wctt have She Cppet tuncly toIc - deeelop IBei skctte cn .tenaettng wt filetinfant oe ledaller -tester paient-tnfaet antaceeienlseccity *sec etdex segaients et camaien expertenees and proete-extee cdCh eher parents . meeta ethen parents t caregîxere. The course Ccd ciltdcare aie free. Tranepertatton avactabte i needed. Fer mre inforatione. oa ritetr as sonos passible ta roserae yase spot. colt tira registation lis at. (905)693-4242. nat. 7713 ar Siamt Marreao ai. (905) 634-2347. est. 242 Community WBICOIUB 1/LCNIE$ Lnda 905-854d1583 Dette 90a-332-d799 % , A G Eltze 905-693-0313 Baby W8lCOMe Michette 905-332-863d Bridai WeIcome Cacitte 905-878-St128 Bus/Prof. WeICom.1111 Lgeece 905-870-0126 Dickman-Wilkes, Atîsen Carat On Ftday. Novemlhet 1ttt 2004 Aisunc Cgee 56, ce IeeedeeofNe!ad beleedttether of Jala and Jonathan died accietally and ety peatuely whte puccig hrgeatestpasson, beng wte horces, and iparlicular ridin her horse Heey in the tetest. This gracious, teeî.y and beauitl laOdy wtt atm. Se dea'e micced by Set tathet Peter. mothet Betty. brottet Dunc can, loyal attt adettttg deggcec Melteaiy aed Arie, antd chatty Cockatiei Merlin Aisott loeedecet animal, in patcular She binds that vtstted Set sîtclceec gardien. Upee coeeplet.ett of hec trining at thce Royal Hoespital of St Aacthoiotcew en London. Englaed in 1971 cine prao tieed at S athomough Ceetenary Hospital and then at Milton District c-tepitai utit 1997 rhee taleeted Regic :eîd Nutse was c oecascteeate toanats at her a eets Fricnds l m.te receivedby tetaecty aitheMc <etece Kcere Fueea Heete 114 Main St Miltocc 905 878-4452 on Finday, Novemee 2Ath 2004 A visitation wlttbe hetdtîote toc0 cm tettoeed Sy theservice a 3:00 pm and thee by a receptioe atco at tee tocetat home As the taet.ty wicec te cetebtate cet ueique Ced icm paetfiteC affenee are reqcectett te drecc cheectotty Te cetebrate het loee deeatoeeccae Se made in At.- cee' c ame te the University et Guetph Seteeenaty Teaehceg Hocptalt PHrILLIPS. Thomras H'enry Robert <Harry) Passed away peaceatttt, ai Twce Dake Nuesing Heme en Mat'yHctt Ontario ex Tueeiay, Neeemtoer 23. 2004, Harty Phittcpc te hts 9418 year Samteved Ay hcs 3 sons 80e et Mltton, Larry Jettent et Georgeteown aed Wen- det (Kathyt et Caembrcdge, RememAered Sy hcc ctster Atice Spty et Espaneta. Ontario. Haery acco teaec htc 9 graedchtdree, 19 gteat-graedohtdtee Ced t great great-graeddlaeghter. Ftedeeeaced by h.c tale wtt e Bece, etc daeghtee te taw Maetye Ced htc ststet Jeeece, Frietcds acre tec.nteed eithSe J Scott Bail8 Fneîa Home, 2t Jaes St. Mltoee, 905-878-2669 yecterday A Funetat Semtice wttl Be hetd tom She Fneîa Home Chapet on Feday. Necembet 26th todayh i Ct t0 PtM lfret ott cta Eveegreee Cemeteey As eapmcs s eccc et sympathy, deeatoeri may Se made ter the a Cancer Soctety orthe ceaty oftone s hocce 258 2w8 In Memorlame In Memoris 271 le tire estai Pensianer Al person aêeofe Se en theRegi ceid Towro die Saci d cendo odes Nataiie Datai Clarke Anye hma May 21, 1973- Neveer 29, 2001 deîecgned. Totiet ix a special place un euc henat Dateti ut Ti atire ie haid tire prceieex remrreiofa eac helerccdl duugrtec ead siatec. Public Gar Robr, Cacol and Sirawn 595 Bnp St F1.YING HtOH ta Itait mmmary id esr aier ati ceuini NATAUE CL E tale e das Wr thins et yeu rnrrydny asti jois you mare, the 25di da WrbhaveccarridnwvAhttartliehut vie it cederccgci ner torgen yen. Vas le tac etite asti yoee 7tcdap of spirt tives witthia ruch ane et us. Thauk yau be distnhau tor the jay you hranght as. Wr tilk ai yas the Estate rehen vir e aro brautibni inapte irai, s piasra Biytng hillir a brastilsi renon weih s bruti 06760 et fult ofieurIs Nat, you weit nevrcrhe frgatrn. iie Beckeitdnnts, Voiesnd Cousins Horatien Edar tailltr, graritpu, gt-eat geuitdpa, ucirnpasd auuydioemre 29, -Wt2. j hs Itra fotr vet neve tt ix J For alu'toira teyu'iilibe. Aia 'a >u te" ai S Lo rdeeerert.reasuad al ttaer Wait&tn Withie fretee ,ara&&Geed. itda & Fe Al geaedildareit& geriral ale - ~~-..--~i1 of Thanks of Tbanks lire gatc Fanaic v raldl tre te tirank ah ah shaed eusaruiteni the lites or 'lu, relred Michael. Thlae 'and up porrrtriten di taus dritg tisdiiicrt riait naa or'ertrelming antd geatly appre- ciated. liraiis ta air families, trierais, and the ilton Crtrrit r iitmtrrr'thiari lirg sappor. Ta E.C Or-sy Higir Scirani tire Arhleric Depaciset tire Cslinrrae De- poetarent staff and striderrts aha gare of theie facilities, tirie and ireaet. Ta Fatlr Dare andl the Halv Roarc Pacrihfr t ir lieaertelrt servi>ce. Ta tfeKersre-iiiiher Fa- ierai Hom r theircompassionrandtsin- part. fii Rrayal Le Page far their lare and geiteeisiy. Aespecialtiairkre1li Io erit HauIrlalcal Liada peicer. Diante Mreeand ldaao Late trie aecaagisg a heaatitat trite lreraaMiiraelsLte. Tathre Jaerc amt 'l aitd ail o.hail. dttirai i adriadr firrl feieads tir thir tre. dedrira. ia v/ igilanee iîeaaghoar tItis teagic ue Diarne, Bcian, Tireai anda Miehelle lire tamity af the laite Roir Rsbinson acrauld lirti ta express thirideepest gratiude ta ait orneigirirura aitd heerdit fe ai theie ieditesa arnd suppart dring Rairs taner' kai. Thre cacala anad lettrs af suppart and ail ai tire wanrfi eeas tiat a.eee delivrcted tvece vry reach appeeciatel. A speeial thaitk yorta icrnd Debi Caloe rtta oegarriaing treeytiring antd ta tev. Jeirn Berriamre e ail yoat hedaide peaye and wrd tcoteand a supeirberice tat captared tie rrc tespiritatSeir. Piranka alia te Micirelle and irer saff itt Serat Eaely Parerat Hare fer griding us tiraîgr Iris vrydiffiealt peeeaa. A vreauai ftrait oui ta erceriaoe r ie toacired Sur' fle and ( irelped te clieea rr moisIorm Je.laanne, tattlieii Michrael, Cattri 261 CE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS le ef Lllitan Fraser, Deceased. hCoteg ctaems as cîedclerc agacect the ec- .Aeee meetcoeed, jtte eft he Towe ot Milton, ee MurccpCtcty et Halttee wSc dced CithSe t Mlton, eocdiugeel 29, 2000, are regared le t came cecth the ceideeccgned on et betere 200h ale the Pubttc Gcardtae and Tmcstee wtt pre- eibutre tee ectate. Aaoceg regard onty le, the ech chne thae coatt have had notice ceng keeetedge ofta Wctt et nee et kce oftfie tceeed cs atce requecled le contact the ce- Iroita Noeember 17, 2004 ardian and Trustee, stee treet, Suite 800 'etaria 5-014i NOIET REDITO RT AND OTIIERS agaceel the estais et Thomac HCy Watsoe, Town et Mclton, Octane., aSe dted en et about ry et Sapiereber, 2004, mcct be lieîd cslh tha id peesenat represeetattee on et betere the Jaeaey, 2005 aller iht date the estale aett ted havicg regard aity lethe ctatmc et ahich Trustee teee shatt have nettce, Million die 23ed day et Neeember 2004. Jiti Parker Estate Trustee reith a WIII Nichais anti Sernos Bamuiters andi Solicitors 207 Mary Street Box 249 Mitlion, Ontaria L9T 4N9 ARAGE SALE t. Nov 27 - 9am-Noon 275 Galbraith Blvd (Thmpcon7tooard) etoraces baby eg ipmen gardie frue. esks dmore No Reasonable CIter Refueo Tee CanadcCe Champion, Fetday. NoveceSer 26, 2004-27 Toees Treest them Catt Kadeee SeP Att J TREE FARM 315-8442 & 1111 Ai c.zec iclutding extra large ~EverydCay7 Hw y25 Noe, l5f Side 310 For Sale DYNAMO coie operated pool tabte Ltse newc xattc Caccs aed cee .ectcdnd $1200 O8O 905-693- 84187 WOODEN play ctation. 2 fort aîeac, ? ctîdec 2 swingscet ritder, 2 tope taddceîc, moekey barc, brandi ne ce Sox. OeIls te- tact torSlOOO Weareset- ced lot $650 Pteacx catt 90A 257-4390 S Dceteg Rooce Cherry- weed, double pedeeta table. 8 chairsc bufete, hutch, dooetat ceestîc- lion New dt ce boxes. Ceci S11,000 Sacrifice 52,808ý 905-567-9459 A Kieg Ftttewlep Mantrece Sel. New in platae. CecI $1600. ett etr S450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amazcex bataiat, geee orthepedtc p.ttewlep set, nee ce ptacstic, aaty S5005567-4042 de- Bedraam Chettycood, Bed, ehect, drescet. 2 e.ghtclacdc Dooetat Cee- strection, Necet otceled CecI S8,000 Sacrifice St 900 90055r 4042 CARPET t h ave ceoeîa 1,000 ycdc oc rie. Stace mate & 00, ecte car pet Wtt. do ce egr om A haci ttc S38t'c icaes car pet pad A& tltCttOtt (30 Hat ehb 200q ai options atelt Ozaeaceî, Ree- cood cabintee neee uee cei in torppet CecI 59 995, Seti S50000 4168 903-5197, MATTRESSES- Soi. OFF RETAtL Twincet $x225, Doen ortheped.e p.tteedep et S295, King ptttewiep. $455, Can dntceeît Caxary Memeo Fecm Beds. Peck- et Cetl avaitable, lSyî mai ICety. 905-632-0283 il 5 WANTED -Atl China, St- vert Cioxtat, Oea Ccpc, Royal Dealtoe Swarovsk. Gtaec, Jeacîceto, etC ieys, cetles. eclales. CCtt John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 patd loi antiqcee and col- ltibtes, china, ftguriese. teaiettery, tatetîcte, cotes. etc. 905-878-3145 cetS: 985-87627998 BORDER Coetcetdiaiaa Sheppatd cross puppixe. 1 mate, 1 lemate, 7 aneke otd. $250 ictades i chete & deaienetng Contact Saty 905-864-9408 or 905-854- 3079ý FREE l texng home. Nec terd mate DS8 cal. Aller giex 905-693-9217, 1990 Chec'y Astre Van whte, geed aiccler vehie $1300. acres Catt 985-878 0410. 1987 Monte Carles SS Origina occer, geed oedi lion $2850 080 Ca 905-877-9947 aler 6pm 19 Cc grt 90 d, Rt 90 70 St te eo Io dc e. C dc F C qovember 24th - mber 241h GUITAR LESSONS iridea aon weekeeds Peeaie geclat teceoe, oad wecI le Ste Lcee avactabce trocîan 88 Dodge Omct-4dt. Ri k (905 875-4601 yt, aulomato, drices 7ME eCI oety 93.OOO1kmcsAs ...' 8500 95e877-8731 or i*O O-C60 7077 1988 Dodge Swrose Cn, dt .Ccyt actomatte icec greCI, oety MAJOR Calaetrephc inju t OOOkmc Ac teý $500, isol W e cate, We t. gel 5-77-83 or ce-40 y th eemeet yoo de- 77scemve Fiee caee eeata 995 LumeaSOI 0 orbestlicon Ovet 25yeac epen tet 905-873-8388 ence '58e den't gel patd cet.t yici de' Dee t seille lot - lesc' Cat Gaty at Heltceg 96 Buec Regat Grand Hacid 905464-3800 poil, excettenccg TRF cndctcoe. body eecellteî AFI TICKETn Ftghl aded $3 508 Cat 905-i 95% cces rate Certi 18 3145 Cett: 905,876 t led Ceurt Agent. 5e wce 95& for tece. Aeetd cectance preru iceeace Fiee 997 Ford Wie00tar. Fcttp Consuttatton. 905 257- aded. 3,8L, eecettent cocl 1789 (Oaketttet lcon, mcca et Newtires lteetedý $3,200 actes 905- 73-0939 et cet 416 706- 032ý 999 Heeda C.e.e S. ecpe, green, hcspeed, 22 00kmcs Excellent con- teeon Cetlfed & E-tected. ttced Ie set Catt 905- 91 2832 999 Ponttac Sanîcire ted, dr l yt l8keîc auto. Shbakec, loockCDair ij. erti t cd, E -lected 4 500 00 Wei maeltaeed 500 05-873-914,C -- Cargor Triing 000 Chctler Iteed 27 A6 eeg A Ccos if 'W, ttcccgreee tettt cee- AUVENTUROUS mo.e ceiic, eO ytected Careers Teaciet 3.C( cke. S 7tto000O EngliSaI hcc, cec 135otteted al Soe..ýii iQtrccjsS Ce.ege ftata OCr 4d' tics DEC 15 1t0231t ND009 heated elocage lecootos/ ekFitt et mototccec cn Mlton To Regîsîci lot a. ODect Dec teli May teli CCi for 9ouewi otDcc loi tetato 905-693-9319. tatt octe îoccruo, ~00 888-246-6512 loeoespnecccte for C regrss dal ae S ASSISTA5NCLSSE Cali Now ifd 905.632.3200aning Canadia geainetlica Co llgan 760 hl Bra etnt Dental, Assistant rio " Companye a reader inth ThfgSnpant& oaicgs inde try Stores i.h. e eearie ono an Decorator nr ttcc posîlton, yo wttl aesst customerc in setect- i09 decoraltie preduclo SucO Cs pacnit and dictLe eetng Ced demonsîrale dnceîClng techntgues. You wtt atce stock atnd yrtce preddctc. maitlate store dccptayc and tint and mcix paitl Prier expercence te colettol decotattng et salec ce yteteîted For tmmedtate conotdenîta ooedecalton, pteaee letvard yeoe receme fl Dalle Skinner, Mette Ditritl Manager The Sheecco Wcttamcs Company 170 Beeoet Road, MtcctccaegC, CCZ 105 Faaý t905t 507-4198 E-mat oelCro dslî,ct à,eeîm, coto