with shoulder injury - again By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion t ciii Retî l' s s IIiiiti ring, sitnie serittis t tistîi titi tue-e titis \tîiutîî 10it l)ilt il.ett, litiO (l' Io ati I ctlll- and te h sî(t s siîittitî iliti'cei Il'tati tsi st t iit i r butt t itîs lit r t duit nt i n il ho i tii Ruîiîîîcite tisici sde l fils \ eiîiiitigiN tttittietiii, e t s in tule dhitieti hy Ktingstont rtutkit. Radieku Sinitetiak anid ktiocked outt ofi Untder i 7 te,îm mneiiber, "i was tai real clteap shit. Reid returiedti i the lolîl against Belleville Octîther 13 and playcd tor eigbi mitre gaines -recordîng three assîsîs in thai span and helpîng a simug- gling 67s squad go 5-3-1. However, bus shîtulder was neyer quite Elgin healed. Ahier a 1-0i Halloween afier- Reid noon lîîss to Samia, Mîlion's gihîed defenceman finaliy had tii eut bis losses antd admit he was unfit to con- tinue. Wbîle practiung wiîh the ieam oser the pasi three weeks, lis shîtulder's nowhere near game-ready. "lwas killing me not to play, but il was the wrong decision tii etîme bac l tusi hurt tîtî înuch.- ExpecetlI iiitndergît an MRI wîîhiîî the nexi iwo wecks. Reid is liîîîkîg .ît the sliîn possibility tiIshîtuider sttrgery. Even ituti i., te's nt likely ii be, bacu in atctionîu ttii stinetime in January. llie laci theit he .vas has îîg tl strîtîg trainîing camtp when the iti*itury îc.citrreii- anid bal beeti geîîîng great ieetib.ck lrom head co Bitittan Kire,î niakes the muitionîî eseti mitre tîifiuni ii su S ciius ieusy lrîstr.îîîîg. but t gîîes.s tuai's pait of the gcuite.' satid Retid ..fencers shine at meets AOU ae VbFe Milton iencing/peiîtaiblon club At the Godertcb Pentathlon meet, held ils owtî ai one meei anid thrived at Milton delivered a one-two punch in a another last weekend. couple of divisions. At the prestigious Brocu University Miguel Vadillu and Ontario Challenge, international- Hernandez took the top ly-ranked peniathiete L inneýJ two spots in senior Doherty made her lencîng- menus completition, oy dehut and look 1l9th in a .,- while Doherty and flout- ît i rn Ied of 46 l imer Janet Jackowuki ýoe pecmpeior s. I did likewise among the Cah and I anï oi senior women. i Colin Peace aiso in the niasters lt itintle lld I uid il'; Ioi a ciaus. tie tvioulationt -s hile Siepheri Wiitsiîi The cluib wiii be bacu in action tînuot- and motisie GatT-eil Nariik tiaced 36ih rossý inuîmiiîg. bosîîng a petthlon ai tlic and 80th respeciiveiy uti of 89 leiteers. Miliuîn Senitrs'Activîty Centre. \tiiton s AE2 aonis stii ered ihirougeh clotse but nio i lar'ioadc trip flte last V% eek. driîppttg tis î itantîts decisituts oti hoîstile griiutd. -irsi the Winterhassks sucre dituhiet i p 4-2 in Orangeville Noventher 18i. Tristani Kîvac k-ept things cluise \vith stîme sid cage ssork. wbiie Andreu Smith and J.J. Stimsout dîd the sciîritîg. Drau îîg assis were Tanner Brtggs. Owenî Cuirara anti /ai Wadhant. fi i tCsile SaIiitita\ s uit aiiihCt ampiîle itressîtte ý tsi .11ii Da\î itistît istiiet lie h ite Ililtt ieiî'lt tiu c.iîtitiî'îi ltle equIîî,îîr anti lcil 3-1 tuitiiiii andi it suit ontti tauan piti itiet Ilite gotus. ný ili Vuadhanil setitig up Siîiîis Iitarkei. t tie i tsses (Iiiiippei Ile Viintelihan ls ii 7-7- in leai ictit pias Pa ssat TDI is Back! Scrspb)nook crs2y 352 mesn st. E., Acton (ar stram tire station) 519-853-2401 ev"iwwscrapbiockcrazy.ca The Possot TDI bas returned with more power, improved efficiency ond greoter refinement thon ever before. An offordoble, Germon engineered, Germon bujit 2005 Possot TDI con trovel more thon 1 ,000 kiHometres* between fi ups. Georgetown VoIkswogen hos received o speciol order of 28 weII equipped 2005 Possot TDI sedons ond wogons with 5-speed outomotic transmissions. Combined with Iow finonce ond leose offers, these 50 mpg* Possot TDIs are sure to go for. What wiII you do with the money you save? Geo rg etow Volkswagem 203 Guelph, Street, Georgetown Drivers wanted.( - www.georgetownvw.corn - 905.877.5285 2