The Canodian Champion, Tueuday Nuvomber 23, 2004-25 CLOND HORS:N-F 9.«M -5.00 Pin 1 I 1 f LuS1casîe uwmiltoncanadncampî mâle) bedroorn haine main fluor, parkiung for tmo, oppliances, very quiet peucefui sireel. $950/aionik plus hall uil- lies. Coil Jeif ai 519-853- 1108. ACTON, 192 Churchll Road, South. 2-bedroaai, Decamber lui, $860/miolth ulîllias încluded. Quiot Building, no-pets. 519-853-1281. DOWNTOWN Georgaetown, uarge i hedroomn aoaiiubie Daceaiker 6thi 5780/monili plan kydro includen op- pliancaolparking. Nu saiak- ingipein credîl check lîrs/ian/ralereices. Coul 905-877-4427. GEORGETOWN RENTAILS 1, 2, & 3 bedrouis. Check oui meh sute wwc.kallunhilsienials GEORGETOWN 1 baid- louai upuaieni, $700/mouik phuskydro and table. Parking înciuded Avaable Dacember li. Coli [indu uaie 6 pai 905- 873-4072 GEORGETOWN I-boA- rouai basemail apamani. Nomly renuouied, liraplate and pruvalo backyard. $800/auonth inclusive. No sokers/pais. 905-877-6404. GEORGETOWN I bed- ruam, upsiairs in cean 4 pieu. lleenly renaied muik to GO. $750/mooi plus heai/irydro /905)873- 1580 GEORGETOWN 2 bed- ruoa pi - park lite saafing, $950/maoib plus hydru_ Laundry & parking intiud- edý (905)457-2989. (905)459-6561 GEORGETOWN 2-bed- muain basamneni opaMein, laundry/parig, nu saiah- orgipais. 9875/matiS oSii- bas încioded. Coul 519-853- 9114 or 418-319-517 NEWLY3 reeooaled hngki, opearous 1t-kdrre basemeet cp.i n MAco, ait inclusive, auaiiabfe Oea. lis, saîls pmofessioeai, rai smokng cati519-8e39293. efà -l ý :Studio - BOL Christmas Sale November 27th & 28th , - LFFn ýîlfy10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2 locationis -8 acuisus 5470 Tr maîna Rd. Milton 359eBt)) Su. Miluon EXEIPlVEbaa 300 Canadian Art - Wonderfiul Gifts sq. 8t 5 bedtoaai, nom, Mai- puticuyustaintd glass farny oeaisufare homo for 1 paiotings .ptscvcs phograpihy prier basse. $2S00laiaaih. moud cauaiugs primitives Coul Paticak Baaty Ro/Max Blue Springs 905-878-7777 MILTON. 4 baimoar, 3 bath, nomas, 2300 sq. fidoubla gonage. $1700/manlh + ulîllias. Aaiabio Dacamber lut. Na smoking/pals. 416-833- ACTON. Largo 3 beomua bungo. Fenuod bock- yard. Closo ta sabools. CARGILLIROBIN$ON -Keale, SucaM aed big sister 01250/muniS -uotîlitios. Caoy are thrille: o laonnoonco tho bîath of TapoN Auoîlabio Oaaamhar t. Coul Margeaet Lii flac, meîghîng 8 Ibu ol Milton Distict Nich or Jady 905-875-4802, Hospital oui Momh 28, 2004 @ 7:14 ami Proud aolba Grandparanis oro Judy Hume and Fnonik Homo, onna MILTON, aalbeim & Pool Cargli. Spaciol Ibanhu to Or. Rojasinghamn and dialoly. Greeîpork 4bai- tho 080 Nursing staff ol MOu, and Ihaniks o On. Coalt rroa, 2.5 bohs. cuir, moîn n A rHne nlour laondiy nouai, fouced, n r utr garage, 51675/mh +. ui lieu. 905-854-2357. MILTON 3-hdrai tami- CLO$$TON - Jaeice & Mika of Miltai aie pieasod tar housa, garogo, appiioncas announto the bîflh of thoîr son Oene Willicm $1200/Aih + otlltios. Coul Cfeastee ooîghîng 7 lhs. 11il5 uts. ai Oukoille 908-87604997. Traflgar Hospitl on Octuoer 14, 2004 ai 5:11 par MILTON eoecuîîuobain- Omon su /0/tte huothar ta Paîgo and Rheluts grodon lu 't homo, opprua. 1750 sq. f. Or. John &Jane Hoogh aI Milaon 6 the 131h gnandthld aI opon oncopt living. 3- lur Dan hJean Cloustun ut Kirkbaeld. A oery spatiol hdrrns, 2 112 bolis. Mouler thanku lu Or. Shorma anA tho Labour & Oeiuery staff ai hou 4 pc enuite & W/ clou- Oakoulle Trafalgan Hosptol. et. ba- kîtchan, 5 ap- pliamces, 8-C ond gos lire- plate. Closo lu "GO", schouls, mal & loi soie ton- Ire. $1,500. Aooîlable De-- tomber lti 905-336-!37731 Coul Rosa Cescan @ 905- 510-8152. GREEN88 - James aed Acranda <nea Baie) molaumo cr15 lao tire birth aI themu son Ratp flatts bomn Oc- lober 20, 2004 ol 5:50 pai, mcighîag 6/ha 8uzs. Prud isi Simo grundpuuents Kon Bain oa the laie Ooralhy Bain cha is sadly mussai especially ai Ibis Simo, oe y-o po ae loukiog ou Mam, anA tral yaumwould boue boan oaoqjoyed. 9e toko tombar knaming Rary cr11 ai- MILTON shore 3-bdrai mays bave a gardion oange! matcbing uaer kiai Aisa PEDDIE - Ryan and Dawn are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Camryn Anne. Camryn was born ai St. Thomas General Hospital on November 15th 20U She weighed 7 Ibs., 13 oz. Brother Zachary and sister Tieler are proud of lheir'baby. Thhlled grandpar- ents are Witt & Gayle Rickwood of Si. Thomas and Bob & Carole Peddie of Milton. A hW bouse PRICFI 1 Poe for FAYE ANPFUCHIW PAYE MASON Ut. Nov. 2, 1004 brydeh's begim 8 PM 110 Main St. F. Mam TICKETS $10/PERSON. AvAiLABiLE AT THE DOOR Music #Aws, Pkim, Foop Daresi, Bruno At his residence in Milton on Saturday, November 20th 2004. Husband of Eleanore Daresi. Loving father of David ai home and Diane and her husband John Duli- ban of Toronto, Dear brother of Munel and her husband Gerry of Nanaimo, B.C. Bruno will be missed by his grandchildren Julia and Ethan arid extended family lo- cally and iin Italy, Family and hiends are invited to visit ai McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 fronn 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Tuesday. Vi- gil Prayers wili be prayed ai the funeral home on Tues- day ai 8:30 pm. The Mass of Christian Bunal wili be cel- ebrated ai Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin St. Milton on Wednesday, November 24th 2004 ai 11:00 am. Interment for follow at the Milton Evergreen Ce- metery. Lynde, Irene Mary Passed away peacefully in Milton District Hospital ai 8:00 p.m on Fhday November 19, 2004. At the time of her transition she was surrounded by her loving family, Husband Wally, Daughter Lu-Ann, Son Allan, Niece Susan and spiritually Michille was there with her special mom. She leaves behind her dear brother Gordon and his Wfe Evelyn of Samia with their Daughters Lynde (Neil) of Manotick, and Susan (Donald) of Arviat N.U. She is missed by her closest friends Alice and Ken Brush, Ruth and Archie McKinnon alofig with all the local neighbours who saw her and Wally walking their dog "Sara". At lrene's request no funeral services will be held. Cremation has taken place. As an expression of sympathy memonal donations May be made to the Cancer Research Society. "f have not gone, jurait gone ahilied". MILTON luanrous l-bdrai opi., domnioom, cherry bitchan, hardmaod flouai, gos E/P nam dishcashar fndgo, utouo, totally reao- uoai, 0850/005h + utiiies. Coul Sctf Prer 905-875- 0201 MILTON, larga t hbdnoap. clean mih dock. $875/ailS otîlîboes inciaded. rAailablo Jan 1/05. Cou 90b-69f3 9459. MILTON. t bairouaidwn 10cr apoOimeni. $800/moeth înciudîng oii lies. cou Staff Priar ai 9e/Mou Blue Spnings 905- 878-7777. 9898 spatiaus, namiy roi- ouatai 1-Main, 1 boihmroua apt,-in part ai larmhousa nooar dacnIocn Mîlton, $895/mili întlodîng utîlîtias, oooiiahle Nov. 2301. Ca/i Wendy 519-581-7537 Actea Aparmeets t & 2 bodroom aparOment aal- able Nom and lar uttae. Endgo & Slouo, laundry faclites, No dagu 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/moek same day appnuaal. DOWNTOWN MILTON Milisida Tameai 82 Mîlledoe Onue. 16&2 Bedroom Apis. Nom appliancos. Close bo Oomoitomn. Bus stop ai Eront Oour 905-876-1249 emu GLEN EE COURT APARTUENTS 122 BronteSte, South, Miltone 9-e aro nam aorepffng applîcations Ion: t 6 2 Bairoam Aportnnnts Fer mare Itoollae anoe tle ala 988-878-6375 Bclteg Managea Leesnard à Peepy MILTON t & 2 bedroam aedlabie. $945. +. Clean and qict buildmng. Coil Joacr 905 81240195 huait able immeiatelpr f -BEDROOS aparfaient in tie country. UBSesf induit- ai. $7S/olnell 519-853- 1170. Roil unît, ocaisa fMM GO station, Ma SI. Pleasa sali 905-87598500. CAMPBELLVILLE, prime tomer otion, avalk - restaurant, -aRfice/reailman- tique, -giSt shup. 19 Main Si Ca/i 905-804-9848 A 9-ak ai Home Job On Sour Computer. Training Pravdai F/T, P/T. Code: n4. mc vMMyH2gn- MED-MARUJUANA. Legul 6 effeciveo Cannabis Heath imoduts. Ontana dealers reqoîred. Cail 902-865- 6761. PROMOTE pour bsns opportunty tar ove' 4 million adull moadem in South Cee- Irai Ontanio Book pour ad- ueAtsomenf in oer 0Mai- ailond tommuaitp nemufla- pars cils one phoe oeill Cai todop ion information ou caoky moud ad packag- os (înternetl/istings înclud- ail 416-483-1300 eot *276, SOMesepO 100%/ lt, 2nd and 3rd Mogages. Bad credîit Oi. Coul Ontana 9-ide t-888-307-7798. 9-89 0 4.8%, Auna equaty -mfgage praguams regard- losa aincame or trait. Coul CR10 14100-328- 7887 or vrsituoimmew.oa clanu.o CAMPS ELIVILLE, 601/Guelpk La. t Morn, hureplace, dock, parking, saperate entracee OllOSaifl aoailable nom 2- Muai, backpand $SOlOmthS hydai, aoiabla Jan ltf No smoking, roepaIs Coil 908-804-1005 A Oaing Rouai Cherry- moud, doubla pedaesal lubie, 8 chairs , ballai, huioh, douealal coîsnua- Sari Nom ail in boues. Cool $11.000. Sacîlîca 52,600ý 905567-9459 A King Piliamiap Moaisu Sel. Nom an ploastc Coul $1658. sait lar $40 905- 58749459 880, Aaizng borgoîo, quoan arthopedit pillamiop sel, nom in pilastic, arony 010905-567-4042 mii do- huver. Bcdraem Chrymood, BoA, obosi, dresser, 2 nîgblulonds. Doueoil Cor- strution. Nouai apenod Coul $8,000. Socrîfîto $1,900 905-5874042 CARPET i have soereal 1,000 pudu.o aieo Siain- mouler & 100% nylon cor- paf. > 011 do lsringrooai & hall lar $389. Intiados con- pet. pad & installion (30 yards) Slooe, 905-833- 8192 Het Tub 2004 ai options, moledul, Ozanaan, Rai- mood tabinet, neaar usai, sth11 in mroppan. Coul $9,995. Sei $5,00 416 9535197. WANTED h i Choua Sil ver, Crysial, Toi Caps, Royal Doullari, Omamovsi, Glosa, Jemeiery, o14 laps, toioclbies, esiolos. Coul Johrilraty, 905-331-2477, 0000 hama. ndi la 7aiih aid femolo Bordai Cullio arma, ber ame is Maily, Ohe is spodo aod houso traînai. A gond girl chu lovesohldrn, $100.00, coli 519-853- 2953. f980 Ch"u Asno Vian, white, goo4 manter oohitio, $1300. aus Coul 905-878- 0410. 198 Gnand Coroanar, qaad sats, dua slîdîng doors, runoing boards, A/C, polyl, Sintai glosa. $6,718. 416- 568-2216. 1999 Ponuiac Sonbifr red, 4dr. - dop., ld8kms.- auto, PS, brakes, loaku, CD, air Corlifîod/E-leslad $4,500-00 Wael aiaoned. 905-873-9142 2001 Pont Grand AM- SE V6, Aura, Air PS, PB, PW, PL, AM/EM/CO, 4 Ar, 916K Sî/uar-gray, salopy anA air oeoîlîied 9,500 0.8 O. CoRiiO 958/30474. 1993 Gldsailo Coflass 2 door, mhite, E-lnslod. 250,000 km. $900 .8 0, 9059878-6519. 1975 Ch"a 3A4 Ion 4X4, min 7 1/3'Mepeai piom. au- tra lruany oa irarster casa intiadai. 4 exora bros on nais, S.S eohoust. Asking $5900. (519)8,93-2991 INDOOR keated siarage for mallortydles in Milaon Dec laif- May ti CoUl for details 965-693-9318ý homne, acuas lur 401, aof "-- cor uts gripauuu san en cree îtlte ncludad eaaepl tnduanu 9-entmountae6 lui Mousis.aWe cdunoliats phoue & initernat, istlast, odlfl n!W love jouuj ea t. ru, Afllaiaie W65-876-1627. Clssfied Hours- Mondsy to Fnidsy - I DYNAMO coin perate ai DE Ma089py statior, 2 9 am to 5pm pooltable.Like newmBailsfr os2ue TfoaaE Ruees aegknd 81k tz ouWkmfp ae rak n us nlddsins okt7ie,2r M 1* peaucd tesommnes the befkh of ieersoin Zcctsca $1200 OBO.9563 uacis aiankey bars 91 Cf Aeairbeul7,2004a MiftnODrict Hospoiot 3op WlASerIER & ygoas dryerbadnwibo.Sisoe A ArierfrIysuaý Proud gradfoarers arTm a fai Kfhr94 40 or ai1500. 9-eu a etJ and Onm Houliaroft and Rossaila04 Souda Lane of frpi al95fl6M igfr$5.Paecl Mlo.aller6o m 905-257-4390.