Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Nov 2004, p. 24

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.Da telin e *fromn DATELINE on page 14 at 1251 Noribsîde Rd., in Burlingion. For more tnformatton, cali <90)5> 332-(X)60. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvîiie, holds its Abuse Support Group from 6 to 8 p.m. Tii regîster or for msore tnfornation, cal! (905> 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Actinity Centre, 500 Chiids Dr., hoids con- tract bridge ai 9:30 arn. Thse rosti s $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Evening Clogging takes place at 6:45 p.m. for beginners and 7:45 p.m. for intermediate cioggcrs. Thse cost is $3.50 for members and $5,50 for non-members. It holds its Hot Lunch programn from 11:30 arn. 10 12:45 p.m. The rosi is $6, whtch includes salad, an entrée, dessert and a beverage. Reserve ai the reception desk or by calling thse centre ai (905) 875-1681 by Monday. Thursday Nov. 25 T'Me Chandrakirti Mahayana Buddhist Centre holds a medita- tion and philosophy course eniitled 'A Beautifui Mnd' in the NOV. ana2 Uand P2ns8 igt iFr!a a 12 bun Chag. 1 -p u .1- FNwanding Avaanbos O.A& . ww .piaos.c hoardroom of the Milton Seniors' Acîîvîîy Centre. 500 Chids Dr.. from 7.3)) b 9 p.m. The rosti s $ 10 per person. per class. No pre- registraiion is reqoted. For more tiformation, rail (905) 523- 9533. Wellspning Haiton-Peel. a support network for cancer patients and their farnilies. holds ils drop-in Graduate Patient Support Group. for people who have rerently finished cancer ireaimenis, ai 2545 Sîxtb Lîne in Oakviiie. For more information, rail (905) 257-1988. Milton District Hospital hoids a breasîfeeding ctinic wiih a rer- tified lactation consultant (rom 7 te, 9 p.m. For more information or te, make an appoînîmenî. rail Jean Galien ai )905) 878-2383, cvi. 7030. The Fine Arts Society of Mition's Evening Group uf Artisis ments (rom 7 îo 10 p.m. The informai environmeni provîdes artisîs with an opportuniîy 10 exerrise their drawing skiiis. For more information, raIl Janis ai (905) 854-5753. The KHî Communîiy of the Salvation Aisy. .100 Nîpîssîng Rd., suite 3, holds a scrapbooking group (rom 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, rail (289) 242-1432. The Women's Centre. 2101 1515 Reberca St., in Oakville hoids ils Women's Employment Network for women who are onem- ployed. laid off or reîuming to thse workforce. (rom 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Topirs include wriiing resumes, job searrb strategies and dressing for sucress. TIse rentre also lsolds ils Introduction Bu Energy Healing workshop from 7 to 9 p.m. The rosti s $ 10. To regîster or for more information on these programs. rail (91)5) 847-552(0. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. .500 Childs Dr., holds ils Seniors' Cinemas ai 1:3(1 p.m. feaiuriîîg Mona Lisa Smîle. Tise rosti s $2. wbich includes refreshments. Il holds bid-euchre ai 1:30 p.m. The rosti s $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Contraci bridge takes place ai 1:301 p.m. Thse rosi is $2 for mcm- bers and $4 for non-members. Ils Circle uf Support, a group for people who have losi a ioved one, takes place ai 7 pin. Il Isoids a foot care ctinic wiîh a VON nurse by appoiniment. TIse rosi is $22. For more information on these artivities. or 10 book an appoiniment for the foot rare chir, rai (905)>875-168 1. Friday Nov. 26 Main St. ai 8 p.m. Tickets rosi $31) for adolis mnd $24 for students and seniors. For more information. rail (905) 878-4732. Wellsprîng Haiton-Peel. a support network for cancer patients and their lamilies, holds ils drop-în Relaxation and Visualizaiion programt from il arn. t0 12:30 p.m. ai 2545 Sixts Line in Oakville. For more information, rail (905) 257-1988. 'Me Milton Seniors' Actinîty Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds euchre ai 1:3(0 p.m. Il holds contract bridge ai 10 arn. And ils Cyber-Café takes place from t to 4 p.m. The rosi for these artîv- ities is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Il also Isolds ius Campbellville Evening Bid-Euchre Parfy at thse Lions Hall in Carnpbellvtlle ai 7:30 p.m. Thse rosi is $2.50. For more informa- tion on these activities, raIl (905> 875-168 1. Saturday Nov. 27 Halion chapier no. 280 of tic Order of the Eastern Star holds ils Christmas Luncheon and Bazaar ai St. Clair Masonîr Hall on Regional Road 25 featuring home baking. crafîs. a white elephant table. Christmas derorations and more. The luncheon takes place from 11:30 a.m. 10, 1 p.m. and thse bazaar is (rom Il a.m. 10 2 p.m. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecra Si., in Oakville holds Empowering Communications, a communicaion woikshop. (rom 1:3(1 to 4:30 p.m. Learo effective communication styles îhroogh self assessment and understanding communication barri- crs. The rosti s $10. To regisier or for more information, rail (9115> 847-5520. Ih also holds a worksbop enttîrd'Discover, Learu and Heal Through the Arts' from noon te, 4:30 p.m. ai the Oakville Lihrary. 1201 Navy St., in Oakvîiie. The rosi is $21. Tii regîsier. raIl (905) 847-9104. Euchre takes place ai the Homby Co-operative Nursery ScIsool ai 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Sunday Nov. 28 The Hatton-Peel branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society mecîs ai Uic lower level of Chinguacousy Branrh Library, 15(1 Central Park Dr., in Bramalea ai 2 p.m. wih a presentation enti- tled 'Did your Family Make the Papers? Searching in Newspapers Everywhere'. Visitors are welcome. Monday Nov. 29 Milton Concert Presentations hosts the Sir George Solfi TIse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds its Cht.mber Orchestra of Budapest with Maestro Kerry Stratton Cyber-Café from I to 4 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 and soloist Katenina Englishkova at St. Paul's United Church, 123 for non-members. For more infonmation, cait (905) 875-1681. Cmbda avfflInstail Sioke Alam: Often, kids don't appreciate Canada Savings Bonds until much latar. It's The Law. Unless of course, you give themn in a really big box. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali them If you're iooking for a gift that's guaranteed to create interest, îry Canada Savings Bonds. After ai, in your they're the gifi Ibat literaiiy keeps on giolng. Boy them where yoa bank or invest. Or boy them dirertty. homneor Either way make sure to ask for a free gift card so that speoial somneone knows that they're getting Cottage ifie gift of Canada. oly To boy directy, omsit www.csb.gc.ca or rail 1 888 773-9999. Cîa1

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