The Canadian Champton. Tuesdav. November 23 2004-15 Champion e, ,-Residents get dloser look at plans for Trafalgar Rd. widening, bridge work Photo hy GRAHAM PAINE 4nternational cuisine Nancy Demetriaus shows a sampling af the many international desserts - tram such countries as Canada, Cyprus, England and Germany - that were available dur- ing a saup and sandwich lunch at St. Davidas Preabyterian Church in Campbellville Saturday. Part of the praceeds went ta the United Way af Miltan. By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Local resîdents had a chance to look over design drawings for the reconstruction of Trafalgar Road in rural Milton Thursday evening. A public information centre was held at Homby Co-opera- tine Nursery School. where detailed illustrations were posied of the $ 16-million Region project. whîch wîlIl take the section of Trafalgar from Brîtannia Road 10 Hwy, 401 from imo fanes to four. Although the road expansion waill take a couple of metres oui of' landowner Clans Koch's property. he saîd he was happy mwiih the widenîng plans. -I ilink il milI bc saler»- he said. -There's qulie a loi of îraltîc along here." Mr. Koch said overaîl, the design drawings looked gîtod "We are trying to replace as nsany trees in front of residential properties as we can to provide screening like they had before.", Oli T8SIUEO to hîm and sorre basîcally what he expecîed. Bestdes widening. the proj- et also includes replacîng bridges aI ibrer points that cross Sixîcen Mile Creek. installing concrete ctîrbs and gutteis. cuttîing item ditches and recrealing gravel and pave shoulders. "For the most part. w'are try- îng tii keep the rural character and keep il consistent," enlîlainerl Bill Tsomokos of McCormick Rankin Corporation, the consultant group involved with the proj- et. An overpass ts also in the plans 10 carry traffic over the CPR tracks norlh of Derry Road. While the reconstruction wtll involve cutting down some trees, new trees will be planted, including maple. pine. willow, nul and sprnce. 'We are tryîng 10 replace as many trees in front of residen- tiai properiies as we can 10 pro- vide screening like they had before." Mr. Tsomokos saîd. The preliminary design of the Trafalgar Road projeci fol- loms the completion of an envîronmental assessment report. Construictioin is tentatively scheduled 10 stail in 2007 for the sîîuth hall of the project and 21(18l for the north. Mt'latit Heîitesst's tait hi t tit litd ai ittlteiiite. tes'@niil- tottîanaîdiatît/taîpiot.oi. [WARRANTY APPROVED It's a perfect Christmas - or anytime - gift 5 Main St. E., Milton At Bronte (Across from the LOBO) e (905) 878-1947 FEATURING Certificales only $29.98 plus taxes. Limited quantities. Free gif offer valid until Dec. 24/04 or while supplies last. MCC8 I