14 T .. s T[ e .ay November 23 2004 )a t, e' / '- -) t/ e ToesdaY No,.. 23 ,Ilie Militon (-'uminuonitv Consultation ('ommitice iecs ai Ilite Milliit potlice staîtionî. 49f> 'liids )r., ai 7:30 p.m nIoi discUcSS issues andc es cuis Ihat affect du/iens anid police. Anyo01e interesi- et in aîîending is weicîîînc Il YtîîI live cîttcertis yuud lîke taled ai 1he mueeting. ciii Greg Nelstîn .11 (9015) 875-3663 tir Staff Sgt. Gieu Ratudaîl ai 1911)Sf78-5S1II. est. 24(03. The Schieitphreiiia Soîcieiy tif Ontarioi, Mîltîtu chapter. lîuîlcs ils îfrîp-îîî Family Support Group ai 7 p.m. for frîends and family aliecleci by schieiiphrenia and othet serions mental inesses, Il takes place ai Milton Mali. ii the secutnd-floue boardroom. For nore infoîrmation, eail (9(05) 876-t647. WeIlsprîng HaltîtîtPeel, a suppotitieiwork for cancer patitents andf iheir families, hoi is iii d.rnup-in Osarian Cancer Support Grttup t etitt 101:30 11 t i l tiuti ,ît 1545 Sith u Tne iii f ),kvfle. Il iljsî fîtîlîl ils driip-ii ('aregis er (onneciion. aî iippîti1 grouîp lite lie lits ec tues il cancîer patteitsri o tii 7 iii s:301 lin Drîîfîiii gen- dle yoga takes place fitît i:301 ii 3 pni. Foi nmire itiformationi cal (905fs 257-f988. The KHî Cîînmunîiy oii the Sairatiiit Arrny. I(10 Nîpissîng Rd., site 3. fioids Boss tlands, Creatise Minds. a grtup for busy Iid- (fiers and ilicir caregis ers n 16 ci-ails, sîîîgs. stîrtes aîud field tips. Il îtkes place trom 9:3(1 ici i arn. For more inuformnation, eaul (2891 242-1432. Improve communication and leadership skills wih the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is weicome 10 attend the meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion. 21 Charles St. (upper level). ai 7:3(1 pin. For information, cuit Allan Lahue ai (905) 877-3441. llelp for Parents, a parent support group, meets iu Oakville. Thîs iiîii <feîtiiiiiiflaiional sdi support eroît p lîelps p.îieiiis tif chu TICKETS ON SALE NOW' ORDEPiT.ii.KETS Osîs'É www.Iiviflgartsenftre.ca BooEF nEt 905.306.6000 .<1.888.805.8888 PRÉionT icTED1NýBJ 'AT5 i W i C Uii ,,5 ESATJlii5t FOnRsîv osEVA1N 905.306.6116 iWS 3nsu 10 nIM iý')AEO E-FýNI1R>JbTk îitup. (Il el e l ný1. r trouble ai honme. ., schioo oin iý ii Ille Ian or ns ho ai e ajbtsisecor Liking drugs ie il, e i a mneiber of* Assocition of Parent Support Ciioups in tOntaio. Foi mtore iformiation, cail I-8(X0-485666 or \ isit wv, 55\ ap.sgo.uai. Calling New Parents, a lice prograni for patents and babies aged 6 ionihs and voutiger. nteets ns it a putblic. feaith nutrse I disuss parenhiug sud infant cale. l'ie giiup tîleets, ai flic Ontario Eus y Years Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd., fron 1.30 t 3:30 p.m. For more information, cafi (905> 825-6(X)8. exi. 729(). Mi lion District Hospital bolds a breastfeeding clinic wit6 a cer- ttfied lactation consultant from 9:3(110 11:301 arn. For more infor- mation or t0 make an appoiniment. cail Jean Galien ai (9(05) 878- 2393, ext. 7030. St. John Ambulance meets i roi 7 ici 9 put. ai the cîîniîîty centre in Norvat. New s'otiitteers are \nefeome. For nmore infor- mation. cati (905> 877-7658. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiblyf ineets ai 6:15 p.m. ai the Milton Seniors'Activîty Centre. 500( Chîlds Dr. This is a non-prof- il. non-commercial weight-tuîss support group thal provides moti- vation, support and friendship. A minimal charge applies. For more information, cati Nanîcy Nowak at 1905) 878-40125 or visit w wW.tops.otrg. Milton District High School presents ils firt 1ever Christmas Band Bazaar ai the sclînol front 7 îo 9 put. teatîtrîng vetîdors and refrestînients. Proceeds go îoward a sehoît irîCp ii Ohito. For nitre information. cail Debhie Loîwry ai (05) 8105 0185. A Cappella Showcase tusvîles n nî w ho litre Io sng ti toni ils Christmas Sing program ai 7 p.nt ai the Masînti. Tenmple oi the casi sie out Regionti Road 25. beinnen t3ritatînia andîi lerryttafs. Il rutts %eeklis utîtti Decenîbet f4. titi loiret ifonmatiton. ,t attean ai (9053> 842- ' 494. The Miltoni Seniots'Actîvîty Cenître, 5(X)1 Chids tir., hoids itler- mediate line dancing ai 7 pin. The costi s $3.51 tor nietobeis and $5.513'o nieuumembers. its Downsizers Weight Luss ('lob takes place ai 10i a.m. The cost is $2 for memnbees and $4 foîr itou merm- bers. For more infornation. eail 9015) 875-168 1. Wednesday Nov. 24 CARP, Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus, Hatton cbap- tee, meets at 7:30 p.m. ai the Burtingion Seniors' Centre, 2185 New St.. with Burtingionts chief fiee prevention officer speakttîg on how to lire proof your home. For more informaion. eal Haery ai (905) 335-5717. The Burlington Prostate Cancer Support Group. sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society, meels ai 7 p.rn. aI the unit office see more DATELINE on page 24 F .Clips Flirt Deýsmg Holiday Season Cui~]oi1 1aaco 4 io î e,- Manicure/Pedicure $42 Perm or Colour Save 20) Mw 9-6 Th-F 98n.Sat9-4.-Ciise Sun ' 359 MAIN ST. 905-875-2123