Sec what's ~>~ômeson the market Another Grey Cup for O'Shea page 28 15 14ARMi ST. (CARIAGE SQUARE) 905-876-0222 A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEW.SPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 73 -e!JESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2004 $1.00 (GST includE 44 PAGES 'Using Cornnnic(ationro Build BetterCon imuinities" q -About 1,250 Halton residents homeless oat risk each year By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Each year in Haltrin, between 1,200 and 1,300 people are home- less or at risk of homnelessness. Thai's one of the findings of a report reieased by the Federation of Canadian Munîcipalities (FCM) Wednesday. Entitird 'Quaiity of Lîfe ln Canadian Communities -Incomes, Sheiter and Necessities Report', the document takes a dloser look ai lîfe in 20 municipallîles across the country. The report, which focuses on data collec- tion fromn 1991 t0 2001. siates thai whiie homnelessneus is 'considered a 'hidden' proiemt in affluent Haion." il's a reaiiy. "Homnelessness exîsîs in Haiton region despîle one of the highesî median (house- hoid) incomes in Canada ($74,946 in 2001),' the report reads. 'Keeping tabs Shannon Stompharat, 8, and her 10-year-old brother, Daniel, show off the 1,000 pop taba they've col- lected before addtng ta the mare than 100.000 tabs already gathered by atudente et Chria Hadfleld Schoal. The schoot'a gan la ta collect ane million tuba, whlch wlll be used taward wheelchalrs for Miton DiStrict Hospital. Domlno's Pizza wlli donate $500 ta the hoapi- tai If the achool reachea ils goal. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE I goes onl t0 say that the "between 1,2(X) and 1,3(X0" figure excludes homeiess youth who "cruise" from couch t0 couch throughoui the region. "lits time te0 stop taiking about affordable housîng and homelessness and star[ taking action," said Brenda Hogg, chair of the Quality of Life Research System technicai team. "Govemnmenîs need to ssork together 10 get money tlowing quickiy tu create more affordabie houstng across ihe coun- try. - The report shînes some iight on poveriy in the region. indîcaiing that Halion's poverty raie for ail households was 7.1t per cent in 2001, up from the 1991 rate of 6.8 per cent. Chiid poverty in the region heid steady ai 8 per cent over the siudy decade for youihs up to, 12years of age. The report aiso said thati n 2001. 5.4 per cent of Halton familles wece cousidered poor. about the same as the 5.3 per cent iu 1991. see INCOME on page 9 In"side Comment ........... 6 Business .......... 10 Dateline.........14,24 Champion Country . .15-20 Classified ........25.28 *TMEOA,- NOVEMIE 23 *NM Mui m* -Sem* - canadien lire -haloor D. * oanaCauhay * Livin Nt of* oe OeOOur Ilane Ptîoeoaphy* *8Oectii aiea: oeiy WEEKEND Owe ad0jeaedb -13MZ D SPECUAL *(uspetitive daiIx, so'k1y and rnnh1 raies 24 Hour Roadside Asssance~ ay rinC ada per day or theU.S.A. y *CR>erpwk. y I>a x d mdurn WIIiI900Km FREE pLus 25 Atm Mmis PEn BinPai I 12Ma10 MLit htU MURti T4 905-875-37711 Il' Pf) fj Pl 11 ý-,1 ITV