Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 2004, p. 23

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Hel3 Wlanted lp Wuated t-fq43Wanted Hl4 Waonted for ail of ourp dnLo stores! We are Inoking for candidates whs recogrize that Customer Service Excellence ns the most important ski/I they bring t0 our business, Pari-time positions are available the foltowing departmrrents: ~ e Grocery e Meat e Dell ltsBakery e Produce a*efo food&drug e Front End (Cashiers> * Fresh 2 Go In addition, wue are looking for experienced Meat Cutters, Bakers, Floral Designers, and Cake Decorators. We offer flexible workîog booms to nclade days or enenirngo, night shifts and WEEKENDS. Please apply in person with applicable refereoces on: Wednesday, November llth 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Apptewood Ice Centre, 1201 Appleby Une (just North of the OEW) I nserters Requrred bp the idurlington Post, Circulation Depuriment, to package ilyers and newspapers. Day and evaning shitts available. Pieuse appiy in persion ta Rob or Grace at 4390 Paletta Cri, Durlingion (ffi Service Rd., between Appiebp axd Waiker's LUne, uccess off Hurvester Rd. near Appiebyt CHERYL CRAIG CAREERS INC. ORDER PICKERS/PACKERS For long termi indehoîite ussignuments (Oakvitle). Must have safety boots and retiable transporta- tien Hoors 8:OOam to 4.tOpm (must be flexible ix work overtime). $9.00/huur, FAX Resumes ASAP: 905-332-7993 o-mail: info@cheryIcraigcareers.com 905-332-1600 for more information Wie have positions auaiabie nr our COSMETIC DEPARTMENT If y0u haoe expenience or are genuineiy înterested in cosmetico, pieuse appis in personi wîth your rexurel f0: 4 ManSt SooRO, eogeow 47OManS, SouhArgetow Debra Mcçurtry, Storx Maae FRASER DIRECT hou immediaixe openiînox tor temp order pici<ers. 8-4:30 Mon _ Fni antlî approx nid December Fit, able toi al/cimb for 8 hres & lif 35 pounido Fanmiier wîth computers & scaniners an osset May entenid to iono-ierm poxition. No students pieuse. Appiy to 1= Arsrng" o 905A77-4410 Emai humanieooureo@rordireçio No phase calta piense. TURNER AUTOMOTIVE "linietaaxrent Cao innediate operuroS foi a Fuildme Reci techniion ard a POr-ibt Custar Screice Advise ornei urd see iratil to iîke toi ork for a eourg agoressuve teun or renaîr proiessonai, Tire 'deai candidates wili rovx niroro people siix, goxd tuiepirore technique ard a 0000 urderstardiro ni tire aut000ixn repir îrOusiry. Plae Ipl eih rallumne tal 332 Gaelphi St, Geergatave Fax: 9(0"-740 Ernait: tfl @n.in.Q Position Axailabia Fuli-Tirne days. Pieuse tax resarne wlth sailary expmectatiana te 905-873-0869 Various General Labour Positions Tues., Nov. 23, 2004, 9a.m.-5 p.m. Free Coffee & Oonufs 'oStevens Resource Group Inc. 202-243 Main Street E.r Milton Phone: 905-878-7789 Fax: 905-878-8312 Email: mitnnesteoenurxnoancegroup.com W.absita: wwa.stevensresurcegroup.con NALFOM HELPINO RA NDS Seniors innkrng ou hire Snow PlOwI Snaw Blower Operators & paaple ta shavel driveways. caII John 905-044-0252, extl 24 fon nid Po-iu Hairtylist OSorithrsn i Connin ti res Sir-o Brai Si ostin N *ss ied i 3nni I i Il SEAMSTRESS WANTED We iqouire an experionce soonstnnsî ne srk in stor e - aprsx 3 catis a wirn sc uoar airerai os sotlien perion Nitha sainpi el ù0 workito PEGGY'S 0F MILTON 25 Ontario Street, Milton, ON LOT 2M3 905-878-1414 Eastway Inc. Amtonnotîve Bus Refurbishing Painter Troiter Foulltino to pointer Mechonics, OC/CC knowledge- Bodypersons, nondatory Great Weiders, wages & ful bonelits Wiii Train Fuire eqoippxd base 905-331-5877 collsion centreý Faoý 905-33t 9t24 "Excellent Workîng 1815 Ironstone Orive Conditions' Cai 905-689-9812 Burlingion, ON or atr7 caO, onnb-eastwayr She-toffiea Suporiso at 905-829-4630.ironen OAKTOWN COLLISION Here ve o aixi Oaktown Coliion, a prsogressive muiti-ixuation Coliion Repair and Refinsh organîzatiox wîth tacifities acroos the O T.A requires the ioiixwîng indivnixa to in the team in nur Miton location: Receptionist i Adminitraetive Asias We offer an exoxptiona wxnking enoîronmeni, as uxeli as, excellent compensation and sexerît pack- ages. Pieuse fau pour resune wih saiarr eapec- tatons ivý 905-870-7421 The People Bank/DG 2010 Winston Park Drive, Suite 101 Thursday November 18, 2004 10am-3pm Outbound CSR ino sellingi *Windouwus prirbcxcy *Acc.uracfanid ahiityici leurs quickiy Candtidaters must ho able to o r a vuniy nof shilts hetwees the bours ai b irOam aed i1 tpin Munduy -Fniduy Wa k aocuan Square One area (Hwy 10& 403) Teepstosrqur cadidtes pas ehaedcern. Bng au rsarnt and 2 rfencs Tel 905-890-0093 V Fax.905-890-0094 Pèopie Ba-ik DataTest Exact Services lac. CUSTOMER SERVICE Part-Tirne Opportunitias TraOe Showe Registrotion january Fscr:ors Connulrrexporoen onecevsary, Transpnritarrn required Finne/Fax 9054877-3044 Enai tor0daurexi-invri con Medîcal Offlice F 1UL-IMIIE POSITION for MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Fax rosurns 905- 639-0824 The Caxadian Champion, Tuesduy, November 16, 2004-23 SALES An exciling career opporlunily alti yeu. A croirinierips s a dtvision of Robert Haf International, the world's leader in speCtalized finanClal staffing, with over 325 offices. Wiile are looking for aCCounfing and finance professionals to utilîze thoîr oxporience and indusfry-specific skilîs to develop neco business, establîsh strong client relationshîps, and recruif and place similar accounting and finance professionals. Join us for a rewarding sales career wîth a solid base salary, lucrative bonus program, and an outstanding benefits package, which includes stock options. For an immediate and confidential interview, please email your resume toi: danie lle .bu iben@ rhi. cer 5575 North Service Road, Suite 103 Burfingeon, ON L7L 6M1 fao: 905-319-2095 lmMelithe Monnex luInsurance Whr rourarc ac ie Cerne and Auto irrîrruan urinoil îrirhirnur,,rncr, i irculr -urs and nni , lents Meuc-c N,)Iclrrus iahuirui ihleurriccnth Ouîcepnal qîuI I îcu/ifi hurusu Centre Su, rînrnuicl o niccnuc or inihucrcias cair pia,rurc Client Service Representatives Refuniirlo ,r teTai La.CieinSer iccs the Reprnuniuir]rcii incicrsluaisinrers olinhir autaind ptror niccrucrrcrcc-u dit maiviinithe hghesriv (ifu rvicfo uexsglen. Yrcahave a minimum of'i2yarsccnpncnce ii al n itircruner senr.cr Ycu icccupenrir cientri cicucskOiffs ecellercntc, ciccd:rucn druls a She amiryI irricin acicrcicr:d. rvciciccieiurrcrc,,rrrrruiri Expenuen ith homeandaut inrurancruisuan rssui Incrl, fcr yorru ccccriicnn cconribuionIo r- cran s a- c--c Nci o-iii uhalle/inv ra rewarding ork nrriiei. liudrncicruuirirrrc a cinipntiircomcrpensatin. Qaif8ed candidates art inovited te apply un-tian ai: wwwmuelochemonnex.com/en/careers OPEN HO USE Pieuse bring your resumne to tour OPEN HOUSE on Satarda, Nxnemher 20mb. 2004, beteneen 10:008 aux. aed 3:00 pao. TD tasarance Homne and Auta, 384 The Eust Mati. Suite 00, Etehixeke, Octareio (candibates are rexpxeuibe for- on-site parking fers) SALES OPPORTUNITY AUTOMOBILE SALES We are the oniy Ford dealaoship nr Georgetown, onu of the fustest grmai09 connuntxo ir the GTA. If pou are conisîdernig a professonul cureer wSera you are puîd on cuotoner satisfaction and pour suies and ciosîng ubilieo calI as now. Experience is preferrud but not ussentia. Pleuse contact: Tim Elliatt Concept Ford, Georgetaown Phone: 9054846-40 Fax: 905-73-3309 or Emuil: teiiioit@concepfford.com BARBER TOWNE PUB Is sueking KITCHEN HELP Pays well -Serioux upplicunro oniy Appiy in person 10: 360 GUELPH STREET 905-877-6056 LEADER/TEACHER i ( Pece iupenvsory roie xihi casronrr. W.-= - 2. FULL-TIME TEACHER Applîcunts cis have tireir ECE Send reoume to i00 Mountivieuo Road, Soutir Oxor8onn ON .50 4K6 Fao: 905-702-1010 Excellent Part-tlino Job Opportunity With the YMCA Retors & Affer Scheol Progrants " Proonamui pnooîde cure for 5-l2pr otds " Great nopenience for those uxantîno to attend Teachers Coilege -If pu are 18 yearx of aoe on uldethave sonne eapnnience uxonlina with chîtdnen L.; lunch tino saperoiuor, trownie,Gaîde or Scout leader, sports coach. * 1CE, chîid & yoath or Rec Oiloma Applîcants reelcone. *Training prooîdxd Pieuse seeti rasamo tai: Lent tiatti Ran Edwards Famity YMCA 500 Drary Lana 8Oaflrtnnton, ntaria. 17R 2X2 tax 905-333-1767 Emaît: Lynx goatt@yrnca.ca Y iU A1 .0

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