22-TEe Canadran Champion Tavsday, November 16. 2004 DRCIVER -ESTI NEEDE Pe s cV rgsol a driesntedat od Ca ro 1'xItt 2 x2 477-4441 en typesic c.g Sauk Biduai060ruiz Designr ADV ENTURO c amier. a cheirmu r E ugll ent brilli o AS day for alles feîed aIu Seidao olg, a ten atit algmiarCapsDC 5120 eoueniin OueeAbout Mhisol onLmer Yelett ard oudnt Poia Z Diesn orver Local eatii erisona C o ttind sites.l No o tarpa. Noi htandobig dr o ierpeellmer.o Owne Opertor 0Muied eatiilimt raam.hoo rdyna eaco DELVERYRIVER Costu on eona ctranyenirg Som dyore lifing r equi red Sel-trerda reaoi- fTermcanfalar Caps DC. Mantsupptdri vera abstîact. Unfîm enfs p ens/prft sariOpn Forwrdoresames5fH 1383 rforwî mrd, Gilie M-246-6 r ax 95-84-12 psitive adcstoers servieth oriete ndiiaf sob seeng a are enion uer thYanrod Loand devefops thei Conuto seitice ortdakis. Nofnefd apints Noier@ elmber., atne Reada Inn&uites, 161ih TrckshVn or Dur ie Miltson PRODUCTION WORKERS $14.11 Starting Pay (ai 3 moitlS $15.60 and 6 monrhs $16.20) + .80 Shifi presium (hours aorked O:0 pm 8:00 am) + 1.05 Weekend preiunr (houns worceu bermven OO0pru Friday & 12:O0pnr Sunday + Paid Holidays + Vacations + Group Insurance + Prescniption Ding Plan + Dental Plan + RRSP/PENSION =$$$s$ Guardian Fibergîss Inc. a laadîng manufacturer of residential lîberglasa insu- lation, ns seeking production workers. For more information regarding Guardian Fiberglas, see sur websîte at mcee auardian.com Apply rn person or mail your application tei Guardian Fiberglass, toc. 300 Main Street (County Road 124) Erin, Ontano NOS 110 OR E-mail your resume no OR CaIlleor an application: OR Fax vear reoume to CothyJohnston@guardîan.bp.com 5190-833-9645 519-833-9749 Bnci Bey elfers e seurpeiris hescly usuge, fast pesedsoureerppîrcunriesrid a rinc ervirrnrcrt Duet missi ouel go ecilcue snd eppiy tedeyi aypiy -uin.u, www.BestBuyRetaiUobsConada.com TRUESTAR FOR WOMEN Nutrition, Fitness and Total Health Company fa Iooking for qualitied personnel who want toi work in an environment that truly improves the f vas of others. Parf-time toi Career opportunities. Cail: 905-864-6644 MONTHLY PROFIT $8004$10100 PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE Burt îngton Earfy morng daor to door detinery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Muet Have a Retiable Vehîcte CAIL NOWI 905-639-7700 Lyngar f nc. -New Management s.- ers that co905s8lau9978 FÎT & PI T PERMANENT POSITIONS " Counter Staff " P/T Baker eP/T Janitor e P/T Superviser (driveras lic reqaired) AP 1315ilu oson: 5arvs5e KIUbd. (Ait Appluby Lige) tel: 90-681-1841 HO! HO! HO! i b olidacsf icl iarketing peoîple ici tilt fll \c - iii ,cukc-rîîsg ail itraining' Col 905-844-33191 Have A Flair For Decoratiaig? Hirînu part-time Beys, evenlngs il weekends. Drop off renomne to Manager @ Covers Qakaille & Maplesîsa Centre Beroadno o Gourmet Fonds is lookîog for F/T di P/T Personnel for Dell Counter, Waiters & Waitresses. Please fax resomne Io 905-634-5219 CARPET t Case csera r 00o yrs. et new Stacn- master & tOtlc nylon car- pet. Wcll do liscuigroorrs C CatI for $380. Includes car- pet, pad & inmtallatcon 1301 yards) Ste.e 905-ea8- et192. Ht-e Tub: 2004 ail options, waterfali, Ozanutar Red- wood cabinet, neveu used, stit in wuapper. Cost $9.995. Seil $5,000. 418- 953-5197. $SSS$ WANTED - Ail Chi- nu, Siner, Crystal, Tva caps, Royal Deston, Swaunsti, Glass. Jewet- tery, nid invs, colleesis enraIes. Cati Jefun/reegi 905-331-247 SHELTIE paps. cKc reg4d Heath gaantee, maie, tri ceinsur Home maised. Ond shets. North of Miltron. $e00.00. 519-833-0371 1998 Cheny 8oeese, 2J8L V6, 4 suive Cuas, ne. va- Caunt. runs gueat andiloos uener btter E-tested and wcli cerbly. S2,950 ebî Coli Mari ut9OC-702 9258. 1993 casmocile Cunus 2 doou, E-TesteS, 25V.0O0 km $1500-0 080 905- 878-6519. 1999 esick Real Grand Sport, eecellenturunnîng condition, body excellent, lnaded 178.019Alms, $4,500. Cui 905-878-3145 Cati. 905-876-7950. 1999 Cyenrniet Ventare vnn 7 passenger, qaad seuls, dr., taliy eqaipeced. $6,995 oeutifedie-tested. Siesor Mntnus 905-875-5010 19M Cnagar, needs niew engise. 2e0,OsOtcms, $700 obn. Caol 90-877-7880. BEAUTIFUIL 1991 Cadîttus BrnsgCoo., bise, tally mod- ed, n.w mileage. CatI 9115- 877-4789ý CASH toc vssea cars unSi mrutis ail mutes unS triod els. CuIt anytime 90-693- 5355. INDOOR Cealedi stnuage for metrcydles in Mieon Ges lot -May It. Cuiliuo dleils 905-693-93 19. DRIVERS Nair icak Doettvy vie duliver ne ruacer Irsu factory Io deolurslîps lhoiughtitî the OS ard reluis ailp nee tfîctia .41-.42 ffmte staet Plur unOcirO pay Muni have AZ7 irmuse & l yr 1/1010R Ecp 5(0 Cauada 877-893-2066 à