20-The Canadian Champion luondag Novombet 16 2004 Burlington netminder lceHawks' unheaten run 110W at/O garnes By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion I he Burlingiuîn Coogars acqîiired bigîs y îoiiîed gutaltender Chris Ruussaii ast înonîh us ait ellori to uiirroo the gap Ou itie We~îern Conlerciiers îîpper e iselon teints. Bot Doiig (irutenestege and tlîe aid cross ice leed on otld nsan rushes f-rom there. Mike (jershoit. Kes n Morrison and 14 \eai old star n tîte nsak îtsg John Tas ares pot ihîngs ont oh îeat h ssith setond period rnarkers The teeHao'ks gave op tîteur lotte goal againsi early n tîte ibird and seeîned a lit île sobdiued dossn the streieh. ahîlsoogh thas coiild be paîuiillv hlaiîsed uns a near hall hoor delay doring which I allin e debris tait to be eleanetl oh lIse ce and tise Coogars ealled or a pad oseasoreinent on ttc titis (s ilireis a tenspis Griienesiege tIsai es eîitn rai s iisitiikey si reiieb miii alty clîsi ibeni a delay ai i ~ ,~ -. ol ganse penalty. Biirliisuiiittis Ceîîtral Keatîsu furkîess ite Ateisa Siiiiilay isîphi. I - '5 .. seîîred ibe fîrsi es en Mîlisîn liad useeded uisertinie iii dispose of ibe Mîltoîs us tutti gaines ssiib a Cuitigars iii imîs prevuutus , lise-Isole deptîsti. ,asîi ibîce sec- eiitutuiiiters. huit usiih Rowan uînds laier înîxed ut Lt~ o ils iuiokie beisseen ihe pipes cnîîsed iii a 3-I decision us hîppesi inargin ol vîciory ibis season agaiisst a pins Sf111 club. The detîsîs e ss ils hotstered ibe ltet-lamks lsold on the conlerences nuni her îbree spot aîsd posbed their unheaten streak 10 Il) gaines. On a nigbt mbere sbots on nel and qoali- ty scoriîsg cîsaîsces mccc preity mucb eveit. Gr(ienesiege clearly upstaged bis more talked about counierpart alîhough a cusuitîle uit buge giveamays by Rowan's îîlîen voînerable bluetine unit lacîored into that hatile wîilsîn ibe batile. Miltois nid eisiîogh scorîîsg lor tIse o us belore lirsi interosission. as teans leadiisg sîîîtser Mike DeMarchi sss'itclsed gears aiid sei np Shandor Alphonso wutb a drop îsass Mati Davis. The eîmnvineing ss in came largeiy n îtb osi lise deleneensen. as Casey (uilîsoîns nsîssed ibe ast tsi ut periods afier breakiutg ilte beel iii bis skate. At Mensorial Areisa Friday. Milion bîîîlt up a Ove goal cushion antI toasîed to a 6 I min over losily Mississauga. Morrison taltied twice. ishile newly acquired Winger Jesse Jenîsb pîcked up Isîs Orsi iwo assisis as an lceHawk. Aisuu scor- îng were Alphonso, Ryan Bersardi. Jason Dopato and captain Adans Pileggi. The lceHamks hegîn a muîcb toopher sireicb tsI ibeir scbedîile ai bisse aoaitssi vasily-improved Brampion Frîday. Saiorulay evenîng îbey irasel to Oaks île Boîls gaines stan ai 7:3(1 pos. I o -s....-. vSernor Spartans hang tougif to advance to quarterfinals Aggressii'e early press kev to decisive playoffvictoy By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Kevin Houtdcroft feu fairty confident heading into Orsi-round playoff action againsi Oakville's T.A. Blakelock Tigers Thursday aflersoon. but did express some concero befuirehand. Yeah. meve got 10 pick up our garne, E.C. Dnsry's senior bankeibaît coach admitied folloming Wednesday's 59-32 decision tiver cross-town rival Mîlton Disinci, svhich tapped a perfect tO-O regu- lac season as ihe retaiivety easy Nortb Division. i îold ihe girls that if me under achieve because we're scaced. ihat sncks." Fortunately, bis Spartans managed 10 shake off ai leasi some of the timidness and pasîivity thai had stifled earty ganse production diii year. While not capitaiizing on ils guesîs' foui trîîuble early un, Drury applied a stronger batf-court press from ihe onset and pulled away domu the siretch to knock off ihe Centrai Division Tigers 44-29. Said Houlderofi, i thoughi we played preity mcli. Our press moto thers domn." The Spartani eventually staeied hining their free ibromo and timited top-shooling Tigers Nikki Silva and Otivia Nadon 10 a combined Ove baskets ni tise second halL Jenny Hîn drained the only theee-poinler of the aftemoon 10 seat the deat with a Bitte under imo minutes remaining. As usual, Katherine Greaves ted the scoring miih 15 points and forced severai turnovers 10 keep tise visilors off balance and frustrated. Laura Wetlstead did likewise and collecled Il points, mhsle offerîng sotid supporsing contributions to tise min mere Sarah Fredrieko, Brooke Haeper and Atison Radetiffe. The Spanans enjoyed 10-9, 25-13 and 35-20 quaner teads en route b victory. Drtuy's seniors took their lt-O bague record mb yesterday afiemoons quarterfinat match miîh Burlingions Roberi Bateman Wild, mho ment 6-2 in the significantty tougher Central Division. If victorions, iheylt face tIse minner of the MM. Robinson-Burlingion Cenîral clasb in semifinat play tomorrosi afiersoots in Burlingion. But a loss Photo by GRAHAM PAINE E.C. Drury's Katherine Greaves manages ta pesa the bail before gettlng tangled Up and faUIng whlle being guarded by T.A. Blakelock's Rachel Pavis during Thursday's 44-29 first-round playoff wln. yeoîerday would not have broughî fie Spartans' seanon to a close. "We've still got the playdowns for AA' OFSAA," exptained Houtdcrofl. "We could con- ceivably be playing until December." Drury's perfect regular season is the second in jusi three years for one of ibe scboot's girls basket- bail teams. hi 2002. Greaves, Wellsiead, Fredricks and Kim Robb were part of the junior teain ibai also ment t 0-0. Fiieted by ais cielit-poini is'eekend Iroin Miltoiiian Breit Esersots. t-laltisiss AAA novices took top hîso- ours ai ibis hast neekeisds Claringion Eau Classie Toonsanseisi. A depeodable snîper siiib ilie local îyke rep squad tIsai secnred ihe Tri Ctsuîity crosin lasi season. Everson had îhree goals and lîve assîsis overaîl încluding a single belper n ihe Humeanes 3 2 hIle wîn over ihe powerbouse Wbiîby Waeriors. Halion also mmcd hack challenges frons ibe Barrie Icensen and Central Oniario Wolves 10 reacb ilie finals Fellois Milionian Austin Dezeensi, also part of tIse 2003/04 Tri Counîy mînnîng tykes. bad a goal and an assîsi to aid ibe toumament trtumpb. lise Humeanes miii play bosi to the Montreal Ice Storm in a special exhibition tilt ai John Toîselli Sports Centre December 4 at 4 p.m Bantami sweep SI. Kilts Mutons AA hostams tapped a buse aisd-biinse iii cep tsi St. Caibariiies Tbuîrsday nîglît mîtb a 3-2 roail Fbe Hiiot Cbrs sier Jeep Wînîerlsao (s hîtîli up .t 4 il ciii anti silteul îbîngs ais ay o tilt a tbiid Iserotil ileptîsit lis Rs tii Ciielsi lite Rîuîîîîutîîîe liii lie stîuii upticie Brus îles \hiîb,îiiî. \tiiî l-r,îtartîîîcehu teit f touts aid aisd Hi iii fluîîîtee Rep Hockey Taylor Presiidge turned back 18 shots for tht n n On Saiurday the bantams surrendered a laie goal and were edged i 2 by pomechouse Oakville falling 10 i 8 3 n league play. Prestîdge mas rock solid in net. sibîte Abrabam and Wade McGînnîs did the scoring each being set up by Hunier. Tyler Lafontaine and Brandon Rae Hunt counted single helpers. AE2 atoms baffle b draw Mitions AE2 aioms ralhed Irons a iwo goal deficit to tie Ftansborougb 3-3 Tbursday evening ai Milton Sports Centre. Andrem Smiîb potied an unassîsted goal and helped set np an initial tally by Osseis Cutrara. while Dylan Lee alsut lii ilte lansp. Ryan lslelansîîn. Ry ait Tanasan nid Zaeh Wadlsaîn liait the otîser belpers us the bard-fouphi stalemate. o hidi piisbed tIse Vî'înîei hîss (s tetoril tii 7 3 t coud enouiglu t or set ousit place n Tri Couinti l'riîîîduuic topootîls goilteunline. ro~ nIa s iii 'o n ilt~sti~tt t, tsi- Trisîaîî Kus ai Everson powers novice ~ Canes to Clarington tournament win