Tuie C-~aadan Charnoion. Tuesday November 16. 2004-13 'I ,Rural Watch looks to spread the word Photo by GRAHIAM PAINE 'ýLoads of fun Seven-year-old Sarah Bradley shows same of the items t ram the penny raff le sale that was part of the recent Country Bazaar at Boston Presbyterian Church. With Halloween, now past, the bazaar season is in full swing Ieading up ta Christmas. By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special to The Champion For Rural Watch to enjoy continued success, the entire community needs to be actively involved, says organizer and founding member Jean Woods. -1 wouid reaiiy like to sec everyone in the area invoived, she stressed. -When thieves conte out to the country. they go front bouse to house to house untîl îhey find an empty one. is important that everyotte knows what is goiitg on so we eau prevent more crime." loto its 20th year. Rural Watch began ut 1 485 becarîse il isas ceil ihat a teîv cutini mllicaioit tool o as iîceded l'or resîdeits Iol îiîirit and proieci each îuiiei Lille Io ftie distanice heei cni rural limiutes coipared tii îîrbaîî ihites. Ui hanitesîdents have the ad antiage ni icîkiîtg oithicr wsiiidîîs ai titeit îîeîghhîiuî. s liuîies aîîd cat i îsianiiy report aîtig suspie (1h15 Titis is usuaiiy ni Possible nt rural areas. Begînnin- oN ih i1 i members. some of' them stîllintvîuived. Rural Watch was established and ail tlie information was contmunicated hy phoîte with a pyramnid plan. Some tings have ehanged over the years but the initiai purpose of keepîng the rural communîty and police informed "I1t's important that everyone knows what is going on so we can prevent more crime." JEUN WDUU ahout possible crîminal actiîvty and keep- ing îieighbourhoods safe remaîns the same. -When we wcre doîng it ail hy phonte. there ocre 1,2(X)1 people oi tihe (phonîe) pyramids aîîd tl was heciic," says Ms Woods. -Today, titere are 1001 people oil îuy e-mail tsit and otibers are liîrwardcd the informtion ihrIiugh îiîem. As oeil. sie iiiill c ail Ille people wo iido nîlî liai e a cililpîi- uîilîritiîu iloi îîîîi-altîi Repîiîi Poliice îegaîclîîg crimîe, stîct as break-tus in Ilite ciituîty.,iic anihe inforatio îî,iîîîs pîsseci alning tii resîdeits su îlîey caîî he ao tic. prîtci ibeir homnes, attd themscives. and lie alert for the suspects. Ruîral Watch bas alsît heen used iii fid iîîsi pets, catch mail tieves, aîîd spreacl the wuîrd about rîîadside clean-up initiatives. "We had a couple of arrests in the pasi -see CITIZENS on page 15 OWNHE 'BEST'a SOFTENERS from $28.60MONTH* *BASIC INSTALLATION - Included SOFTEN WITHOUT SALTA?E Ask Us How! Ae&A&*623 Main Ste Easty MnltànLR