L)uateiine Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column ta available to local community groupa to assist in promofing their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat to fhe date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 F0O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, taxed tri (905) 878-4g43, or e-mailed f0 mil- toned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline la noon Friday for Tuesdays editton and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items aren't accepted by telephone. Wednesday Nov. 17 The canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 16e 2004-11 jthe Aribritis Pool Program., wiih sessions runniug The exercîses are designed to increase strength, con- for intermediate cloggers. The cos i s $3.50 ihroughout ibis month and nexi month. iongadrneofmtnfrpolewhatrts for members and $5.50 for non-members. Through the houe long prograrns, participants wil dîon and r age ofd mtone fo poph a rthritisane o For more infonmaion on ihese activities, performn gentle yet effective exercises in 85-degree adfboyli n hs ihalmtdlneo cail i(905) 875-1681. water. motion as a resuli of an accident. injery or joint The Ontario Eaely Years Centre holds is Space (s stifl available in the sessions held Monday replacemfent. Aduit and Child Drop-In at Milton MaIli o Wednesday. Tuesday tri Thursday and Wednesday to For more information and registraion call (905) -see more DATELINE on page 12 Friday from 11 a.m. tri noon. 878-7946. Those ssffering (rom aribritis catp find some relief i Exercises increase strengf h La Leche League Milton meeîs ai 7:30 p.m. ,ii the Ontario Early Years Centre. 91f7 Nipissing Rdf., ai the corner oil Thompson Road. Pregnani ssîmen. moms and women waniing breasîfeecfîng informaion or sup- port Lire welcome, as are nursîng babies. [Fir nmore infoirmation, cal (9(05) 876-3322. Milton Meals on Wheels hosîs a lunch- con ai 80i Ontarioi Si. N. t 11:3(0 a. [ranspoirtation and assistanice car be îrranged (or ihiise ws hi require i. The iisi is $5 for î floii mcil. Foîr iniicrnaiioii or io rcesc î sein. c.îll <9053 iX78-6699. I laliiii Heaihcaiie Sers ces and the Long A"Ssiciatiii (s il a lice scmiiiiaii ciii)cd NAduît Asthnm: What's Nets?' alî 7 p.in. .îî Ilc O.k i ii'iNeninli îl o <cise î sai. ail <113> 338- 4.370 Li0 e-mil c11t Ciý Il«a 1o lieohcil 1ciic. corii c,îl Lbciieci L iiiiccl Clir1il hids iî book sludy oin 'Te lcsiis 1 'ses r Knew' bv Phlilp Yiices (coin 7:30< o L) p.n. Foir imo(re infolaiion. cil Niaik Riilcdge i 0)05)i 854-24213 r (511» 856-731)3 oe e miail mr uldcisrpici.a fThe Miltton Christian Ladies Cuffee Hour mecîs lrom 9:3( 1 ii. mi, i Milton Giospel Hall. 3(16 Ontarioi Si. wiîh guesi speaker Denise Wilson and a preseniatton on the art of napkîn folding. For more information or transportation to ibis free esent. cati Nancy ai (905) 876-083 1. The Women's Centre, 21(0-1515 Rebecca Si., in Oakvil le holds is Abuse Support Group from 6 tri 8 p.m. To register or for more information, ral (905) 847-5520. 'Me Milton Seniors' Aetivity Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds cent racf bridge at 9:30 p.m. The rosI is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. It*holds its Hot Lunch pro- gram froom 11:30 a.m. 10 12:45 p.m. The rosI is $6. which includes salad. an entrée, dessert and a beverage. Reserve at the recepion desk or cal! in your reservation by Monday. Evening Clogging takes place ai 6:45 p.m. for begînners and St 7:45 p.m. 28G pkg - Stow 'N Go seat system, 3.3L V6 auto O/D, air, AM/FM/CD, quadseats, 7 pass. ABS,tkyless entry, pw, pl, p.mirrors & rear vent windows, tilt, cruise, deluxe nsulation group, premium door panels, roof rack, sunscreen glass & much more. Stk# 268626 & 285676 IlUlm WAL.-MART ONALL OF OUR tAIA CORRECTION NOTICE The price <$229.84) for th Venturer Portable DVD Playeri (#587232) advertised in our current flyer (expiring Novemiber 2lst) is incorrect. 0 87' The correct price is $299.84.. -HYSE - a G - JEE 81 ONAI S 11). 11w ha 1t l A