lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, November 16, 2004 Balancing performance and stability in one fund. TD Monthly Income Fund: Managed for consistent Iong-termn resuits. Feel sire pouwer of iong-term performance iraianced wiuh snaiiiy. Thanks 10 ocr l'und managers, tire TD Monshly lecome Fund' has consisscnsiy achseved surong performance. Plus, iu oflèrs balance uhrough diversification in equisies, fixed income aod cash. You peu ail this with the simplicisy of invcsuing in one award-winning fend. Fallon & Moynes' named it one of tire Top Fonds in 2002 and 2003. And uts been one ol Gordon Pape's'Top Ciroices for the pasi 3 years. Aller ail. lu's paru of the TD Mosuai Fends"'family. Tire qualisy of oer teunds and fnnd management has heen recengnized hy Morningsuar'. Canada's leading source l'or independenu meseal mcnd invesument analysis. TD Meseal Fonds is consistently ranked as onne of the hest fend familles in Canada based on TiMe Momingsear Ratio0" We can help yoe make an informed invessing decision uhat's rigru for yoe. To lind oas about oer wide range of invesument options incleding uhe TD Monthiy Income Fond. simply contact yoer nearest TD Canada Trusu irrancir uoday. Or give us a caîl. And divcover how we can heip yoe reacir yoer invesumenu goals. or visit wvww.tdcanadatrust.com [E Maua .d IV» AvailbrhroughD Canada Trust brnhes TOWateho>s1 vWatedmouue 1. Inception Dote is lune 29,1998. 2. Commissions, tradiîng commissions, management fees and eupenses ail may be associated ii mutueil fond innesinents. Pleose rend thse prospectus, which containis detuiled innestiment information and obtuinl o copy huom your deoler, before inuesting. The indîcated rotes nf return are thre histnrisol annuel compounided total returnsoas nf October 31, 2004 insludinlg changes in unit value und reinuvestnnent of ail distuibutions onld do sot tuke inno occounit sales, redemption, distribution or ophonai charges or incume taxes payable by any unit holder shot would houe reduced returnu Mutual fonlds sre non guoranteed or inssred, nlreir values chonge frequenfly and post Perfnrmonce moy sot be repeated. 3. From Top Fonds (2002, 2003) by Nick FalIon ond Riley Muynes. Cspyright @ Riley tusynes und Nick FalIon (2001, 2002). Reprinted with permission af Penlguin Group (Canado), a ivuision of Pearson Penguin Canada lnc. 4. From Gordon Pope'a 8uyen's Guide ta Mutuel Fonds 12002, 2003, 2004) by Gordun Pope and Fris Kîrzner. Copyright e~ Gordnn Pape Enterprises 12001, 2002, 2003). Reprinned amIs perission ai Penguin GrouP (Canada), o diuisiun uf Pearson Penguin Canada lus. 5. TO Waterhvvse Coado (ns. ("ID Wonerhnuse') ir a vubsidiary uf Thse Torunto-ominion Bank. (Member CIPF) (ID Mutual Fonds are managed by lD hsset Management Ins. lIDAJu) a wholly-owned subsidiary uf The Turornt-o minion Bank. Auailable tlrrvugh TO lruesnmern Sersises nc. (principal distrihunur), ID Wanerhouse Canodo Inus (Member CIPF) sud îndepenidenr dealers Dc 2004. Murnîrgsur ard the Marnîrgstar Rosrng oie regîsneîed murks o) Murpnugstor Resesrsh lus, TDAM iv a regîstnred user. 'Trsde-mark aI Thse Turonto-Duminion Bank, TD Arsen Management lus. ivs a Iîeused user. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -Reading buddies Eight-year-oid Rhyan Smith enioys'If You Were Born A Kitten' by Marion Dane Bauer with 'Franklin the Turtie' during the recent Children's Book Festival hosted by the Town of Milton, Milton and Halton Hilis public libraries and Milton Community Resource Centre at Milton District High School. 0s 0OA K V1L L E VUHUMANE SOCIETY 445 Cornwall Road OakviIIe, Ontario M6 7S8 905-845-1551 November 8, 2004 Joyce Schofieid, Teiemarketing The Canadian Champion Dear Joyce; 1 would like to thank you and The Canadian Champion for ail your hard work creating the Adopt-A-Pet page. We were touched by the community support which highiighted some of the needy animais here at the sheiter. As a direct resuit of your efforts we successfuiy adopted out 5 of the animais on the page. In addition, you increased the awareness cof your readership. Now, many more people know that the Oakviiie & District Humane Society provides services to the Milton area. People thinking about getting a pet witi hopefuiiy remember us when they finaiiy make the decision ho add a famiiy member. Hopefuiiy they wiii aiso remember to contact us if their pet goes missing. We wiil look forward to working with you again in December. We are excited about the potential of finding great homes for our ani- mais in the Milton community. If i can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerey, Heather White Community Services Co-ordinator TDMntl Incm .Fn jrvso I..ie 7111