zdOb 240 Mark and Dadie E/k/as fas Monley) ot Garunroqux, Gn tano wootd love oc arenrure the amoial ot Clairdoogh- tan Oses/ Jolie on Nonemben 9, 2004. Soaa oxigStxot ire at Otbs t2ozs. Frouel gnanipornrts are Mary Ane & Faery Elkens ond Dons & Casa Morley ot Miltone, Ontanio. Hottoosy - A babo brother ton Mitcsell' Cxaig arC Cen- i/r are ehniltxd no arenonce She arrevait ne Spaecer M/chant homn on Monda0, Nonember eth, 2004 at r tOpo weîehîng emos, e oas. Wxenming Spencer are Oncle Scotn, Ountie Sandxa, Cousin's Atyssa and Colo. As vieil os Frod tranapa, Robert (cool Grandpat Or itle angel is Seing ooatched onen ho Gxandma KatSryn. Oneetal thanko te horS Dr. Honter's and att tae nurses at Milon Hospîtal. Herdma, Sean & Ang/e lnoe Hoosent are ploasora to arnounce the bienS oft Sain son Lobas Gordon xegh- îng 8 ibs t4 oos at Miltoe District Hospietal on Sonomban t st, 2004. Ho is oxeomeel ho OnndCants ASn & Reg, Wandy & Gond, CDeonas, ana fumîte. Opeeiat thanks to the MDH dteff Sheppsrd - /aaaitar anA t/cat are pleased to or- rnonrrce tha birtS oftheeir son Jscab W/lt/sm ooîgoîreg OlSs Oozs at Mîtton Cistrnct Hospîtal on OcGoox 15, 2004, Jer, Scott ara bog brot5er Joshua are thntlxed about She arroait ni Cas0 Jaos Two miracles ire one dtîllme, what o blessîngi rpeeîaî thanks to Drt Rati- sirrSam, nonne Jaekîn and She amouinq staff al MGO $$" SOELTIE pctes. CCC nogad. WANTED - AUl China, SI- Heath guanantaa. ma/o, tei oer, Crystal, Tea Cups, col/cen oe roisati 200 Royal Coufton, Soamovse. oos. SNtn et Milore. Glosa, Jawo0anr, cld toys, $00 00.0 0t9-S83O-07t cocd/os, sdaiss Colt JconiiTracye9-31-Ot247 CASH pa for ontiques an olte chies , 50 g- tailnes, jeweerni umtre, coins. etc 0088345 ei 90508O6-950, -1 JorenaHlo an hoesi wete Caare Ton Hell , x Meait fane Ses amernax Racl eoce xg and Ree(hSan er).leand gand H ofel aD aea and Sck soHeerd Joa Oomerem b hns a grreon and great-grard-as arindswl bîere Oareesiea and T.Sot Hater Faele FaneraI1 Homes 2t. JMeslto, M0587to66 o0007 00on Fon eber t2,h 2r100 ntoal ate tim of FMric alnte0PMnent fo ath Coxeren comeehel. Aseres seron to opoth.dntosmyh oet Graoow a~ Oaes dfchutya ln et To e isbaetettramteb'* iotaRD Ser prenan /i /aLr Wh..,OewDia, o aie te a of7 fatrs Tyoedhsand/o an ndsh/p) h o e/on IO. ssci rand othi 1 eLrA ton Scott ADea c M scPh,191)erso flusied &y Park ss nfes o nel Onîtaio.n Te Wlnie Sauntl er holarsC cily Looandiands Conlp Mies Caro olsor Mecaxi fra the rat W5îsiOerg CanC husn o oe 30yar h Friad mCol ut WsteoTHG OSThnsh& graDol- xc rsMan Jsoe C-paret Jhn om 3-5oran at et annre th c Fari Gîeraic oke orl Hommo Gtrmayo vemberedece0asea y S brotermStntey alonC r sîee Cemety I oi Freda at or nafn Ramerer hoha Stohandoultamîo CI tae Caade Diate Attsdocet- tionawd be Sa mrer sifos anpresnonhs Sax smandy sNnovebr 200e Heltundo tooa toe 200 oth Lpmoirt Rasu. Shrisor SSed otfoe ofhe Meenar doxnas cceap S mode tfome Cand weManu orr er o m ta/oe Cohnnd siery H ann ar Lou taeler te aoan t mon ood.s ebuch/oed moa saRne ga maofat Rasraul HomBlsllsahsf Ony RoAnn uas Hae n aeel Nrunsexg adot uipt Qine Coat BlittaU Gaont Hoçeba n uts viric Laxre ona s eoeea Shmho.C/sersedmemt-onesa dgetg maoeNtain ad&Dadxctilsoposednbok Ns Nosly, om emb,e00 oai a0 :00PM A sadness nifi1 cornes ae os, Tears in silence ates flanc, Meneory Oeeps ou evoer rie0r us, hO/sag/ yos Aied 3Oyesrs asga. Farerer Loxed & Necer Fargotica Gise/s, Ceorat An&Fred Sadly missed by wité Ruth, Carla, Cyndy, Dave, Elizabeth & Patrick j Brud. Craig Larry, Jün and 1 want Io extend uni, deepest gratitude to ail of our filends In Milton who have shared our sorrow in the tours of our beloved Dougie. No words can lake away the pain, but the love and support you have given us had sustained us through this difficuli time. Special thanks Io the Parish of Grace Charch for the music, the luncheon but mostly for opening op their heurts ta ail of us and Dougs dear friends. Ta Nikki and Bryden for giving a place for the yoffl people ta share their grief on Saturday. Ta ail noir Ariends that opened their homes and their hearts. Ta ail those who made sandwiches or sent food trays. We wili never fortiret your kindness. Degoe was our gift from God and there là; no doubt in my mind where his lis. We have no regrets, as lie was weil loved by ail whose lives he touched. God Bless you aU and thank you. SùwereJjý Fran, Larry, Brad, Craig and Jim BER, IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF 1038OT7 Ontano Inc. AKA G.E. Phtlips Forwarding Incorporated under the Laws of the Province of Ontaho having lis Head Office in the City of Milton, Province of Ontario N071CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Receiving Order was made against 1038077 Ontano Inc. on the 18th day of October 2004 and final the first meeting of cred- itors will be held on the 22nd day of November 2004 ai the hour of 11:00 A.M. at: The Office of Paul J. Pickering Limited 495 Richmond Street, Suite 501 London, ON N6A 5A9 Creditors musI prove their dans against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate DATED al London, Ontano, this 8th day et November 2004 Paul J Pckerng rre Trustree rn enkrunrcî 501-490 Richmond htreet Londor, GN SOin 000 (5t9) 672-2494 1990 Cldsete/oe Calta 88, 7e.0 orioginalt kmls. Gre cored. inSertance must soit $ss00 OQ 905-702-2752 1988 CSauî t/analeo, 2.8eL, V6. 4 soo Ênes, nos ou- Soost, rams grat and toos enan baten C tastod ana mil cartty, 02,990 obo. Cal Matt ot 05-7020925& 1993 O/siet Catisoe 2 dooir, E-Txsted, 250,000 km. $t500.00 OQO 905- 1905 CSanro/at Cavatier. 07,000oms, 4-door, au- tomafle, exoellent condi/ion, S3,9950 Cxrsfed, lesson 905-873-010. 1996 Ooîck Reao Grand Sport, excetlent ronnîreg condision, bo/ eacetlart toaaed r710er9 itms, S4,00. Colt 90-8783140 CelI 905-876-795& 1997 GrandAnn SEC extl- tant condition, los kîtome- fers. 5,900 obo, CerSed. 05-873-6907 1999 Choorotet Ventone noin, 7 passxngar, quod saats, 4e/r, Solly aqoîpped. $0,990 ceeitied/e-testea. Motors 05-875-500 1999 Ceegan, naaas nea angine. 200,000oms. $700 oSe. CAll 905-877-780. BEAUTIFULL 1991 Codttlac Bnoeagtm, blxa, tutly tead- aa, l0w mitaago. Cati 05- 8e77-4769. CASH for omup cans an o/ocs ai ma/oa dmd ss Cai onysme 000003- 000 aaB30piku EConomica, M5, 31c, AM/FMICC, box tirer, toto/o cap. t12,500/ons. $9,90 019-003-5020ý Start here. It's flot always clear where to begin. Whether you'1re Iooking for work or starting a business, job SkmIIs can guide you to success! 905-276-9675 Toli Free: 1-866-967-5929 www.jobskills.org 5 .mnte gf axas xant3ta, aton&PeelaI. SWI EmlomntS-csan heSlfE plu1ynirii Berrr Cs 64. CARiER SEMINAR REAt ESTATE If you are currentîr on courseý recently lîcensea, conorderirg a charge trom your carrent broker or Ioo/oîng for a new careor. yea owo il te yorrself to xutu atterd this seminar. Fou Wli Fend Oct About Who0 shoold consider meai osrar (and rhoshoulu no> t)eL -Prouircia aicensirg course Ropal LoPage Irairirg nersoral Onorlonmorî ard 00pp00t * 0w lu ger a goce staff *How so maximen leur ircorne Ço' 1WuS% kilS1, 7:30 pii é' 10241 tHM UnCaab <hotu.~~~ Am SUI luS banwann 6s111111» taggîftîbo! Seatno rs imîtod caf nou r eoxote a seat' Pk<n818-2A 5k9ItittSUttti Milton 9U647868101 ROYAL LEPAGE mtm -7-8ito 'f'Missa/tango 905-821-3200 t ~ BI0MJ~\ OAILLE BEAVER Magazine and Newsprint Advertising Sales Are you a "take charge" individuat? te have an excellenr opportuoîy for a oeIlf-srarter mho han the desîro ru croate a repotation fut themoeiveo as someoe mo can lucus on gromîog our excelleor publications turorg aitO minimai suporuisior psu wi10 undersrand the importance et nirt.rg solos rargets are accumplishîng goals, You wîll haoe nhe opportunitp to be soîlpl renpsrsiblo isr rhe succOsO ofta prejecr. This sales position includes oellinig accouri ro trshe rotail ard New Homes publî- cotions plus maîntairg ant ertrp Ieoel accourt liot. Some eoper'erice errd a pont- secerdory educatior os an asset. Perserial quatîties incluee * Ahility te aclrîeoe goale ard torgeto, * The understerdirg tilar the last t0% et arpy goal is the hardeot ro achieoe, * Belief ir hrndîrg eut how thirge cari e dorte and rot fecuoîng or the reasons peu Selîeoe semethîng carit be dore, * Ptofesîorial dtesae, fnaendlp and artteatate; * PC literate; * hou are a 'planrirt wo enjoys metioatîng indivrduals erd ta/oirg charge of proiecto,' * heu are not a rypîcal '9-te-5" trdtoîdaal, * hou lke the idea of încreastng peur ircome bp orong harder or longer wheri necessaey. This position oill be fuît time, Mordap tltrough Fndap. Base salary o commissions, car allewarce ard bonius. Fotenttal fer adoorcemnent for htgh achieoer Forward pour resume arC legter ut application toý Allas Roolika, New Homes Coordinalor 5040 Mainway, Unit 1, Burlinglon, ON L7 7G5 arashko@burlingtanpast.com