Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 9, 2004 Is your teacher tops? Milton ius biessed w ilsi an abin- in public. Caîholic and private diance ici dcsiicated. cncrgetic and schoois ni Milton front pre-sehool bo c icali'ae educators iii the public ancd ,jade 12. Caiholic schooi systessis as well as, What \wili the Teacher of the flic pivsaie schools thai cati Milton Morsth receis e? First. wc' vvsl ictature hontîse. hini or ber in a Teacber of the Month For ihai reason. ose osoulci lîke to story and photo in The Champion. inirocluce a nieo icalcire in T[he In addition, bis or her class will Chbampions 10 recogîsiie our teachers receive a piza part) courtesy ofthIis for their extraoidiiisry w.ork -newspaper. l'cacher- oil he Month. At the end of' the year. we wiil We wans to hear fromn parents and examine aIl the Teacher of the students who know a deserving Month winners and select une teacber i Milton - a teacher who deserving educator to be the Teacher has developed special programs. of the Year. made leaming fun, put in lots of Nominations con be sent by e-mail extra hours, supplied a belping hand to miltoned@haltonsearch.com or in a time of need, or who bas made a dropped off 10 the editor at TMe huge difference in the lives of bis or Champion office, 191 Main St. E. ber students. Please mark aIl entries to the atten- Winners will be picked by a panel lion ol 'Teacher of the Month'. ofjudges from The Champion. We look forward to receiving your The contest is open I0 aIl teachers nominations. *Our Readers>Jloý Write Other parks more (T/w follom-ing leiter wav addressed to Milton couini, and a sopy wasfiled with T/se Champion.) Dear Editor: l'in not sure Mountsberg Conservation Area qualifies for tise $100.000 grant fromfi Mitton's Community Pund, since it's primartly based in Hamilton. Wisy flot consider otiser conservation areas tisat fail more witlsin tise sterround- ing area - lilce Hilton Falls and Rattlesnake Point. As a former employele of Conservation Hall, t can attest tai the isigis usage of tisese parks. t don't know what's been deserving o~ happening with them in the yearn, but in thse past they overtooked when it came grants of any kind. As much as l'd like ta se awarded the grant, please that there are other cons, flot onty within Hatton, bu diate area surmounding Mil And betieve me, Conses "tI put any mainies reat use. Trmlsa *The Canadiaàn Chaîi, Box 248. 19i Main Si. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Ediioriai Fax: Adveiisiisg Fax: Ciassified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neit (iter lil Dtavis Karen Simiths 905-878-4943 905-876-2364 905-875-3300 905-878-5947 Publisher i 011 u it' iih sii,'t Fudîcoc 050 -Cies tllooascî u' Folitcc %%endy MecNais toil ý ctcîîcs îo lini tsdre /îfoi o n 1ccl 1ooc1o«1 i suiia ee u Ocio'ot tOlOi sorsi ('.,5 Io ico o fgrant tant couple of tended ta get The Champion receiiiiy rais ain se Mountsberg article ibai stated councîl bad keep in mind approvect $30.000 for fic Mîiton vainaes Public Lîbrary's 150th anioiversary eton reasme cetebraion. lin he ime- According ta ihe siory, ibis ton. money miii be used for a quit con- rvation Hatton test, a banner, a bookiri about the ived ta good bisiory of the tibrary. caiering and jive music, i-shirts and a float in thse JIm 9*nsoin Milton Santa Clause Parade. Ming Shoros I woutd seem reasonabte 10 assume ibat sonne money mutl aiso be used for adventising. Considering ibat the entire budg- ~~ et for thse Milton Sauta Ctaus fiJiu Tihe Canadien Champion, publisStO eer tutida ana Frnday ai 191 Mass SI. E. Mion. Ont L9T 4N9 (Box ?48I5 os one of The Metisoistd Pnccring, Psblshsi i toisribaing Ltdil oau f subucOan conpaues asis insOsSis Aja/Pickrngt Nens OdserOses sision HeradCui in tarrie Adsasse. Bolton Eniespoise. Branpton Gsacdan, tscinnst uii tsion Shsopping Newas. City Parent. City se York Ssacdian. CollossOooowassaa Connecîsos CEasi York Misto, Coin AdvncaeCosîtr Rouies Ciobicoke Ssardias, Flan5sosîig Resîs, Sonee Youssg Georgeton Independe iil /cos Free Press Flaiast Busiss Tisses lssia Busissess Tines, Lindsy This Week. Mackhamec Csonmsi & Ssn, Mdland/iSenetang sîshesi MuosI Milton Shopinîg Ness Mssssasia BusinessiTies Mssissasîa Nes, taBasse Suids Nassagaiseya News Newnaiet/uora ici asmner Northumberland Ness North York Mult Sakislle Stases. Ilakuille Shoppisg tNews Scus5tsille tner Odlîners Hockey Nens, SOlta Today. SsiaouSSOSy/clarisîlos vos Peso 0Thi Week, PetrboroughThis Week, Picio Cousis Guide. Rihondsîs OîiIfOocsOîilNaughs Lîeral, Suas- bosough Moccol SlsuOssllt SoScldge tribune Srpicleîsîo i o tioneoftheoosdesiccO ce olccuped bscthe uOo loais tm togelccor wicO a osasolalîoioO uace lo inaueoi sut Se la'. rate T'le PLlisher ns oýser s c th oo ctierz looccvertseou Q o ïOMcpccl i olooli ril i ci 1, l'o là.01 110 s ,,O.llî, l.i.51 1", :0',1 SOTh Lu.oco. l s l n.0 Oc;ýb! Poc! b Parade is $24.001). tbe library's aninis ersary budget aould scaoni sornessbai extravagant. t put iuîgeiber an îmagîîsary budg- ei. irying te, pad the figures as mucb as possible. and stili couldn't geî even close 10 $30.000. 1 have îo assume thai most of the money is being speni on a iloat focr tbe parade. t wouid also assume ihat no ose oiber than iibrary staff and guests tike the mayor woutd be interested in a library t-shirt. Wr att bave pro- motional i-shirts ihat live in our dramers and neyer gel morn beyond the event they commemorate. Having ssorked as a sotuinier. lve scen boss mach cai be dussc a lb very lismied iunds a lb a bit of' creativsiy and innsovation, Many tii tbe floats in ihe Campbeiisîiic Santa Ctaus Parade are made by votunteers at minimal cîsi. How can tise iibrary jusiy ssscb excessive spending fromn a l'und desîgnaied fioe acquisition ot iibrary materiais? tifs surpnising the Town, wbicts posted deficits for both 2002 and 2003, doesnit consider sucb expent- ditures more carefulty. Sophie Cheney Campbelville Letters welcome The Champion welcomes letters ta thé editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise, and relect letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the wrîter indluded. Letters con be e-mailed ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com., faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped Off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease Does Milton Public Lîbrary really need $3.0,OO0 for its anniversary celebration? mmowâmw,ý-, ý,

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