Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2004, p. 17

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The Canad!ar Cr'amoicr TLievday Nievember 9. 2004-17 p D Â2004 1 Poppy Trust Fund 1 POPPY TIRUST IFU-NDS Balance Oct. 1, 2003 Incomne from Campaign Sub Total CAMPAIGN EXPENSES Poppies & Wreaths Promotional Material Other Local Expenses Sub Total DISBURSEMENTS RCL Bursaries Fund Donations District B Hospital Meals on Wheels Salvation Armny District B Charitable RCL Badger Relief (Newfoundland) Sub Total Total Campaign Expenses & Dishursements Balance Oct. 1, 2004 The poppy campaigu is lte Legion's moment of trutit: anlens it succeeds, aIl the high-souudiug ideals surrounding Legion work are nothîng bot empty words. The campaîgu must be measured by ils effective- urss in promoîluf Remembrance and by the anînunt of mouey it raises 10 heip ueedy es-serv- ice personnel and ibeir dependeuts. WHAT THE FUNDS DO 17326.45 lThe fonds provide financial assistance te needy 42,725.3 Canadian ex-service personnel. and merchant navy personnel possessing or elîgîbie for cam- 60,051,75 pngn stars or decorations and their dependents. Also elîgîble are es-service personnel of other Commonwealth and Allied countries. now rcvi- dent in Canada. 14,559.44 Aulhortzed nses also incînde: 781.82 the const of operaîtng a service bureau or ivs equivalent; 536.00 bursaries te chîldren and grandchildren of I1,7726 ex- nervice personnel, prizen for promotional contents direcîly connected wtth the campaign 8,512.20 campaign cosîs, iuclndtug te purchase of 3,000.00 poppies, wreaihs, promnotional aids, canvansing supplies, reasnable espenses of poppy chairmen and commîîîee members, adverttstng espensen and telephone telegrapt, pontage and ntationery. 16,100.00 16,562.29 WHO OWNS TUE FUNDS Foppy fnnds are public fuuds. heid in trust by the Lepton util spent as destgned. Tbey mont be kepi in separate trust acconts. And they must be spent, not accomulaîrd for a rainy day. Nonoaiiy, ai leasi 90 percent of lte funds coiiected each year sbouid be spent befote the nesi campaign. P rayer Before Battie OTHER USES FOR THE FUNDS A commaud, or, nubject 10, the prior approval of the provincial command, a district, zone, branch or group of branchen, may allot poppy fonds for: *commnty medical appliances and medîcal research; *drop-in centres for the elderly, meals on mheels, transportation and related services for seterans, Iheir depeudents and lte ageli; *donations for relief of disanterv declared by the federal or provincial govemrments Snden certain conditions, housing for es-service men, the clderly and dîsahted; *wîthin lîmîts, assistance toc exservice personnel and depeudenîs of Consmonwealtht countries residîng outsîde Canada, e.gp donations to thc peion's BCEL Fond. An Honoured Son WHAT THE FUNDS CAN'T DO The lmllowîng and any items net cîivered iii the General Bylaws are net pensitted: *cosi of branch administration *porchase. erection. extension oîr renovaîton of brauch premises *rentaI of property or porchase of eqoîpment or faminhingn for branch use. public-service projecîn sncb as recreattonal facilîtten; *fumisbiugs and non-medical eqoipmeut for hospital ward/rooms; *subseriptins te, uewspapers or periodicals, escu for hospitals; *purchane of wreaihs fou faneraIs; transportatin cent for funeran for relatives; *any form of entertairumeut; bus toars for elderly seterans, or recreattonal purnuits; *scholarnhips; *maintenance of cemeteries, *loauns When 'neath the runible of thte guns 1 lead ini- nîeeî against the Hunsn its then ifeel so ail aloite and weak aîtd se-ared And ofi I inonder haie' I dared Accept the fask of leading nien. 1 wonder, bvorry, fret, and then - I pray: 0 God, who promised ofi To humble men f0, lend on ear, Now in my eroubled state of mind Draw near 0 God, draw neor - dran near MoLe nie ntore vvillting f0 obe-v, Help nte to neiet my comnmand, And, if thîs be ntyfatal dav Reach out, 0 God, Thv helping hand Aîîd lead me dlownn that deep dark vale. Those men oaf mine must neyer know How niuch afraid 1 really arn, Help nie t0 leadthemt in thefight So they will soy - "He wos a mon". Alex Campbell He came, thîs young Ca,îadîa, Front out the Golden West, Full of courage aîîd 0jfaith, 0f ordor, hope and :est. A willing volunteer, he came - And offered us his lîfe - His youth, his strength, his heurt and soul Tofling into the strife. The final sacrifice he He lies nt foreîgn cor For from home, an ea From the country ofI And yet, omongst his In frîendly compony No stronger, but an! 0f one greatfamily. made, *th - iue his birth.i kin he sleeps i lonoured Son Anonymoua REMEMBER THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION L Remnembrance Day Parade on Sunday, November 14 will start trom 388 the Royal Canadtan Legion on Charles Street at 1:30 pmn & travel to the cenotaph at Town Hallj fAI UlA r N A Cross To Bear Men and womnen Fathers and sons Near and far Were taken away Remember ibis day Neyer to return Event though they may For even one day have carsOn November eleventh Battles were fought The Ieast we can do and lives were lost Is te, pray and say Now many soldiers Thanks t0 You Must bear a cross For now the fields Are liîtered with graves Silent and sîtil And filird with the brave

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