The Canadian Champion. Friday, November 5, 2004-Bl A rts:E(:trtainment -FASM president big winner in art competition By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Three years ago, Dave Repchuk came out of the closet -the aitistic clos- et, that is. Knoný n as ai coinputer guy. b.' decided to embrace and explore his artistîr sîde. pick- ing oip lis paint brnshes once again -a passion ihai had been li by thie wayside. Vve're ail closet cases ofi one sort or another. Wr have to open the door and let it out," salît Mr. Repchuk. a Kilbride resi- dlent. A computer software creator ssith 30) years' experience under his helu. Mr. Repchuk said the developmrni of both bis rift andi rigbt-brain piirsuits led tu a fuller, richr lite. Andm he made a discovery. The two worlds didn't bave tsi remain separate. He was able to bring hjs technical expertise int bis woeld nf art in creative and unique ways. melding them togeiher. particularly after joining the Fine Arts Society of Milton (FASM). -Computiers are good foîr anything thai requies creativity,- be said. Foc the past theei years, Mr. Repcbuk bas ,GEORGETOWN -Z CINEMAS q 235 GUELPH STREET- 873-1 O THE INCREDIBLES Damly 6:45 & 9:00 Sal. & Sun. Qpm STHE GRUDGE Damiy:45& 90 p.m Sl & Sun. Opm Not reoommesedeul for young rbires SHLLWDAC Streetsville Secondary School Sat. Nov. 6 & Sun. Nov. 7 10 arn to 4 pm -Admistion " (Children under 12 FREE) sou., . 72 Joymar Dr. Streetsville, à South of Be tans a and Eatof J905.826.1195 mi 1Mississug contîntîrd wring ai the lîelm of bis com- pany. Bravo Software, during tbe day. whîle painting ai sîght. More recrnily, he's bren ttscasing on phoîography. Art bis bren a part of bis lite as long as he can remembr. and be studîrd ai the Banff Sehool of Fine Arts in 1972. IVve had art ni me from an rarly age, but it's îsnly bren iii the past fixe years ibat Ire drcided ii let it oui. You reacb a point isher you say, 'It's time to unearth tis tbînig." Jusi last monîhbch was elecird FASIM president, and be recently iook fixe awards foe ibrer of bis mties Ut the Rockîon Wvorlds Faie. It was neat being rrcognized. rspecially wîîb the numbr of ruties in the field," be said, adding, 14 made me quite bappy." His winnings mncludrd two first-place finisbrs in original drawing and acrylie, and a second place in wateecoloue. One ofthie winning ruties was a paint- ing of a sunflower, wbicb will b used in a childeen's book M. Repcbuk and his wife, Tracy. arr woeking on calîrd Luggagr Lizard's Woeld Toue. Eacb nf Me. Repcbuk's illustrations will b paired witb a poem by Ms Rrpcbuk, wbo's an author and a port. Tbeir joint works cao be viewrd at their DOCNOT gallery or by visiting their Web site at As foc bis new stint witb FASM. Me. Repcbuk said be'n excited. Since joinang FASM a few yearx ago, be's bren an inte- geaI part of the geoup, comtributing in bis areas of expertise. A xbort white ago, be spearbeaded an initiative tbat saw a group of collrge students re-design the FASM Web site as a tebool peojeet. The site cao be visitrd at He's also thte man bebind a members' gallry that's being detigned on the Web site. FASM membrs cao get space on the site 10 virtually display their crealions. Iî's particulaely belpful foc membees wbo don't bave thele own Web sites, Mr. Repcbuk said. As tbe new FASM peesident, Mer. Repcbuk bopes 10 bring in new members and ideas to lte group - especially witb lte influx of new residents to Milton. see GROUP on page B2 * Tour/I1 enilsanting dointown Oakville omes. beaitfly deorated for Christmas Iy Ha/tons leading d/esigners ans/floral artisto. Tickets are $30 earh. ini/uo/ing refreshments in the John Gueot Dinîng Ha/I. Appleby Col/cge For tickets &frther iniformoation, p/rase cal!: (905) 845-468 1, ext. 321 * Tickets msust be piîmshasrd mn as/saire. They are available at the fol/swing retaîl locarions. Baorbette; The Ada/rd l'os h. Watch Ils La/sic. What a Psîroy!; Upper akri/le fard Shsp; Fins/er. lxrper.; Eng/îsh But/lrr (Qahoîlle P/air)" /ana) (Bronte): Brosse F/srîsx,; Zuîzzies and bIntrior Design Warehosr <Bur/ingtos) and Spa in the Village (C/arkssn) N.wIly4lsWd FASU proelds Dove works On anothr artstIc orendon. Photo by SABRINA B'ýRNES L