MASSAGE THEBAIST Lakeshore Place Receptionst/Assistant I.SI~V<J Rel rement Residence F. ntMerC oiC Pa ie Co idlti The Halton Communîty Rehab Centre is requrs PIT incudieg mue e nne k. Excllnt phoe skls Iooking for a Reglstered Massage Servers, m uem ial, ,a pr ýà LA E N T O K N Therapist, fraPt-ie6mnhJCM Are pou enthusiastic? EnergeticO Flexible? Have du pi Pie cixc nieeu cpe e c he lscge Inside Sales/Business with a potential for permanent Part-ime lor? Wanitiiiatoîloin a company with opp rlxoiry o &Cook$ Pitw ax esrn wih pecaton ofhorlyw-- row? HAIRIEYS iS 00w hirrog a rul ime shift Send resmme ta. tu905-876-3559 (Dr SuauoJy & Ascxcac) Development hours, competitive wages. Imanager. We offer competitive wage, lree uni- 5314 Licahore Rd LaserNeolarks i an induslrp leader in prouiding busi- Fax Resumc To: 9e5-876-373ý form, meal prvgram erîthin rhe Caru familp ana cBm1tliglo L7L 6S8 festO lubusiness proloig and imaginq solutions includ- 1las Fax: 9o0&eom t333-3103 PROGRAMMER ong eguipmenr, sersice and suppulios across Canada Due Pla n Macot De. Mitn o Needed for Local Softare udgor vl se g a I ielsd GRAPHIC OF A DENTAL Emirnaa5435@çarfflo or ~ Imeit pnn o nr-ee rSaies/Bus îîess; Developmenl Reppeseolaîrues fral aul be TOOTH RCPIN a o 958873 ~- mma ieo 090 v > ev amrmer based on our Daku lle head vofce The posilions regaîre Musp haeep aec nuyd OL hi gh p mol uvaled Sales Froleso onals The main1 focs unIlAlSITATls Pol ou eue on o prou oor Oasioess IsrougO coîd calliog DENTA ASITN Nled Devine's Irish Pub Emilour siersucm tan addon Io OO in 10000ghly ogquisîtve, oauîog excellent HYGIENIST Part-time Looking for enthusiastic and Pe s nîeff c OC0research and prospecl og PCiq s iPP dîsdual shouîd R uieNe eoge or weekeods also posseSu she lolloa og attribules: Rtrd part-lme Must be CDA experienoed servers, hostesses, Key e ACC ILITAT7 P elepPooe busin0055 lu p sness sales for Oakville family Oakorîle location. bussers, cooks & dishevashers 1IIIIIIIIIII~i~i.~Ll.&.IIIIIIIIIII1 eepeî eoce is pîeleîred practice. Cati Cali Far taut gruwing cempany in Milten, 45 * Must be creal ce, persasive and able lu 908562 0-4-03Pese fax resumne t0: a e Emplupeen. Must have etmer a CMA er ellecti eîp Puodle objetion 90085002 9005-4560-6797 Cool Accuunting. Pleuve torevard Reoumes and Salarp Ee- pectations tu Paula @ Etton Manufacturlng 359 Wheeiabratar Way, Milton, ON Fax: 905 8761898 I For Smati Georgetoan Publisher Seeeral Days a monlh IMustbe uark adPhooshop expriencedI CCall Evening Receptionist Puet-rime Mon.-Thyms. 4pm- l.30pm, Sut. 9- b. Munt have good lalephome muorrer und ba able 10 handle new ar u eparimeot l on- cal dulies in our buvp deulership. Forard resumne t0 Sales Manager: Volvo of OakviIIe 770 Pacilic Rd., Gakvitie, ON 161 6M5 Fax: 905-825-8802 MALBRMTC ACCO UNTANT Busy depariment requires an ACCOUIN- TANT to handIe payrnîl and general accoani- ing. Candidate musi have previnas payroll aiperience. Experience ailth ACCPAC for Windows an asset. E-matil mepy ta: We thank aIl applicants but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. BOOKKEEPER FULI-TIME PERMANENT Bequîred for onaIl progresose manulaclurîog compaopy Are you delaîl orîevled and a leamn playerO De y00 have hauefia, Gourai AdmInhatratlo aid ubose user- age Computder Sklls? Il o, please sevd Boul 100020e aid salary eopecluliova lv ~Olhone heîvg coosîdeied aill be contacted** OUTSIDE SALES REP. Wanted in the Hamilton martial. Incredibte rocome potentiel andl wnrti tromi home. Possbility of fran- chine owneroliip. CcAl: (905) 6302337 or Ensai Resume To. odsPlusaymPtc&Ocu 1114MJ Wocrldl Bell Warld Milton han opavingo lor bolh full and pari lime ElaaçBtL Retaîl aupaeece eould be an anvel, Boevev, training aili be prooîdad for the night candidate. Comparilîva age off erad. Apply iv parsn artir rasovia avd covar anatr t0 377 Maiy SI, E.. Milton or eraitî oelliol@wpOi coin disciplrned maooer * Blrngualrsm is ao assel * Perseveruoce and delermînaîrun * EeperiePce in tPe office egîlipmeol service & supply induslry aould be benelîcral bol nul mandalory We oPer a base salary plus commiîssionî and beîialis GrouI oppoounly for acceleraled earnîngs based on ~p1r bormaoce Please send resurne 10 Leadrng Ford deaIersPîp is curîenlp seeiiinp applîcarlîs for the lolloarng positions New & Used Automnotive Sales Consultants This position rîlers *Slrong management support - Polessrorial training *Mouîîll boînîs leye15 *Healm arrd denlar plaîn * pporlrnily lu prou urtlis *Bille 0uaI cerlilied *Pension Plan Ford eeperrence is prelerrad bolt1101 oecessaly, Psaesel a serîous commîlimeol ru evcelling in veProle sies/leasing ns necessary Sîîbmil pour resume by lac ohrue OH olman, Oalil Manager g0.o [dLiii 570 Trafalgar Rd. Dua/liIe L6,J bJ2 Fax 905-844-4472 shofmavvu seqf-motivulltanel nrer siharl Dicstrv itro hae Dsrc Rep estiveo A EDstict yuresnaiei rese 10: aercarrih o rc@oakit eba e c om soecustomer service es. Oxîbor vans cariv a wnd e I paîîplo 0 parea oes Motir e sales exp ere an t a aol roeue.i a us ai pour rearnet acExcolievi lypino s erioa a ra * PC is lerale o 00edeo1 SaeeeSl lasr-pucer abSoereren aRpls oubudsalesdyi@hatndsartcto.i cm fa Randy Mogridge os missing from Oakville and may be in your area. Please check your garages, sheds, yards, treehouses, cars, trailers and boats, for Randy or his discarded belongings. Please keep CHECKING AND RE-CHECKING these areas. He was wearing a red long sleeve champion sweatshirt (no logo), dark blue cuffed sweat pants, and black velcro shoes, size 9 when he went missing on October 24th from the Oakland Facility on Bond Street. He may have facial hair now. Randy may hide under a pile of leaves or in a small location to keep warm. If you find any of the mentioned clothing or a discarded adult diaper please caîl immediately: 911 for immediate help if you find Randy Oakland Regional Centre: 905-844-78-64 Ext. 314 Halton Police: 905-825-4777 Peel Police: 905-453-3311 ***If you see Randy do not let him out of your sight, talk to him and tell him you're taking him to his mom. ***Randy suffers from Autism, Epiliepsy and Bi-Polar Disorder. HE WILL NOT HURT YOU! Please approach him calmly. He cannot speak but will make hand gestures, clap and shake your hand. This message courtesy to you by the Milton Champion RANDY MOGRIDGE MIS4SINGIII 0"4