Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Nov 2004, p. 24

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24-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Nasember 2, 2004 2MI 2"32 320 In loviag memoryof HALTON REGIONAL John (GerMcydro October 3, 200 POICE SERVICE A persan neyer dies ntl 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville they are forgotten. Sat. November 6Ï(Indooas) Love Sheila, Gien Erin Vîawîng & Regis1raiont &3am-9 30am Michaela 'andl gean AUCTION START 9:30 AM Teins ut Paymest: Caoh or Cheque ish OD PST ciii be addd to they pie-0efeshooents Aual I2ARRODFE-PEfIRW Word@ cosio express our gratitade Ie ail theae che seppartied us threugh te eed Ceea efeer beloved JILL Seair Early Fuserai Home for their help andl compaosiin. Rets J oaeph G ray fer eem ferling u n ndr tifs kind urerda. Ladies of Knox Chureh fer refrieahmente. Verna and rtAmtelia far thitrr help. Te ail wbea sent fflerul tributea. ifood. carda anal uterds of synspatlay ad donations. laankyeau ail feryeur lette, cariag andl prayeru. the Garred aad Pestigrew Families.n LOST. Set of keys on .2 APARTIMENi size cash- chaons wt emafe Martia e tlryer Aise 24" S. 905-6917686. notge/stoae. 905-5o 2ea3 - sES Amezisg bargains quees orrhopetic pilsctop set sec inplastic, cassty NANNYICAREGIVER $150o905-567-40o42criilde- seetiet for 2 chidren, JK, & usver. Tatdiler nr my home. Car- Bdem Cenrad ing persan s play gamtes, Ber che rsser,2 teach, take ta pigygroup.Bd srhtstdess aer Ca Lrght HH chores, ses ststans. Neyer opesen- trespottfos. Start imme- srcen eeos o Sacific drateiy, N/S, 7am-5:3pm Cot $8000.6 4042fic Cal 416587-5779.OI $.0.956742 rn. CARPET i hase neyerai 1000 pui ai ofew Stars- mase 1 r/.e syion car- pet (rJ O livrngraamr & hal fo $389. Inciades car- pet, pa & isstallation (30 Beote ana Afrer Soosa yards) Steue, 905-638- Cane JK asti SK alsa cai- 8192. came. Sohouls caveretid tTb Sr uotos are Ouardias Asgei, Ra- Hateta, Tu zs04atr, Roeti-ns bert Baldwin, St. Petems wtral OaaoRd andi Chais Hadfietd. Pull coud cabiset, sever useti, coaerage fan Eartp DIsmIs- StIin f wrapper. Casi se /Pi Days, Mu chiChast $9,995. Set f$5,00 'tr- mas Bea atn aiase Oum- 953-5197. mer HalaysCal Sande 905-878-0325. ,LOVING oue enuaatius w meais, outtiaur play, crailla, firmt aid, pelice chiet, reter- $SM0 escen, peut rime eocflabfe. mANTES - An China, Sii- Caif 905-876-0620. _ aer, Cryntai, Tea Caps, RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- Rayai Doultos., Scersosu, CARE. Quality chiticare flass, Jecellery, old soys, for pour chrftiren 18 maaths caiectibien, esrates. Caf i to5ia nt s ioux t89..Cafi JufatiTracr. 905-331-247. ut urabocvrtfageday- 2008 Keemare, 3 speed cashîsa machine, goati coadition, $300.00 0130. Cafl f905-93-M95. FP Htith Chair -sua, Whie StorkCcIft CeI A MattPess- $100, Tfruee-piece Enter- tansteent ui 9' eong S a' hrgh -$f1Sf. Mieofave Stand -$25, HP l3ekiet 50C FumIer -$25. Cati Gi 905-878-4944. WOOOEN play stcaeo, 2 fort anes, 2 siates, 21 swings. usatiet rater, 2 reae taerer, maekep bars itease e. an bee. Setle te- ltfor $1500. vie aesit- trg lor $650. Pleasu Calt 90-257-390. A l3stag Reain, Cherry- ceat, douebte podosal table, 8 cara, buffet, halch, tiaselaif coestruc- Sion. New till ta beox. Cest ot toua. Sacifie $2,600. 905-567-9459 A Kng Pdtuctu Mattree Sel. Nec sn plasic. Coul sraao sel for $-450. 905- 567-9459 1993 Catiffae OTS. Dia- menti Whie paint. Nec cintisieti, Nurthslan an- ene. Tas feather inlenatr. ionier CD, anti Bose speakers. Eniceptianal coa- diSert, rust-Ieee. flainfese eehaxc. suC. Vayi rlaaSe. Sacrifie sale- $45ff rn, or $4800 Cerf anti E lesleti Rap 9te-agn-7498, or gos- 1994 catie Nrf efy ErghI. 265,000 Idis, aery dean, ffarteo, titafif maielarneti. $3,Uaa ce~St. $2900. an ns Acarr .519-853-4207 JO%8 Plymtht Breeze, auIs, PV,PD, NIC, traiter Sitct, rsa,0uuiMS, eerti- fto-ol-testeti, $3,900u 905- 873-2294 or 416-407-9482 1997 Datige Caraan SE, 7-passeager, "-~., fltt oauippot ecellet cai- lion. 539M certittoti. Sfesanr Melers 905-875- 5010. lus0 Topeta Caerty 4 .04. suxeteoo, tan feattor intener. t45,f0earos, $12,900.00 080. 905-877-re5u or 647-292-ca1e CALLING ALL CHOCOLATE LOVERS! Voled, by aur empînyces, as ose ai Canada's 50 Boni Employers .. for lte 2sd lime! Peody's Chocotaten ns expasdîsg jeta lte Greater Tarasse Arce ite fait of 2004 and we are taokiag ta f011 a vaniety of pasitions ia lte Oakuritte, Bramptan, Missînsauga, Newmarsket and Vaughan aceas. Purdy's Chacatates wsta eniablisited is Vancouver, Caeada is 1907. Since Ihes, ftin family oweed and aperaled business, bas majstajeed se as-matcited pannieS for chocatates and a cammilmeet ta bath qeaiity and tradition. Taday, Pardyns Chacalaten jn rte targesf chacalate relsiier jn Western Canada, oulit 48 stores te B.C.. Alberta ad Ontaria. Our empiayeen esjay warkisg ie as eavirasmefî thaI saties open cammunication, wark-lite balance and lte appartasif y faor gowît and develeîpmieaî. Positionu wite are 1ooking to i! tPart flase Retiait SUore Staff "Seasornat Sales Staff e Stock People We are looking for staff Pliat are: a Passief aie about citacoate - Enfitenjasîjo abaut selijg a quaIify prodgcf "Dedicated la, pravidiag a gocal canlamer experiesce - Escopette and esjey maeeting oew people " Excjled about warking ina t eaca netiag Applicaentsîs bts flexible la mark al mail heurs. Ponitians require experlesce te s fast paced celait envjresasest. Full training oujîl be pravided fer ait panitions. For prompt cornsideraton, fax your resaare te, (905) 845454 by October 31, 2004-In yonr caver iletter please make reference toi thse position and location yon are applylasg for. We uhair ail applîcansa for thein ivicrest, huwever only ltase artividuea a ocecteri for an interview w e hacoataccaf. oust hae f0 e a Z orea NAZ Tîc els'e oued e of Ahs at faclrp deaa Foritrve LKSSON 901882 58uteau IeePeal r T Tor R 10 eup pelriat utssielr OreJ Idii Ns rgatasate el nanis Cet iandam rot esenside rae si 877493-206,an ote aîonî e775-ite2r Shîed-il oftcrs a unique and ýdynamîc work envirnnent flt if illi wih oppoitunsy for lhone who are spirnsed, pro-active and 50dm-oriented, The cntreprenceuriai nature of our organizasîon ftows rigiii ihrotuph the company, fouicrîog an environrment that ns both demandîng and rewardîng. Shredi fis currentiy ueekîng an ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR and CALL CENTRE ASSOCIATES for tour Sal Centre in Oakviie 0cr Caîl Coolie Associates acf as Ocam Milembers, the primats îesponsibîiliy, s so gener- aie sew cusismeis and sales actively ni the buosiness f5 business market. The asseciaies represeof Sales infoîess and are responsisie for pssiieiy pisnrsiîsg the organizain ai a national andi international leuei. The Administraive Coordîsaisi wiii be responsible for the effective coordinatisn ofthSe Caîl Centre area, preparatîi and maintenance oi ail personnel documentation, Establishisg and maistaing office precediies, Coordinaig and monitoring the pro- curemenit ni Cali Centre Supplies, Caîl Centre AACD and Sales Reportîng asd Maistainîso Terrifsry Segmentation. Please submit restiues ta: Cali Contre Manager, Fax: 905-489-2755, e-mail: ccrecruitlng@shredit.Cern We are an equal opportunity emplnyer FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES Wbe a companry ta experienclng succeas, tbe peeplie abat are part et tbat cecmpany are growlng as wmou. Oar empisyesa enjey te atabtty et tbelr jobs and worb foon teab vsry basa in tlibergiasa ,sanufactung. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Fise peers industril espenience in traeitleshaating end eascaling ernergenc Ssd prssenleltee aisntenence an e cantinous flow praces litre os rsquired. A Aoffin kttawledge of PLC's and eariable speed drivets if SP essfo fat Cttif ouI veroes projecla in aIl aspects af te industrielI electnical field. As Ontrnio In- dustriel Electrncien Licenfe is essntieil. Pliease inclade on eminga blefary PACKAGING OPERATOR Fait Tino Packaffing Oporatens ta eart f2 hsur retftisg shrits (10;00 - 10:00) te caser sur 24 heur operetias with every alier weeltend aUf. Yau ces average $48,000 + pet year etith averlime and lookt taretd lai iealtitcare, dental, pre- sctrtia drg, lie, short and 1long lerm diaabty inaurence betneta, peastan, catpay matcit RRSP, alt baat and cotiig aflaencea, paid holideya, pet- formace, saeetp and eflendence incentivea. Piss « apIn porio andl coea pmpard te connpiat.l an .Mklymn app ation aadpjroWeid throo mirne ceca 7:30 arn- 4:00 pmî Guardian Fiberglass 300 Main Street En, Ontario NOB iTO il/2 heureassof Guelho Hoiti eep2tif prit Ra124» Ne le o aë n hse éidkreterm ing e cotide STAUNS*VARNISHES*PAIN4TS Located throughout tha US and Canada, Amerîcas fastest growîing paint company is seektng outstandîng indîvîduals for our organization. Our mission is to identify, deveiop, and retain Ihose people who are able to adapt to the rapid change that accompanteu growth, and ID davelop & deliv- er producte of supeor quaity. Your ideas and experiences esitI greatiy impact BEHR's continuing success as the leader in the coatings industry. Our taciiily in Qatuvilie, Ontario has the outstanding oppor- tunity: LOGISTICS ADMINISTRATOR As a member of OUr Ditribution team, you wuill be respon- sîble organîzîng, coordînattng, scheduing and releasing ehipasents for att customer orders. The desired candidate muet have at least two years experience in a togistice rote, and the ability 10 communicate eft ectiveiy wvith both intemnai and externat customers. Strong computer and systena ekilîs necesnary. The successfui candidate miii be decisive and capable of working independentiy & with a team. Excellent vivritten & verbal skiiis required. Join our wvinning teana and be researded with a quality moru environasent and a competitive compensation & benefits program. e-mail refume and saiary history to, mrhoadee@behr.com Fax resume and salary history to: (610)391-1086 We are a smoke-free workpiace and are proud 10 be an equal opporiunity employer. Check us out aI wwwbehrpaint.com PART-TIME POSITION Asariebte lot resposîbe individuel wrth as ietereot ta titness. Must Se flexible regarisa wo rsg haurs. Sometimes reqarrei to opes gym et tAM. Cali for moire Information: 90"478-8702 CUSTOM MADE ALUMINUM Requtres stirdage sidisg insfaller s 00f as possible. Esperiesce reqaireti il passible. Pieaae catit 905-331-9333 er Fax reaumne lot 905-331-9334 RAMADA MN THIE FOLLOVWNG POSIONS ARE AVAILABLE: -Fatt ilmeOPant imte Heesekeoping -Part Time NtahI Aaditer Must be abie ta carS weattends. Apply in peses or lau (905) 878-9701 Lad"fe Ettecaba seeere" DRIVERS STILL NEEDED FreeTraining Scitasl Bus Driveea Wenled Cati 905-877-4448 Laeiaâw irs etquai foptnf C-asny Burkerl Cosiiomatic mfc. a loading Prscess & Istrumentation Comtpany incafe ins Oukoîllfierss an immodiate oponiao fer a tompsraîy PT position in soi ASSEMBLY/SI-IPPING DEPT. 20530 his/eeek for appias, 3 monihs. The succesoful candidate shoold suce a working knoci edgeouf Windows basoli computers. Fax a ornailtonsm tai: Hernait Reoes 905-847-7152 or otta.briaa@banbot cern TRUESTAR FOR WOMEN Nutrition, Fitness and Total Health Company te iaoking tor quaiified personnel who vivant tar seot in an environment thnat: truiy impraves the tives of others. Part-lime toi Career opportunities. Caîl: 905-864-64 CHERYL CRAIS CAREERSto iNC. ORDER PICKERS/ PACKERS Far tong seras indefinite assigssteats; (Oativite). Must hase aafety bases and retrable transporta- lian. Haurs 8:OOam ta 4:3Opst (mass ha fissible ta work avertime). $9.fglttaar. FAX Resumes ASAP: 905-332-7993 e-mail: info@cherylcraigcareers.oom 905-332-1600 for more information BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH OPEN 7 DAYS 24 HRS We seed to add pou to our work force. Whether yoa are iooing for foul rime empioymest, part rime hours, or a rewardrsg career, please appip in per- sas ai 40 Chishoim Dr. (no phone catis please). Company pays 50% of groop insurance after pro- bation perioal. Starriog base cage is OS0/hi. Voar abriliy to prodace on a fast paceri team environ- ment wili resait in as aoerage mage of 10.00- 16.00/hr. Corne in and seea it we cas creare a worh ochedore rhar cors for you. 1i«Ii #&t~, NOW HIRING *orralna Trainsng -Incentive Prograosit BeasoiS *Frt ioiers Staff Dscountr- Gsrrerus Me olcy Fa1t irtr à Part tint Stemronett & Prodaction Stff fos ait shit.. 5eoraSden5taCt5reattI er ApplyI pitio eesettex a r.utta te: 8501 ttey 25 N goat tictiS ot the 401) Miltos Ph: 905-878-8712 Fe.: 905-87&1f ses3 SHOPPERS DRUG MART South Georgetown PART-fIME CASHIERS Warred fou nighrseekends PULL-lIME CASH MANAGER Experesce rerfarei, for ritys, nigtsfleetends flease drop off resume ar srore Imm

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