Photo by HERU GARRUTI ~Up and over Milton District Mustang Todd Arruda salis over a pair aI Christ the King tackies ciuring senior footbaii playoff action Wednesday alternoon in Georgetown. Despite spending much aI the sec- ond haif in the Jaguars' end, the Mustangs ast 14-8.The junior Mustangs wiii hope to lares iii- tie bolier this affemoon, when they begin the playoffa at Burlington Centrai. IceHawks deliver shutout over shortstaffed Buzzers By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Local Jr. A tons ftnding oui second bond about Saiurdoy evening's exhibition viciory over Si. Mtchael's shouldn'i get îoo excîted. Whîle tIse lceHawks 4 O win was certatnly credible, t ofiered no indication ut how îhey meosure up agaînsi une uf tIse Souihem Conlerences top ieOms. Thois because ihe Buzzers were wiihoui iheir entire tront-ltne aiiack, as well os number one stopper ond lor- mer iceHawk Kain Tisi. Afier leoming Mutons Halloween weekend toumomeni had been conceled, o number of Si. Mîchacîs ployers sched- nled college vixits leoving lIse visîlors wiihoui moxi of iheir offensive firepower for tIse inter- conference titi tIsai would be scheduied o few weeks loler. TIse lceHowks balonced ihe scales somewhai - xii- îing oui top scurer Shondor Aiphonso. Rookie-ot tIse- Year hopeful Mati Price and sioeiing goalie Doug Gmeneslege buî sitîl had a dean edge from tIse word go Saiunslay. Aboni ihe unly tntrigutixg elemeni of tIse night for tIse diehards ssas tIse debut ut Jesse Jenish. a 63, 200- pound posser lunssard ssbo spent the taxi isso seasons xs ah ibe OHLs Sagitt.txs Sptrtt. TIse i q-sean uld xx asted itîtie itine nsaktng his pres ence feu, scoring the wtnning goal on a bottom-shelf deflection laie in the ftrst period. His me did ail the damage against St. Mîchael's. with capiain Adam Pileggi tallying twice and freshman Kevin Momson sinking a picture-perfect wraparound. The trio combîned for Il points, while sophomore defenceman Jeif Caîster assisted on goal number two. Among the Toronto Manie minor midgets called up for Milion Saiurday was former Maple Leaf Rick Vaives l5-yeae-old son I1IE*111 Juxtin, who ssas robbed on a break- away late in the second. k0" Bock up tenders Parker Von Buskirk and Carson Hau split ihe cage work down the mîddle and combined for 21 soves. The exhibition clash aciually feaiured more goals thon penalties. as just ihree minor infractions were ossessed ail night. Lasting luit one hour and 47 minutes, ihe gome is likeiy to be Muions quickest ibis seoson. St. Michoel's ix slated to host gome iwo of the exhi- bition series sometîme later ibis season possibly around ihe holiday Newmoekei Showcose. The lceHawks hod a golden opporiuniiy to gain some ground on I ~amtiton lant night, when tIse iwo teams squared off ai Mountain Areno. Results were not avaîlable ai press itme. Milion s bock ai home Friday to begits a tss o game home stand againsi Buffalo Sundas afiemoon tbey hosi Bramalea. business that considers jiseif nii~une neccssity for advertising sooner or hier finds indf i~~un~ to business' Derby Brotvn e>~xdù~ aipvs. ~ We believe... m helping. Anyone. Anywhere. ~ MILTON HEICHIS RACING CLUB I e