Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 2004, p. 7

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TeCanadi.an Champion, Fiday Octobe, 29, 2004-7 IQuick spring !ha~ !v e Istreets quite water-Iogged WOUR~ Î<E1 DEIS WRITE liïme Capsules' arc geinsf iforma/tiîorn eiîa<îed ]rîî, paft i (SU )fiiIi fI/aniioti and <i/a', pu/tht afîîiiîî f0 pridi a ai indotî ifi liltuîf f paîfj If tplaniafott'comn i î.% tonitnies pro- ticd fi pi/ace ite stuaition ifnfî11'tf, March 1904 We pot our tîrsf spring wcather on Taesday alter more than fo>ur months of steady wtnter. The htgh temperature and hrtght sun melted the snow very quickly and there was a great deal of mater on the streets. Men were employed on Main Street cultng passages for it through the ice. and the stdewalks were kept tolerably free [rom it, but there mas a strait flood in the soutb and west ends whjcb covered the sidewalks and flooded cellars. Patches of bare gruund appeared in many places out- side the town and as. on account of the great depth of snow throughuut the winter, there is not much frost in the ground, it is itkely that farmers may be able to com- mence their spring pluwtng cachier tban was expected. Gordon, only surviving cbtld of Judge and Mms. Gorbam, dted this morsîng at 6 o'clock, tn bis tentb year. During bis long illness bis physicians bad gtven little tf any hope for bis recovery tbougb tbey were somewbat encouraged witbin the last week by an apparent tmprovement in bis condi- tion, which lastcd until yesterday, when a change for the worse set in. Judge and Mes. Gorbars bave the heartfeli sympathy of tbe people of Milton in their bereaverseni. A large number of tic blackamniths of Halton met ot Milton on Friday evening, forrsed an organization, elected officers and ftxed on a scale of prices for work. On Monday lait Messrs. Winn & Co., shoe manufacturers, got in six more new machmnes making a total of about twenty lately. AIl thc machines are of the very lat- est pattern and of Atnerican manufacture. When Uiey are aIl in operation Uiey will do practically aIl of thc work of making shues, thc operatives merely feeding Uiem. Tbey will increase Uic oulput ofthei establish- ment at leaul 50 per cent wiUiout an tocrease in Uic number of hands, but more employecu will be necessary to, handle Uic goods. Milton's shoe factory is one of Uic mont modem in Canada and leads in Uic qualiîy. style and finish of ils production. 'imon s~PîtbuII ban useless, unfaîr and doesn' Time 1~address real problem behînd dog attacks The tbass sud partial breatong up of Uic ire in tbe creek last Fr/day caused somte- tbîng of a flood in the East Ward. There mas an ire jars ai tbe Pine St. bridge aud the waîcr backed up and ftowed îhrough tbe old creek bcd junt belom and north-casî of Foster St. (Charles). The waîcr mas very deep acound neyeraI bouses particularly Ibat of Arthur Pitcher, mbu cumplained that certain parties bad broken up tbe tee ncar the grisl milI sud had thus inrased the jani. Some fîrewood fluatcd off, but nu greai damage mas donc. The mater sub- sîded Uic next day. April 1904 The officers elccted by Haltun black- smiUis ai their organization meeting were President, D. Peer, Palermo; Vice Pres., Wmn. J. Stuart, Tansley; Rer. Sec., Alex MacDonald, Oakvillc; Finanrial Sec., Thus. E. Wcîr, Milton. Executive Comimittce: L. Thurston, Palermo; A.W. Kcmp, Oakvîlle; C.H. Bundy, Milton; E.G. Paige, Burlingion; Chas. Brown, Dmumquin. The organîzation is a brancb of the Horseshuers' Association of North America. J.S. Deacon, Public Sehool inspector, presented his annual report lu, Uiecounîy counicil on Tuesday. There mai snre little discussion n Im points; the general removal of Uic old-time plalformus for teachers, wbich were formerly in general use, and Uic refusai of Uic trustees of some sections lu fly Uic British flag on Uieir school buildings. Me. Deacon approved of Uic rersoval of Uic platforms. He objected lu Uic constant aicending and descending of steps by leachers made nccessary by Uic platforms sud said Uiai if Uic teachers rersained on Uieir feci during srhool hours, as they generally do, Uiey could sec their pupils quite mdll enougb lu keep Uiem in urder. He did n01 tbink Uiaî Uic trustees who failod bo fly Uic national colors were ai al dinloyal but raUier Uiaî Uiey mccc cu- norsical. Thtis maîeria! is assembled on be/ta/fof fhe M//rus Hisorr/al Surct b y J/m Dil/s. who can be reached by e-mail ai jdills@idireux.con. <T/he .1loit î leiter tkvas aidresfed to Offaf to Afforifev (;eteral Mic/fael Bi sani . andi a t opy was filed mit/î T/te Citanipion.) Dear Edilor: To Ontario Attomney General Mtchael Bryant: If's w/lb a beavy heari Ibat I wnite Uiis letter to yuu. I expected tbat tbere would be some amendments to legislatton regarding the ownership of pt bulîs, but I certainly didn'l think Uiat a man with as much education behind him as yon could be 50 laclong mn commun sense. Ignorance breeds fear, and for Uic mont part fear is due to igno- rance. Your latest dectsion 10 ban pit- bulîs is in my opinion based on nothing more than polities and ignorance. I fmnd il very odd Uiat in spite of ail Uic itnformation Uic media, certain animal rights organ- izations and I have managed 10 comte up wîtb that yon still man- aged 10 feel Uhi banntng a breed mai Uic way to, go. Did you actually read any of the information? Dtd you really do any research? l'm doubtful. Did yuu know Uiat in Winnipeg, where pithuis are banned, Uiere han been an increaie in rottweiler aas? Hoanir... I wonder why Uiat is. Could il be because Uie problemri docun't lie wiUi a type of breed, but raUier wiUi ownership and respon- sibitity of dogs in general. I guess your next move should be 10 ban aIl men heîween Uic ages of 18 and 25 from drtving sports cars, because baied un statisties Uiey cause thc mont accidents. Or maybe ban Siarsese rats. mm m OWZOOM ZOO MZOM ZOOM zoom zoom zoom zoom FIL'EYC 0?DE MI 0F XOBERs ACHiLEN The AilNew 2004 MazdaS Sport Wagon Includes:çc M im ieracleon Cont QI <~~ ~ VPower Windows t- wPower Lodks VPower Heated Mirlot V'Cruise loiro 1V16"Wheeh /AjlSeassnT t'ý 311 Islam SI., Acien VKeyess Enry VEngine immobîlzir 19 a 85 33 02 0 AIWFM CD S/ifso VTiI/Tesoc cSheen 519*83*GIO BrofagoCe a The AiINew 2004 Mazda6 SportWagon O OikM on 2 V6iOSplit Rear S/att s WI PBfaAI14AtO~~r Ou loehenhip ts M thîe B/yul. onr qul isic le the Bof!! , Plus Mue! Mors VeI7y~ jWe quiW WU7 *LY7ý for 48 Mos. MURfC~ Letters welcome The Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e-mailed to miltoned@haltonsearch.com, faxed to (905) 878-4943 of dropped off at 191 Main St. E. .3w r- Tiir (_ ANADIAN ClIAMFION Tbey're a muody breed ut cal and tho se claws cuuld be dangerous. And whilc yuu're aI il. wby don't you pans a taw wbere peuple can't smoke tn their cars anymure. My point ts simple -we necd tougber legistaîton on irresponsible dug umners and breeders, regard- lcss of wbether il's a pitbull or a loy puodle. Youïr wrong, Me. Bryant, and you knum you'rc mrung. Now you need In lix mhat yuu've broken. I baventi had a decent sleep in nights because you've*essentially taken away my God-given right In own any type of dog Uhi I mant. Arc we living in Canada or China? This is a blatant violation of rights, period. We have Uic right lu be safe [rom idiots who omo victous dogu, but Ibis ban munt guing lu help that. And do you know how 1 know Ibis? Weil, research for une, and for another I work aI a veterinary clin- ic. I have been there almost seven years and befote Uiat 1 mas a vol- unîcer cruelîy agent wiîh Uic Peel Region Humnane Society. I've neyer encountered a pithull in aIl Uiat lime that mas viciuus by nature. Il's Uic jerks who own Uiem Uiat deserve Uic ban you've nom put in place. You've banned Uic weong animial. So having said Uiat, I would like lu, personally invite you lu, come lu my place of employmenî and mork wiUi me une day. I mant you lu sec hum ignorant and lazy some animial owners can be. I want you tu sec Uic six Jack Russell terriers me have as patients, of which only une of Uiemn duesn't need a muzzle wben he crnmes in. I'd also like lu, iniroduce you lu seseral Labrador retrievers, chi- huahuas sud nurse mixcd breed ntutîs that patronize our chii and would tmuly enjoy taking a chunk ouI of yuur face. Nul une of Uiose dogs îs a pitbull. Then I'd ltke you lu visit wiîh the veterinartans aI my chiei and ney- eraI oUiers in the arca and gel their input. I happen 10, know Uiat Uiey would agree wiUi me, because me've dis- cussed il. You can't gel any dloser tu a dog Uian bcing in velernary medicine, and mont of us Uiink your ban is a joke. I'd also implore you 10 actually visil Uic Toronto Humane Soctety and sec how many pithuls are in Uiere Uiaî would make fantaitir farsuly pets. I don't condone any dog lu be vicious and wholelieartedly agee Uiaî vicious dogu should be euUia- nized in an effort 10 keep peuple safe and 10, keep frors breeding bad blood lines and traits. But Uiere's bad in every living tling. You haven't, in my opinion, donc anyUiing more Uian lt-y lu cars sorse votes and publicity for Uic Liberas. I don't believe yuu're spcaking un behalf of Uic majority of Uic population -dog uwners or nul. So I certainly hope 10 hear from you soon ai lu when you'd like 10 visit my clinie. I milI make sure im anned wiUi information Uiaî supports Uiis ban as cumpleîely uselens and unfair. Jui. Cascagnette Cooke Crescent

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