Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian C'hampon Fe.day 0e-lober 29 2004 *Comment * The Canadian Champion Bo 248,lo M i nSi E. The Canadian Campon. Oulse evr 5.ca ue oly 9 Milton t ý94N9 ad MtuiOt L9 4N9 (o,28 ue5 h Merln (90S) 878-2341 Ada 1 BotnEeris Broipn GAd iili AulrgoPý Bdigo SfI.oPPig Nevns Ci Parent City of York Ûo.ai Coliigoo0OW fVga Coe s E if.M.oo, lon e o, i , C,ount OLJ EfoooOke Fdîirial I-at 90i-878-4943 rr' o0, Po ilo 0090 Oo,e. for Yo.. 0.0 Gerefon Adverlfoîni, Fax: 905-876-2,364 ...'o~ F Ato n Press HaItl OLIIII soi s ur as . Business c T l~~fits LinsayThs Week MkaEonoo-,of&BSunM fEidýeet Classilîed: 905-879-33 3()f tientO Mesou Mlton Seooppig News Me oo.,O 00 Circulation: 905 -878-5947 Ela 000000r t.001ýJ,b0 lr( News, No Yo k o rtr flo Okîll( 0, o0i DakifleShoppng'. N e îII Bàl.... Off! e ruio, oou Ian Oliver Publisher To0,y OsIfi.,OWOii0, EoooooonPoot ýer, , 0e-ek PplfrorfLOIIf This \eiltleser B o,.,,oî,I'of hoffo , Mý o. Ioofo.IetUoEoge Trhu... liiillca tianis rial,. ootýi offo tu 00e 0 0 ade 0sn s 05 o oo,00y li f 0 o kaen1.N it tloo , 11c' t il) ai, Trie pu -.f, re0 or sf nie nulf t 0, o ri, ý advertse000,00 1jlin (coins rol i.,. tBoo , fi-o e Edofooij 0001dd,f 000, j ontent ot fi Caoa[anChf,piu if 00 p0f.0 ed (1artoit Hall I0 %,f ani« i/ef,,, Ql itufna'fn0f000ff off i roi. s pofolfao Icon, Lasas f/, lo ,0 Tfhe MOo Caadian Cfhaompion o a Reoycfable Produc l Grading the Liberals It was interesting t0 note that Premier Dalton MeGuinty adrnitted last week bis govemment hasn't brougbît (with apolo- gies 10 Tiger Woods) bis 'A' game t0 the table yet. Looking back on bis first year in power, the Liberal boss gave bis govemment a generous grade of B wbile alto issuing a 16-page "progress report" called Getting Results for Ontario, a taxpayer-paid-for document about bis govemmenfs first- year aecomplisbments. To be trutbful, one year later we're still i trying 10 figure ouI this govemment. They're making somne solidi pledges 10 improviîîg bealth cace, but ai the same O ime are delisting chiropractie and optom- etry services antd demanding bospilals make drastic culs. The provincial Libérais are stubbomnly, tome say futilely, figbting to roll back Hwy. 407 tolîs, promising 10 eut clans- room sizes in our publicly-funded scbools antd pusbing for lougber sentences for gun crimes and cbild poin cases. On the otber band tbey're clawing back tome sebool board reserves putting boards (like Halton's) in a potential budg- et deficit position, while announcing plans t0 ban sushi and pitbulls. Most importantty, a year latterIe stencb of their blatant lie about not raisiog taxes still clings to the Libérais as îbey wasted no lime in hitting taxpayers with a nasty bealtb lax in Ibeir firsî budget annouincement. 'Mis lie appears te, have a lengtby shelf life. Wbile enieis on the opposition benebes say the Liberais deserve a grade of F (for ftbbing, if notbing else) we tbink tbeir ftrst year of work is more wortby of a C or a D. It would be naive for tbe electorate 1u, expeet every election canapaign promise to be fulftlled within the govemmenî's ftrst year in office. However, Premier McGuinty and his Ontario Liberal Cabinet are off 10 a slug- gisb stant in delivering their promises 10 those who voted them 10 power. Are we surprited? Not really. Ditappointed? Absolutely. Orientation time aI Queen's Park is over. lis time the Libérais really hit the books and did tbeîr homework in order 10 improve their bare- ly passing grade. * Our earsWrite Let' work together to keep Milton beautîful Dean Editor: Ltke a lot of people, I enjoy a bnisk watk around the Mill Pond. Wbite doing so, one cao enjoy the peace and tranquitity of the country right bere in town. I don't tbink there are 100 many places like Milton where you cao enjoy Ibis type of scenery. Wben gotng around tbe pond one day. t encountered stme parents witb tmatt cbitdren working on a seboot projeet about nature. Myself, t tbought ibis was quite unique, seeing people oul one drea- ry Sunday moming and showing an interest in the outdoors. Then there are other fotks who don't seem te, share tbe feetings of myself and others about the ouI- doors. White walking one day. I noticed and picked up a very recent newspaper and other garbage and put il in Use proper container that was onty a few short feet away from wbere these items were dcopped. Let's att work together tu keep our town etean - especinlty tse Mill Pond, which bas quite a history te, t. Lei's atlow everyone te, enjoy it 10 the fultesi. R. McMurter Miliside Drive Recent Champion cartoon of governor general right on Dean Editor: revien conmtttee would ensure that ne're geltîng 'Me editortal cartoon in the Ortober 8 Cbampion value for every tas dollar. depîcîîng Govemor General of Canada Adrienne In my opinion UsaI's not enîirety tmue, since we're Clarkson and ber busband in ailthUeir regal finery tots- stuck wiUs Mis Clarkson and compaoy for ai leasî ing our lax dollars caretessly about says it ail. another year. Virtualty nothing bas cbanged tince Aprit 2, wben Elizabeth Harrison the federal govemment stated Usai ils expenditure Campbeilville Believe it or not, there's actually two of us here When t fOrsI staeted at 'Me Champion about five months ago, I knew t was taking on a won- derful job in a beautifut town. Wbat I wasn't prepared for was Use inheritance of a Inwin' - that being fettow Champion reporter Stephanie Thiessen. Many loca residenîs have decided Usat we look 0 so much atike, we must be Use same person; a f super reporter' ssbo attends att levenîs, day and night. Now, lilI admît. we do have some simitanties. Were boUsh about fOve-foot-tO wtb medtum- blonde curly bair. about the same age and were boUs reporters for the same paper svt- tUree-syl- labte nanses that end ssitb 'anie.' For people that don't sec uts that olteta. t think t can see the confuston. O At first. ne tbought il %vas rather anîusîng. For -xample. sbortty after t staried. Stephanie %vas wetcomed 10 Milton by a local councillor she'd previousty intervtewed. and ton couancillors wbo baven't even met Stephanie started catting me by ber name. Then, we started thinking Usat maybe ne could have tomne fun wiîb this. We contemplted boUs atîending Use same event, tike a counictl meeting, and taking tums sttting aithUe press table 10 see if aoyone noticed. Playing jokes on people was one of Use main reasons 1 always waoted a twin -wben I was younger. But. gîven that wasn't possible, t lîved vicari- ousty through the Sueei Valley Tvins book sertes. follonýing the tno ststers lbrougb thetr .tdsentures. tl think the Champion Twins bas a ice ring to tl MaybL ibis situatton bas a poten- liai profit in it tor ts.) il admit, silice the rinte slip-up happens so For one, t wear glasset fuît-lime, wbereas Stephanie utually only wears hers for taking notes. ____________________ Our wardrobes are another distinguishing point. Stepbanie is a pink shirt fanaîic, wbile l'm The viewp~a~ie's als. known tu straigbten ber hi now and then. jfrom here If Usis doesn*t belp you. Usen take a dloser look frequenîty, I've pretty mucb stopped correcting If nothîng else, 1 guets one of us could eut our people. baîr really short or dye it bine d'il cave Usai onc But now that Fse been norking ai The up to you. Stephanie. Champion for almoet hall a year, t thînk it ssould Or. t could change my name 10 somelhing be nice te, base an esîablîsbed idenîtty in the com- unique and truly memnorable. like Frank Zappa's munîty. daughter. Moon Unit. For those ss ho confuse Stephanie and me. there On second ihoughî. mayhe we shîauld just stick are a feA nuEs 10 tell as apart. to namne tag,;

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