Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 2004, p. 33

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Peel Lumber Miltaon Custmer ervic 0K Ore ekposition, computer anti e gani & ML, ztoa klsrsquired. RD VERTISINI Faxr 905-693-9475 ETSN E-Matil: recraitaSpeellunaber.com A GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY loceatdin Acto raguiras e full rime ACCOUNT1NG CLERK ofiEmL]oDl Accounting Date Ertry (JoneS) Updeling Repots & Spreadsiraets (Excel) Racaplon, Filing, Mail Ditribution Correspondance Wagas cemmarsurete cir eapariance Hains are hem: 8:OOant - 5:08pm Pleefaxte rasumas 10: Andrea 519-853-5847 Emait: alvle@e-fo aÉn. m Dacer Sales Assediata Matue, Herdworing, Salt-Mntivatad, Outgoîrg Indi- wideel witii e fires for ratiojnal home decr. Must be flexible t0 includa thifts amongst de s, rigOle and ekandn. Bring in rasuma Mona-Fridey (ltem- 5por). Ada for Store Mngr 2 Moenlainiaa toad, Georgetown, ON 9005-873-4736 DATA MANAGEMENT CLERK (3 month Contraci posslbly leadlng ta PT) Canadas leading independent vnergy avd enviroomental management company seeko a proactiot, analyical anti resulîs-oriented indieldoal itin lire Dela Management Groap. Primany faits inclade accorale anti timaly data input oI client alility inonîce information, qualtity central oI input date, and ganeraI office dalles as assigned. Applîcants sirolti irave prior data entry eepenience anti excellent communication and computer skiis (entai etc) Prevous atilîly illing teperience is a detinile asset. E-mail: lab56@aoamtlodvaoOa.com orlo faxta5-319-791 Sp Novambar Sth. Vehicle Accountfing Clerk Experienceti parsns requireti immediatelr. Dalles inclade tire purchasing anti processingofv veiricle tales, at ory recelivabtu, commisaions and montir end recovcilîatiovs. Pvly these àlt deatership evperienca Mil be censiiered. Femilierit i atO tire Reynolds & Reynoltis (EOA) sysIens is an assaI. Plao saad rasons 80 Paola Rue 900 Walkars Une *anlia ton, ON U7N 202 PCR 909-62-9643 ST ANOREW SGLDFIEDS LTD. s currenîlir seekint an Accounting/tiftice Assistant: Tire successtel appicant wiît have: " Sîront accoanting brackgrounti in N/P anti payroli *Gooti aryfen anti oral communication strîlis * Famrliarily wrirh Ourckireks enuli ire an assel " Ability te petiorm general office dites " Gond computer ukîlîn Worti, Excel St Antirew Goltireltis Lt.i s a golti exploration anti tievel- opinent cempanr aing ils beati nffice vn Oakoîfle. Inlerenled pantes siroulti torarti lesmmes lu brans- teiensfantireataltilieis can Punll candidtes selecleti for an iiferolea tilt ire contacleti CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. for growing dental sapply compavy locate i n brenti new proteasional Patreille offices Calero oppeounii for Rîtf stater ta ausist 000011in ail aspects oi rnninnthis brusi- ness. Commanicate witir cettomers, processo alters, maintain ineentory. Pleasant phOnte vnîce, computer skîlîs anti a psitive atmiud are raqaired tu v ase am I aM4 o1 ar calkti@Wotca - Oaslfled dr CaM 90114379-MC --3e 124-33 ES A E Tetehealth Nursing of fera unique opportuialtiea for Coreer entnoncement, computer skrlts devetopmnent and sotisfi ng ci ent reltitonuhips. And Clrnrdora as the largest servicte provider oi teteheotth services in Canada, rncludîng Tetehealth Ontario. YOU BIN US: *HIGE ENERGY AND EFFORT S TRONG PRESENTATION SKOLLS IN ENGLISIt - ondcrati uave may ire heiplui *UNOUEOTIONED INTEGRITrY D EsIRE To BE OUCCESSFUL AND r eg!KM S OVERCOME OBSTACLES *WELCOMING APPEARANCE PROFESSIONALISM WE ARE COMMITYR TOr *TRAINING TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS *DEMANDINO RESULTO AND HIGE INCOME *MuINTAININO DEADUJNES A TEuM WORKING ENVIRONMENT *LCN TEE CUISTOMER FtRST IMEDIATE GUARANTEED INCOME BASE WTE CAR ALLOWANCE (COMBINATION OF SALARY AND COMMISSION) *EMPLOYEL BENEFITS ASTER COMPi ETION OF i 55 YEOR PROATION PErIvOe *ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES S RECENT COLLEGEIENIVERSIT (ORADUATES ARR WELCOME TO APPLY. IF YOU ARE, OR KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO IS THE IUNI> 0F INDIVIDUAL WE ARR LOOKING FOR, EMAIL OR FAX IOEUME M&î Jbiftngeaaiahatonseach.caim 905-827-4052 I"o OUQAW O PM A NEV -,eTELlUS Communiation Zone iras Otan e tep pretiacin Taes Mabiiity dealer sinice 199t. 00e nerrantly irane oenings frrpoatSk rfsini anti alan TelemorksOsra. 0e ara sahian tirne stars whe hava airaady madtir steet la cerptr- rata salas bat who nec wisir ta mere with a presti- alees cempanti namte anti ennaptionel pondecte anti soluioens. Yen wmli salit stete et tht art ciretess communicatoa solutions la poer ama ternitnry anti yon have Cire ahiiity ta dîcCette, oan awa manciai seccess. Tire qeaitieti candidate wiii passesse skitts tei generate new ciientate anti ponvide tep qeatity engaine service tei eeisting accanatis. If pea are matevateti ta exceeti sales geais anti are cnm tetiahie cemmenicetian yeer passion tan tecirnele an ta atirers. plase tarwarti peer rese me Cc h,40comnunicationwnel.ca t atun ua Reseurces. SALES OPPORUNITY WITH THE 'Fuas Guys" Wa are tde GEORGET ICfiA LIOTRS *Stmvng Managemant Suppct Aceot or20Pr-taiVrds Agrnn omîae a Momntcue dvertn pçreodVhce *Aggresiae dCî omm i Csto e Pl an ec o ng eeratc Long fctrroaOf M ianufac turar atiti 10upportir f2enn M i OOSTA Registeredi Nurse -Telehealth Clividara nurses anc on the front lime oi nrigcte aoswenng relephane ncqoesrs tram thec public fon Weekends ON, icemedrate beulrir rriage, infarrmation and asistance Weekdays OFF! Wc aller au rnavaîrve beneoins package ircfodivg Thrr urriqueschedulinig compclitive pay vvr16 arganrlcuriavul pterfar munce irrurer rpprrunrly crýjir trilinguat fuiltaime positious miok 2 aut ot 3 weelaeads vif;, a varieay RNs onaty, and altawr vas to of sift fengriru and roataion options, support tor ýrrrrlcr ui woale ucrrh professional devetapnsent courses and amits, ' nendty vver r uud weetaeads, and supporrive nursing enroflceflr and opportunilies bru wair ihec 10-haur Ian poesnadrciancemreol rhiiîtr' ivi ev rlx iaei livrer, pratessanal ietwer r Friday and Mrinrlay Yrrn musi ire a Regisiencd Nurse aud a meceiber oi CNC5 Yaurc enfer rcety 30 hrrr, wviîh a rcrrgnraed nursing diplonra/degrce, banc at leasi irai ChInrdata por uru for 3 years of correns nursing mark cupenience, and have aufutl 37-1/2 türosîr basic campepr skills, OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, November2nd Please jern us for informatioa and refrestamenÉs ait our Etebicetre cntre. MccL Ctinrdaras mranagers and ourses, cran birîg ynar resume la arrange an rrn rirespot inreerw Tuesday Noveanber 2 a 2:00 pri - 8:00 pasM 10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 200, Etobicoke Nel aile ta attenud? Conact (.lrvrdaîa Eoceao Resorces Phone u-877-671 ti35ir6 Fax: 1-86-828927 Clii iu ta With aiment 100 years et ecpenience anti a cnmplsment et moe thon 2,800 emplaye, Saint Elizabeth Health Continua Canadian, net-fer-prefit charitabte ergaeioatien Chat enceta et delivenrng quatity home cane thragheat Oterie. Shift RNs and RPNs (Paediatric) Oppertunities avaiable in the Oakville, Burlington Et Milton areas. Eanly mernieg, Aternoon, Enening Es Night Shits avoulable. We offer: Nae oahanced Flexible nchednling Grenp benehit anti pennies plan 24-heur clilicat anti managertat support Extensive paid orientation Paîid mileage Educatien husantes A nuppertive tam enviroament Sehoidizeti RNAP/ RPNAO membernhip u.î,raret~InIII i~ALariInATcc suait Cetl Carmani Widdess or Andrew Donnaee auitlcaorul. of"UviMi et. 9M577-78186A$,0 S NO or Fax resume tai 9054A77-O SGN N ON Please forward your rétamé te: 1 Service Deiieery Centre Manager, Peerless Corrections lrc., an authurizeti TELUS Saint Elizabeth Health Cars, Motiility Dealer locared in turlington, s Ioouhng for 20 Hegirsen St. S., Ste. 908, client-lacuseti, eniergetrc, trienotly people, wrti previ- Hamiltnn, ON L8N 2A1. Sair ous accourt management anti/or telemarketing epe- Fat: 1-800-940-8553. riesce, wtia sire aur passion for inrovation anti hreseurces@saintttizabeth.ctm teclinolegy t li ar ur leam in thre lollowing raies -a mccnat Manager - Outboond Sales (Business tei Basiress Sales) Beleable car is reqaîred - Tsisnrkstlng (SalasAsitat TELUS Mairility continues ta gruw iry leading tire O F HE PIZ wineleso comimunications intiustry in wirelesa voce, ACO 5,lSre data, anti internet services, Wiren y00 combine iris Mgu fi Fullil, Part re Staf level of success wilh sur dynamic workiog envion- mevagent is e hrs-o wring postion. Tireais ar ment, cumpelîlon ecompensation pkg, ils vu sursrise incanii prograir in pince aid baraftn ara aeaiiebe o f501 peuple are iuukrug tous luirIreir roture agenit Ptse fan reaumes, te: 90943148-026, ar Nov euce.race Email: paai@gelus.com Mâait or arnal ravi;na tir Paorless 585LU SongipreýtDraeSuite 20Lodn rON N6Jl1H3 Connectionls tnc. .,TEL lS 5fl 126o LRECEV ~eth The. iglnr Chaps requires a Lins Cooks a-w Prsp Cooks Top S$$ Parid lu Apply in perso 3315 Faîrolew Sf. ton A hasy, seve-physicrus Femity Peacrice in Bertretten, Ontario Oas us imtiiele openrsg fnr a paro-teme Nadical SeorMtrylflscsplonis Must bave e knoctetite ef medicaltreresineteen ns orelt us dtiing anti menti preessine espe- nience. WordiPerfect rsperieacepnetnrrrti. Piense tan resamres to D. Lenr eit 905-432-6932 CUSTOMER SERVICE Must 0e tlexe, re ty oftIsN sehng mature, resparsib0e applicarts. Pl.- e l in ape ca -,d eu- t. KFC -276 Min* St. Join our team *Grill Persons *Full and Port Time Counter Positions cManagement Positions Pits apply in persan: Mandesy-Satsrday 3-6pm 548 Trafalgar Rood 2420 Lakastrre Roact W. (*Management pits trac resurma ta 416-691-6224) seSeuaioulalrhin erh, I soad a a maiste ou ill. abil4fs * ieiep MW li dat anti tani prngaems feor hdm u 5.1ears ring *atsauadtniaisane tav g.pbaîa nnurtte ulei 4M dmadama tptlrcsr erto l ditilons aiansie5cr00suhs pmar e ence vvn vrt ilrrn5- 12 mrs ds5sm. e Faes Oe.eat,.a A 1 OFr IS-n-1 E-aiI ida des-@y..c Ko. meask lio E50n mi aMca --- - - - - -J

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