Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 2004, p. 32

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TruelkNirfIat Drivers Mus t fias-e either t, or AZ I o ens At Canadian Tire, rae have a prtiad histonp anti an nacîtîng faunue. Wthat began as a siffalit t s-j ceie r con pilras-y uquopmno but baiti entrepreneurial cotrcept ha emenonti ta bectime Canada's motit-shappeti anl aset. Permanet Fail Tome. retaiter. Acrass our etreptise. we ahane a corapeliig visiotr - rate are a greciro. j py of Aht srac trefoored inotatie n etraark tif interrefateti busitresses. achietiing ecnraarditrarp resaîts tihraih For intervaew eail 905-878-6258 ecaraordioarp peopte. Wie cucit te mies ut mraie peopl e in mratn caps enery dap.Wvie are or fax 905 f878-9493 lcki for dedicateti individuafs ta, ioin tiar farailp anti shartr car vision. _f BE PART 0F A Part Time Opportunity Tuesday and/or Thuraday Nîghts Approcimatefy 5-15 houra par week No esperience necessary Pieuse fax ta Victoria Todd @ 905-875-5456 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH OPEN 7 DAVS 24 HRS 00e nned ta, adti pou ta, aur nomk faone 00hthar pou are lankîng ton tati timo empinyment, part tîma havis, or a rawandiag canner, pieuse appip in par- son at 450 Chishoim Dr. ira phorne catis pinasni. Comparnv pays 50% oi gnaup rosarance aftnn pro- baion penînti. Startîrng basa wage is 0.00/hn. Taun abîilty ta produce in a faut paced i ueenviranmnrnt wilt resait in an average nage ai 10.00-ih On hr. Cae in antisute if vie cas Graie a nons schndale that wanha fan psu, Inhusiness ssncnea 0 st 84 sanrs a nss Canada ani aven 500 empiopees ne are the largnst aiteaaio business in Canada. Dur Miltas Mail anti Deo;ronis Manketlaca locations raquine Pai-urne Saratreaaeapassî- biy leadîaing t uil-lime, ta, aller & napair germanits, aperate sawin machines, honni sewisg, anti roua tomer service. Must ba able iv wars flexible hours inciutirng Suay. APPLY BN PERSON TOr Sera Flt Snw Right Miltona main Georgetowna Marketplace 55 Ontaio Street S 280 Guelph Sa. Miltan, ON Georgetonwn, ON Or Enai: rbuchaneAostichii.eaa The Salvation Army A non-profil ongasrzalros asti fond basnk s anakin a confidant anti oncarnizeti indîvial iv ca-ordinale the Chrstmas KaCiae fastiraisîsa campaigs. The succastoi applicant Mili ba csnfidant, wilh strass nalcokirna akîis, paaaaaaisn a solid adinistrative base, leadtership sîrangîha, anti the abiltl t0 worm îiapastietp. Knowiatige of tha Miltos communi- lp as assai. Position la tempraary fait bima fon the monlhs oaf Novembar & Decamban $10 pan horaa. Hoars vary. railS soma avaninga asti Satuniap's naqairat. For mora information contact Debra aI; en05-a875n1022. NOW HIAING Trainna - iruanrv Prograina - Bararins - FI" eoras -Staff îavvari - Gnrou eaoi Pvic Fult titra a Part tira Stoanata & etusti stant tar arr ahlra. Stadtet Welautt Hvrasty carnganaO iavarsor triai uel ike home Appln n. peaton Si fati rnatt ta: Oui ra Hw N 25at antit 11 f tt. a01 laltrar L it 905-871-87112 Fa:. 7.1583n-oa Service Coordlinator Our cempanpy ha as immatirata failtlima parmanant position opanisg for a sarvice coondisalar trainsis. Tha sacasafai canidtata ii havead aiva lvein aticalian. a valii nitras tivise racord, aaîay teins ith paopla anti have a vanir pleasant anti pansosabia vaice on the tllphona asti axcallent computar skiffs. The positon anaers a gorat opperlositp la ativasca ta the sermice managar position uIShis Ico para. POes. fax reatunne fo Aten: Dan Gordon. Dresoir Cran. & Hot at LtI Fax: 905-875-4304 Baîkert Contionaiic lac a leading Pracess & Instrumentation Company locate i n Oukuilte has an immediate openîng lot a tromporuif PT position in oui ASSEMBLY/SHIPPING DEPT. 20-30 histoseek for uppine 3 -ronths The siiccesstui canditdate shoviti have a avîkîng knowi- edgn of Windows asuet computons Fax on efait racamo ta: HMan Rssoarcas 9W5-847-7152 or stbraon@hrkart.c05t Canadien dream. Customner Service Representatives We are tooking for enihusvastic indiviOuais ru fît fuilt ime and pairtlime oppoîtunirîvu ut oui newesi 24-hour gas Oui locaîvd in Milion, which inctudeu v siate- utihe-ant cai wash. bulk propane facîlity and innouatîve conuenience store. hou wîtt be respoîvîbie foi ussîstîng custonero in an efficient ynd fîîeîdty manrer vhen ihey purchase fuel. conuenience iens and car wash services, Back-op duties wttl inctude merchandising, fiitinglstocking and cteaînrg. Along vvîth relateti evperîence nr frlit and castoner service, fou possess excellent communication skîis, as weit au the ability ro work vett undvi piessure and as pant oh v reun. If pou are inieiestvd in tuin an vucîtîng and grovvîng teamn, fax Tour resume and covi tetter Io 416-544-6163, or appty outîre vo: www2.canadiantire.ca An vouai opporronîit employer. Laîdra Erllon Semis., F DRIVERS STILL NEEDED Free Training School Bus Driveras Wanted Caif 905-877-4448 Lattiaws car tquai oportunity Coanyn Retirement Home in Erin Has a pari-aime position for a catîng, compassionata individuai. Dutias includa: coaking, cleaning anti paîsonai cara af tha eidanly Cali: 519-833-271 Leave a Massage F/T à P/T .1pIuea p.If u arllahle: la Envlronmental Superviser " Housekeepinil Superviser " Maintenance Warkers " FiGer Cars Workers " Housekeeping Aides Faînari femumes to Supeliai Cinaning Syaiems Afn Tom Hesch. Humait Resource Manager, Fax 705-322-2468, E-mail: superiar simcaenet Plas Speci)p Position hnîng appied for. Qvalihied appiutnto eutl 0e contucteti. SANDTRON AUTOMATION has a F/T position avaitabia, $131hr. DLUIS ICLUDEz -Shipping/ recaiving invantory -Collection cails, -Accounts receivable, -Dalivarias f0, our USA office. -Must hava axperienca with Excel, Word & hava valid driver's licensa. Fax resumne toi: 905-25-2163 General Labourers Requirati Part-ima - 3-4 Shifts par Waak Day shift, appros. Bum-4pm OR *Aftsrnoon ahlf, appron. 4pm-9pm *Stotians weicoma ta appiy. Pissase appiy In persan ta Rab BURLINGTON POST 4390 Paletta Coart, Burlingian (Accons cff Saatht Service Rd., Watt if Appteby Lina, off Hanooster) MONTHLY PROFIT $800-$1000 PLUS CAS ALLOWANCE Budînglasn Earip monrg doan ta doan daiiveny 0f the Hamilton Speclatar & Torno Stan Muai Have s Reliabia Vahîcia CALI NDW! 905-639-7700 Lyngan mnc. - New Management Let's get started NIGHT SHIFT Persan ta worm nit., and supervise a amati shift in a busy Wood Shop. Some heavy lifting. Basic woadworning required. Muni aisa be or anized anid safety cansciaus. Apply in persan wîtý resume anti wage eepectatîans 12 Armstrong Avenue, UnitB Georgetown, ON ALSO DAY AND NIGHT SHIFT AVAILABLE SHOPPERS DRUG MART South Georgetown PAenVnfME CASHIERS Expanience requirtid, for dans, nîghWw~eekends Pias drap off remume ut atone Fuil-Time L AN DSC A PI1NG Heip Required Drivers licence and snow piowing eaperience reqsired Cail Bob 905-873-2691 Fuli-fime poitions availabla. Ta set ap Ho e Dpot Stoes Musi bu flexible ta tranel out-ef-togon ragaiarly anti work anar-night shits. Suiury, car aiiowance, benafits. vile Miti train.Reply ith a brief resamýe ta: MCDOIILD Sn&MEICHANDISI Fax: 905-855-8559 E-mail: joinus@mcdonaidsaieu cors Elegant andi reaisg salon and spu that dat vers the f atest trendis in haircelttng anti prodacta, s loeking for FulllPart-Time Hcaaatytoat. Cui Nurma @ Ua.693-W87 or Mail Raaaue to Noa Couteau Salon and Spa 190 matan St. E Milioa ONý LOT 188 Fleet Maintenance Program Mondait leFrideyfromn7:00am 5:00 pt 0OWEEKENO WORK -OWN TOOLS REQUaRBO Pii eRoadd and41a Fax resume to Steve: 9 05-70-2169 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR indusMditfCardaiOet requites: LICENSED ELECTRICIANSI Permnen poitinscometir augoabenatits. Must hase gond rastorner reanian curarnacat sklas Please arne Io CARNEY ELECTRIC S 1 90"477-0726 510 FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES Whenf a compony s exapariencing succeas, the people that are part of that .pcompany are grcwing as welt. Our ampioyeas enjoy the sall of their jobs andi wcth for ose the eery best in fibergiats marfufacturing. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Five years irdustria expenience in troubieshooing and enecuting emergency and preventatîne maintenance on a continuous flow process line is required. A warkîng knowiedge af PLC's and variable speed drivers is an asset for carrying out various pniedas in ai aspects of the industia electricai field. An Ontari ra n dustriai Electîlcian Lîcense is essentia. Piesse Include an eamings iioory PACKAGING OPERATOR Fuit Tima Packaging Opeaiors ta work 12 hour rotating shidas 1000 10:00) lt caver au r 24 hour aperaln with every ather weesenti off. Tou cari average $48,000 + per year with overtime anti tank torwatd tai heafthcare, dental, pre- scription drug, itsf, short andi long term disability insurance benel ils, pension, company match RRSP, safety boat anti clothing alanwances, paîd hoiidays. per- formance, saiety atd attendance ficentives. Pteaaa appty in person andi corne prepareei fa complete an empicynrtnt application andi provide tree wior* reterencea. 7:30 arn- 4:00 pin Guardian Fiberglass 300 Main Street Ern, Ontario N0B 1TO (v2 haiar eaio Guelph or Hînha SP-t covrry Rai 12ll No fevephon irva piraru oni h eivv or Sa-rriwmib otce Auteotve Palater Fuit Tino vvp'd paînter BC/CC innontetige & hyvars mitîmum evp, mundtiy Grnai nages & flei lîs. Fvtty equipi busy collision centre. 'Excellnt Working Conditions" Cati 90-589952 oaiafler7 p.m. cati 906-577-3177 EARN EXTRA CA$H EsitA maînîn *OOblIII-TO-flOf newspaper detivnrîns- 7- days/wk Same Hriy/ eknnd avait. Pakuilie Eec. commissina Retîsibe vehîcle. Cail Baris 905-333-4977 15 FulTirne Openioga Have fon. maLe rsuney and belr p ,itee We dea th ror apeers enons, restauerant shio & Chassfes Suies, costumer servce cai95-844-1025 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years aid? WE CAN HELP! Cati JOB CONNECT ait SHERIDAN 905-878-4956 Tl"T RL. MECHANICALEGNE for fusa graning company la Multas cîlh 45 ampiapees. MusI have proven ksawletige and naperience ia injection maulding PVC eatruding, rail farmîng and be honda an. Eaperiance la maniti design anti iauaching nec praductsaun osat. Contact Pauta at Etton Manufactuntng 359 Wheifabrator Way Milton IL9T 3C1 or fax (905) 878-9211 paula@eltonmanufacturng.tomS CAS TECHNICIAN Trininho I Liceaslnu avallahlo ln St. Catharines and Oakvilis. Laonch a ntt canont in as lOinl us a ion wneks. Lesîn ta inatati/snîvice turnacas, tîreptaces and ather latunat ga anti propane appliances. Cati taday. apace as lîmitid 1-877-I85-959 Niagara anti Halisa Siîliti Trades Academies, MU MMS SET 10W 701 GOLD BOOK, lacatatins Hamsiton, neaguinas a nasaurcaful anti versale PROGRAMMER ta tais aur leurs fuiltîma an sti 5sf sn the design, devaiapiment anti impiamantatian of the software architecture of aur esustirng application. > Cneaing/rnsdityisg PHP Pragnra; > Desîgnîng sec PHP applications fnm the gîsunti up; > Databasa design, optrnîtosn. bernchmrnaking- documentation. anuieti s andi MMMÉlcfiN. > Mia. 3 ears atipenience an sîrnilan position; > Min. 3 yeam espenience asti profilc nr PHP, MySOL Apache Lisua, HTML; > Abiiity to ment tîght deutirnes. > Excellant tsubashling astytical pnsbietm-milving, onganizaliosti and turne management skiffs; > Gond veral wtitn communication skilia. M yoarea aqtsid an oodta&Wte oaf-starten phisa ton.ord yoon nationstoi: greg@701.corn - Fax 905-526-1884 MASSIV DIE-FORM A Progressive Equai Opportunity Employer with Competitive Benefits Package Requires: MACHINISTS Licensed Machiniota or Minimum 2 Id Yaar Appranlices Pravrous enparîaaca with Miiiing Machinas an asoaf 2 Shifts rraquired Pieuse repiy wvith datait ad rasumae toi: Human Resources Fax (905) 794-4300 or rni hr@massiv.com

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