C1I!?ssified I BIRTHDAY MILTON OPPORTUNITY YOU ARE INVITED Expenienced Operating Partners Minimum $50,000 Cash Investment Several opportunitien exint for the night people. Complementary food and beverage sampling OPEN HOUSE When: Wednenday, November 3, 2004 lime: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pus Location: Eaat Side Marlon Addoesn 5855 Rodeo Drive, Minninsauga RVSP L. MoNicol 1-800-361-3111 Ext. 206 emfail Imcnicol@pnflerestaurflt.co85 www.franchise.pnmerestaurants.com WHEN batiks say no, ie S-YR @ 4.9%, Crue equify say pas. Soif empioyed. montgage progrars regard- puer credit prevcous banik- iess of iome or credit nu, immigrants, Ct Hî 5 0 2 100% roinancing D.ACCaiCRS@1803- Coi .iamre 10877-57- 7887 or vst us atwwsn- FONDS est 235, clircouclbcercon LOW rates for autoi uasca. Nec drivers, s paired charges, acOdeots Looks us sfir 416-00 2476. 2 ileaiy renovated brn, 1 bath apîn' in fas house roar doantonn tse. Lrg main fOser $925 ciulirng ufrlitisrn On baisement $68iociud affles. Botr avariablo ICI enri of Nosembor.f Wcrriy (519) 51-7537, &WNTOWN MILTI Large newly cusoaOx beriroorn apartmOnt uppor fisur of issu $1100/moofis ailcu 400 bredro hasemes5 0E ment 5 appliices, se rate orîranca. 5950/us dil inlusive. 905-691 -0 MILTON 3 berrsc ment. 20'x4iO hum- Deesîsan. $11 O0/coe chiOns. 905-875-4201 MILTON quiet 3-bec bath, & 5 appliances oiodrng launc5-y roser. 0f parking, clone t0ri tocs. $1150/mth + uti avaiahie Dec. 155 Coeradi as 905-693-07f MILTON, ý2-brs apt. able Jan. 1. rats $925/mti, ailid odu!t lions no 700. fo pointment cail 905 1398 os ieace messa 9050878-5345 edone~ SOUTH 0f Gjeorgetow Country Estar e has 1-ber- ronm waiisocr baisement apartmeflt on 3 acres. Dak kichen, neramic fies, pari- irg est A/C, ae mocud- ed. Hydro and Sat TV ex- Cra. $70 rrrorrfi Cal 905- 877-61. i OOOIU brrnd nec, 4- brirro semr-defaclred. Harrs, Kopp, Cenfory 21 Kelleher I R.E.Iso. 905-828-2121 Exf: 2-brm home in rlowntown Milton, irrdudles paring & bacirefor api. rinenstairs. Avoutable Dec. 1 s5 Frsfifastreqird, $i575mffr. Cai 905-878- 1282 CAMPBELLVILLE. Modi- em country executive bun- galow, 5 bedroomr, 5 batrs, 5 appirances. $2500/rrrerff n cubibes. To viec Cal i 905- 854-0575. MAIN floue of country eh- fale for lent. 2400nq. fi. rancir bungalow 4-bdnfn, living ronm, dining rooor, famiy mec., ktchen & faon- drg. Sifualeri on 10 amten, freen, pond. play fluse, * entai AeN/ac, coori hum- erg nione, 4 car garage. ap- ipliancsncsl. and more. Aberfopie anea $l6lJmth o utirifien. Phrone 519-821 9331 mr 519-654-843 tir0 ulew 64ria. Actes Apaueents r & e bedroom apartmers acari- abie Soc andi for future. Fricdge & Sione, iaunidry facilites, No rfogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/weOfr same day approval D)owNTOWN MILTON Mreaaie Toxeers 82 Mifnsde Dnive. 1 &2 Bedrusm 5-pro Nec appliances. Cimse 50 Docrrl Bus stop af Fronf Doue 905876-1249 wwwcreanfar.ca GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street Seouh, Milton 00e aire soc acceptirg appications for:- 1 & 2 Bedrooso Apartinenfo morrss9emau te malle an 908-878-5375 haad&Penny MILTON 1 & 2 bedomr aoaifable. $945. +- Cfleu and quiet building Caf Jackr 905 812-015i Aoait able rmcedofefp I.BEDROOM apartment $700/mue4r plsn hydmo me cabfe. Parking rnciuded Axarfabie December 1sf Cal i Linda aller 6 pcn 905 873-4072 A BRAND soc k-ficlen an batgrmomrn ss is -edroon ACoon apamerreni. Chosse your on paint ueiours isoariahie Nosemben 1sft N omoisernlpefn.$8901m0n inclusive. ,,,)-702-3301ll IACTON 2-isedroom in qnei froe piex, recently reoa ed., parking, neparate er france. $795 rocionso Dec. 'Ist 905-8T7-3882 r- ACTON, 2-bedroorn apa ments, axariabrie Nover ber f uf andi Deoomber f t 519-853-330 or 519-85 0719. I GEORGETOWN * RENTALS *1, 26&3 hedrmm Chec ouf ce it rfe wca.ratorhillrenuin r GEORGETO6WN f -hi n-room apafimenf. Avariai rail Nooember fiât. $5ssiro img plus hydro. No persC mid 905-873-3355. Cafi GEORGE1OWN 2-b, room banement apuotm4 b~iacfryard. park 3 $0i/monii incluse. i ocember 155. Cai 416-7 se. 630 .2 GEORGETOWN Main fi aO- 3-isedrcom aparnen. il rPa- 1f-bedroom busenf cti apaornfens. Saris sin M94 wanher/dryer and are ci f0t-t Mal. Sfeve 416-f ony. 2902 th + GEORGETOWN Dne 1 rour $700/muori indu - UMEHOUSE, provafe lots bedruem aparfmenti n tasn country Applirnceo ires, cietes incusive, Fir55 Cali Cai fi. 19-853-0298. avait ROCKWOOO, bright of biedroorn Casernent sice. scîfabin for 1 person. cembet loi Close t -6g9 coservation paris Pi go ai enfrooce, nio smoking S575,muniS ctiiltus.t oncluded. (519)86-998 NANNYICAREGIVER Tor in oMy hme. Car ing pomon to Play garnes, o ah talle o puaygup - g.t HH coes, OwnfranS- ipPCOS,7acS:3p Cdl ORIFFIN, Chris and Tani (neo Osborne Of MSos a e 416567-5779. pleasori lx annunca h birfh of5 ter daughe o Jrdyn Taytor GriBta aergkrng 8 f55 3 ses as Milton Disric Hospitl on Wodsiesday Dcober 2004O. Prsud grasdyro00 are OSeoo & Wondy Dnifhn, Christie & Li 4 Paisar of Milone andi Jrm & Doifoe Oshomo Of LAFEE - Edwwd sand Carolynt (ne. Huwaed) Of Bus- f inglos are pleased f0, unnoumne fise Crois of 55cir dagisser Jecelys Brisons eigig 855s 8ozn as Mil- oue District Hospital ue September 14, 2004. Proari grancipafens Geraid and Vrte Laf ee cr4 Bncrn crd Susn Harwood. 9-sa cecomei by James Karen, i- iep and Abrgaff e Porben andi Dicr, Uisa and Emme Bilingtoe. Spea" 9criss 10 Dr. ling and ail fise OEBS staff os MDHS. PDoIE-Jce Ke NN sale a rivai f Ocu s n c Ja ip& 15,i 2004a wcesgsn ixas5t5 20 04 2ig7l15 sozreSRdy Muscs steriPgg als thela> ack Srrgal4es n anlto ndes arcan an Fxe n & me eoEnDd E-a04 cas ET d eare the rin g conagae hue pasf aedgn irne ais bse os Oal pus5 duciel. he frb ua co-xrfm carh nsigishuont and ca, (am fMen d ris di)aoi wh rncprn aunt ciri ins xOandpu fri si salpshueds oe c(f e 1 crk0 cer canpes isea corda ofcpuas ad cruntw eroen Saxo noerd cae tcS e knds cr4 gneroof r e gors.an Ours adls friad.foranipaerhxbenoneoni. e isan ood Sie 5 os 5-mugis yu oo i iltgo pae Isog rirwt ail oS ur support. 018 thans yu frhumthe bat- tom of sOsr isoas Zanatta - aron and Usa (nse Dal Bello) anrd big boffrar John of Mlone are pioased so anssunce the barfr of Amneis Lacrsn a Miloe District Hospital on Moeday, DOcso 1 2004, weigs ng Obso ss MO>NTESSrORI & i ECE HOME PRErCIIOL Lomme HomeNpreochooRdprogramEoffee suchRas Moe esso «T nas Se o e ad ch e r DWWie~T0slRtCM P ') T T7 r'tS '- 0- 20t r WIL 0«I om I UHMI H Il OM MILTON 3-bro focs- huso, garage, appiOfoOx A/C, aodilabie rcmediatey, uosmoking/pels, $1375 + chifites. 416-473-3165. MILTON 3-hdos f oas- isusr, garage, appiancs. 1$1275/c8r n chfeites. Cdli 905-876-2997. MILTON Loveiy 3-hodrcoin seenhoune in Hacsoc Village for Nov. 15. $l30Oicsh o utifibes. Cai 905-864-6274. ,OAKVILLE 3&4 Bodnoocn soanhounos axcilabie cn- cedatliy lhnoagis Decembor, 4 appiiances. Hopedaio Moul area. LakenhorO Management. 90586-336 MILTON ueom for oant sisared kichen. batleua- dry, for quiet ooring oe cle. $450/mOi Cali 905- 875-9285. ROOM for rosI in MîSuei $500/month. PirsiAsi s. Coaiobie oecher 155. 1-rill A lifille et for Patrick and Brandon. A Wmrk ai Homo Job De Pour Computer. Training Provrded. F/T, P/T. Code: n4 wwMvhxce- AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITy Loac ltc eac $1 00Ko<eear cosffngtfrontr hme. Foce rnfs 1-800- 793-1595. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNTY FOR MILTON. Canarien Fra nie fousu-ý la for fi per cr15 31 On- fanso mofait ouiofs. mhe Beauty Ouppiy ouliol s DPEN TD THE PUBLIC sdiling die iomgestsneleton of prolesaa haîr case andi ieaufy salatOri pro- riucrs aI oufio5 picos. Raue0 in the top 200 of the lastst gronerng cospa nies in Canada. FREE Franchise packaga cai loit hree 5877-899-9029 PROMOTE yur husines opportueitp for oner 4 milio adoOt mader in Southr Cen- sol Dntanio. Books per adi- nertisomoenf in oner 60 Met- miland communfy noespa- pers assh ose pisone Oeil. Cai roriay for informaaion on coeirip word adi packag- es roftemOs lisnga inclur- ed) 416-493-f300 exl. 276, wmeolsand.comr ..aMoseySS 100. lst '2eri amd Jsd MoOtgages Suri credit DK. Cari Dntamio Wrca t188207-7799. pIONL 8834 FAI.- 9O5.8760264 CWIFMOâSMF MO u5W WS4m Ho:9qM-Mf =1k7SI conte. Schuein comc04 aeGuardice Angl, o- bert Bafdin, S$5 Pofers and Chnis Harfibel. PFull cooesaga for Earp Domris- saCPD Days, MarohiCheuf- mas Breaks cr4 alsoc Sum- mes Hofdaps. Caflf Sancha 905-878-0325. LOVING nae. sutrtoas ceai s, oirisor pda, cft. 504s aid, police checks, roi- eeanss part tme ansi able. Cal 905-878-0820 2000 Kesmore, 3 speed aashrng machine, goori condition, $300.00 080. Cai 905-693-8929. WALNUT upnighl antique piano. $500. Young girls oeivef cartfied hurnaisaok ricdsg hdlmef. Hnskey godl- oe expxipmenl. I-bals 31" pado, nîze 9 skates, hekncot, bloobos, cascher, peeor parts. 909-8-3524 WOOOEN plap stasios. 2 for0 aneas, 2 lirdes, 2 nuswige, roches rider, 2 nope lidern, moike bac, bcaod nec in hux. 0dbi ne- tail fr $1500. Weuarendih- img for $690. Pseano sal 905-257-4390. A Dining Roxc, Cherry- wosd, double pedontai saisie. 8 chairs, buffet, hutoh, dooelaii cxnstrso- lios. Nea nOllins huaes. Cnes $11.000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-9459 A King Prilop Mattness Sut. New rn plasi. Cnes $1800. sei Smr $450. 90&- 567-9459 APARTUENT nîze cash- enlrprer. kiso 24" haiigainlose. 905-45-2833 BED, Ccazixg hargars, ue ofioehdic pdoceMop sef, soc in plastic, eanriS $190 905-567-4042 ciii de- lhuer. Bercoon Ciserrywooi. 604. chenf, dresser, 2 nxgkrsscrdo. Dosoluii Cos- stnsosion. Sexes opesei Cosf 90.000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-5674042 CARPET i hase sonera 1,000 yrdo. of soc OSain- manIer & 100% nylon car- pet. Pifi do liMxgroomi & huit fer $389: oinodes car- pet, pari & installatio (30 yards) Sfevo, 905-638- 8192. CO6ICH, lononeatohair sar $100. bsooster seaf $30; an- nortei hockey evqupcas5 for 5-9 osas lods. peg-Pre- ga stmfor $100. 905-878- 6315. Hot Tubý 2004 air optos, aedfai. Dzanusor Re04 esood cabines. nesor usori. stiil ir arappor. Cosr $995. Sari 00,000ý 415- ri 953-5197. PIANO'S good sclet!on under 3 Bcy anr eil. Cai O Sf ove 905-631-6200 Hauifon j Cooseruatori 303f 4000 #S