25 Hflon Heuihcare THE HEARTBEAT 0F OUR COMMUNITY NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL We would like to thank owffsponsors, Robedl (Pie) Lee Insurance, McC uaig Inseurmce Wk, McKersie-K ocher Funea dHomeli.'L and Solex Ilk, Dilsion of Deumer Machttery lue, for their wonderfut support and generossty. It'S Flu season ... Cet A Flu Vaccination Influenza (ftu) usually arrives in aur communlty between Octaber and Aprîl. Public flu strots wiIl not be avallable at eltiher Oatvlle- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital or Milton District Hospital. We encourage you f0 chect with your doctor's office about receiving a flu vaccination or attend one of the many free vaccination clinics being oftered, by The Haltan Region Healfh Departmenf acroas our regian. During the flu season please be aware of the risktof patients in the hospifal and do noir visit patients if you are ill or not feeling wef I. We encourage everyone tic wash their honda thoroughly as they enfer and exit the hospitals 0ft the handwashing stations convenienfly tocated aft each of the hospitai entrances and throughout tihe hospifal. If you're looking for infarmation on Influenza Immunization Clinlo sohedules and locations, please coul 905-825-6000 or log on f0 WWW.region.halton.on.cai/health. We're Radliatiflg! They work in oui hospitals and play an essential sole in defecting and treaiting medicosi problems They examine oui heart and blood vessels tihrough angîography, capture real fume infernal organ movement through fluoroscopy, and produce detailed cross-sectional body images through computerized tomography (CT) scans. Who are they? They're v-oui friendly neighbourhood Medical Radiation Technologists (MRT). During National MRT Weet. which runs from November 7th ta 13th, these highly trained professianails behind the technology are stepping ouf into the medical spatlight. Within Halton Heaithoare, MRTs include: a Radiation Technologists -the people behind the production of diagnostic images, including s rays. mammography, angiography, fluoroscopy. and computerized fomography (CT) scans. Shaning a Dream, inspining a Community, Creating a Reality If you wanl happines for an hour, ilk a nap. If you want happines for a day, go flshing. If you want happiru for a year, lnherlt a fortune. If you want happinesa for a Ilfefime, h.p somebo>dY. - Chinese proverb LEAVINO A LEGACY The Milton Decf Hospfal Foundation iras deueloped a proactive Plansed Gîoîng Program(The Cîrcle of Ute, Planned Gffs are easo ta set up, and flre cas provide: e Philanftirapic satisfaction e Current and future incarne tas deductions é Est aie income tue deductions and planning beneflus é The oppartunities 10 save taxes and increase interitonces ta youi loved oses Pionnes and major git aie of vital importance sn maistoinisg the Milton District Hospiao Foundollor s long tradition of excellence rn provîdîng coinuous impiovement of tocilities ond services ort the Miton Distrct Hosil Our succes v-os been mode possible 5v-v-e geneiosiiv of our oonous ard oci commun/s In tact, pionnea (liii thot weiS thoughtf uily prepoîsd in the pool oire now tcndng important neolt, cars servces equpmesi and locilies. The Cîrcie of Lite's mandate is 10 ielp potential danois meet their personol charitable objectives, while maîmîsîng tas and other tinanciail beneits. Donois today, need ta mate sure freir gft fils treir pessonal chauitable obiectives. wtrfle masftnrisng tas and offr t nandial beneits. Donors fodlay, need ta mate sure ftreir gift fils fre# desites, famfy needs, financial objectives and tas stuation. Tire Miton District tospital Founrdation can answer questions about tire ways fiat oui danos con enjoy signifcant tas advantages wtrile helping us continue to provide sur qualfty heatti care programs. if v-ou would lite more information on tire mont tas beneits of matln a Planned Giff. please contact Donna McLaughlin altie Foundation office, rt5-f7ô-7014. Al requests are contidentia and, of course, a requesf dons flot obligafe a patentia donor to mate a gift. Planned and major gits are of vital impoifance in mainfaining oui long tradition. The Founldation Welcomed its Loyal Donors On October 5ft the Faundatios unveiled ifs newesf Danor Recognit ion veoar 1 45 danois receivea plaques in al cal egories VtFoundaiion Piesdent Bus Pirol pînienis lire Town of Mirtos phaque lu stayor Gordon <15v-o in recognisO of v-e commusîly Fund donasions Visit the Foundotiofls website at: www.hCiItonhlhthCare.ofl.ca AU, ML ONTION TO TM ?UM MM HUMM[A FMMIAflà I AUJAR 1f ysu wosld ite to beon -éÔW sosr fteb bau plese contact Dom0 MUcI.olla al N6416-1 4. suAMI A UDIM NuSPmS A COWEIIUTYI CIIEATU A If AUT Nuclear Medicine Technologists - fhey carry out treatment procedures and diagnostic imaging, utilizing radionuclides ta acquire images that help pinpoinf the nature of a disease and how it is aftecting the body. ~TsBgnil oLo o IeCrsm S *Magne .tic Resonance Technologists - they wor< with '-sBgnigt okaLtLk hit a ... mei magn es ro waveso a copra a cqui-reoy The MDH Auxiliar- invites you ta ifs annual Gift Fair and Luncheon. 'Santa's Marketplace' will offer man- edical imaes hog. h s s ardainfe oy wonderful vendors, a bote table, raffles, door prises and lenth unnl.much more. See the beaotifullv- decorated gitt shop, Meet Your Volunteeri Forda m o infration on hesea Rio essi n vistsh where ail] items are G.S.. Free, and enjov- FREE PARKING. Verna Parent îoined the Auxîlcar- in March, Canadrianfsociation o M eca rdiations ehoistseal 0e Web site at www.camrt.ca. To book your appoinfment and since that time has volunteered in wifh the Diagnostic lmaging Deparfiment at MDH. cali 905- Calling Ail Youth Volunteers manv- areas of the hospifal such as 8-72.Are yo enthusiastiç, between the ages ot 14 18, and looking ta volunteer telephane and clerîcal work at the pie-op a tew hours each month? If this sounds like v-ou, contact Amanda çliflic. She also performs a varîety of Campbell art 905-878-2383 ext. 7710. Areas ot volunteering include duties on fhe medical/surgiCal unit, Veina Camples Continuing Cars (CCC), Obstetrios (OBS), Medical/SurgiCal unit wanted ta and the Gitt Shop. If v-ou are also înterested in pursuing a career in Monitraitth healthcare v-ou are învîted ta attend the Yoasth Valunteer meeting on MitnDsrc %W Tuesdav-. November 30th at 6:30 p.m. unfîl 7:30 p.m. The meeting wiIl be Hospital because held in the classroom of the Milton District Hospital. This month's session wil of her love of include presentations bv- a hospîtal dietician and ai laboratory technalogsf. people, and shne wanted ta give Ai hm s Ie t onst somethîng bact À AUThu bs hen it ome tota the Gift-Wrappiflg? ,V-1 communty- tVisif the Milton Mail between December i 4th - 24th Vernal Up E (inclusive), and have your gîfts beautifully wrapped Vra by a volunteer. Any and ail donations will be 1 Miltoni Auxilaor mnember, Verna Parnt Bu -,yyyT Ï- * gratetul accepted. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Hato Halhcre Caring Today Growing for Tomorrow