Ther Canadran ChamPos> Frrday. October 29, 2004-19 ÇuV -fou 4Moneyfi» «Iyou cnt Allen Gllus Mike Wlntsr o t~~LnluL SAE 4WemeaCSAESalSCITEL % LEPASE FINANCUNG FOR 48 Ml %PURCHASE FINANCUNG LFOR 60 MTHS F SECURUTY DEPOSI DOWN PAYMENT a"1i t str LibtIT 3Il K ~96 ll A' 3.7L Powser Tech V-6 engiane, Aetoreaiic transmission, air AM(FM(CD sueei fuit sizc maichita speere tire. pw, Pi, preirnono. 16"wsheels, commaerd-Tnacapart lime 4005 systent, Sety-%ep Engie Immobilizer (1UAD CAB LARAMIE 4X4 51OL REIi V8 345hp engîne. rtuai serretesmi contca(, 4 full sîsed Soors, removalle tailgale, tc(i-sized lied. shimerot-the-tiy transier case, 20" chromre ciad sals, 000 bed(rrcr, Icaiet front scans, 6 persn secaring sport appearnre gnoap. trailer rosa gtsup. 4 salcel ABS, p adiasnal pedrais, AtaVtrMCCasostcrca, lehen trmmeit scats. (erathet lvatpocd steeng wheel saraurto ceretrois /IJW4 uuu ULaLW4rUi QUAD CAB SPORT 4X4 4.7L Magerum@l 118, auto tansmission, air, 16 x 7" casi alaca sheels, AM/FM/C$ stenco, tinted wmedows, pw, pi, p.mitrots, rier wirdosa deifrosce, log lamps, Seertry-Kep- 4.7L Magtam9 fer case, air,i AM/FWCD0 Sentry- 17ixi DURANGO sur 44 art-time/ali-wheci drive trats- cotrol, pw, pi, p.mirrors, o, remote keyiess eny, Engine Immobiiizer, à Iran aium acheels Stessls Ae. ;erviceIpartswww. huntcflrysier.coIT .,>Clese are lirmrd t'me omerS WinhCr MyrO lee loMal tdarh aro othel effert dappîotrefi cadeliverîes or rew rrr.stock 2004 Cilysier. otdgeand Jeep vehîcies errrppd as descbed Rerarer traderlas brrecosano Fil a y aselffeasc.fori les Ecludes a Aapp Gal tae ra trr. lion aller Ca9s rdPSA Sce retalier for corrpiete detais ana d ros t ceases are based on 48 rer> terms. Totai case obligations are $16, 50 for Liberty 28B (0%), $22.579 for nain 1500 Oaad Cab Laramie O6H560,AHCM6DHSsMrrSA5SANM5WPSXMVE 0%.$16,022 for Dakota Srait Cab Sport 4x4 26B+DSASFAO.IP+LNJsADJ (00%)., ard $23,059 nor Duanro SLT 26E 80)Klmre oree 01.600, charge Or $0 15/m fr exceers kilometres -$2.000 cash baCk effet 005 a o ics to Dakota V8 and Durango parohase trerancing oters and caror le rsed ier Coreratior asîth cash prarchases $2.000 reli le dedtrcted fltra mhe regertiated prce of the ftersecd cellcle alter taxees. Taxeres are payable on the fail te rtertraeryIe Cs rîtaeom pie nyo20 Lî r i, r Ram 1500 Orait Cab Larererr Dakota Club Cal Sport ard Durango IL> and Carrot le corrlrrem tarr farchascre rn 0i pacrsrearlgo a 0tlsee eet00 hyir t ar Jep aces ExampIc $30000 0% 000 60 mthIl mmorrrry termi rrontly py o$0 Cesrorlorrowinroîs $0 Total obligation rs $30,000. Purchaserîrnarlcin sulct tnOappnorial yChy lenFornanoa, Ifcsomer choosers paO hacserrarcrg. theynforcaoinCcetoe avaiablerte cash pa'chascrs Theefc tivrerintrrsrrate naînorntglt nce ecccold beup Io Il5 t E crlrtes rcohi ($950 for Liberty and Da04ta. $1.075 fr Ram art Duararo). license, resorance, rates, regStlatrO rectarler charges and PSA, Ram 1500 Larartre mortel wurrheort Appearance Group shOsn 0®Jeep isa reistrrcit raremark or larmier Crrysler Corporarion aseO ander rceIrse ly Darmler Chryscer Canada Irc. a whlon ed srrhsrriaty or Daimler Cîcasier Cooarror. Rer harge Merpar Rermore Starrer ofter erples re rhe purîchats or (case of select.,e n-tock 200004 anrt 2005 ChryFlel 0049e anrd Jeep acCroies Rt particrpang rellrers on01 Remetre Strerr arn msr le lestaflertor tyraineS Chrsier, Jeep 054e rec>rrran 00cr rerlades rirstallation chlarges. Not aoar(al on the tlrl(ong avrhwCis ail ccIr FnnigProoided ioy eres coarppca cOrh marrea> trarsmission; 00000 Sprinter (ail)> Chrysier Crosslrr (aIi> Jeep TJ (ail). Vrr (el1), 204Cryier inrrc r 300M andConce moil 2004 Jeep Grand Cherrokc mortels For pucase or (case FnoanCing or eoncrtreigbe modeis, retarler sail providc $3M mort> (rairrlu g rax> of Mira aceressorres (ecepr Remole Starter) ai no harge (wc