Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 2004, p. 27

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Tbe Comodrun Chuampion, Tueoday Octobr 26. 2004-27 ci QI HIEATHI, Jalfrey Scdttenlyeon Fnda yOde r22, 2004, Jeif, 48,i su. vnned by tes Sac inet Stéphne, belae bnether CFr (Shirley), rester Camtlyn Ani y Fed) Lad rt in Ottawa. Donatons may bmade no Ottawa enenat Hospital Cancer Unsr rsvc-ooec $25-5-0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Atl dlamer againsttis ombtale of Frank Smith, tata, et tire Test of Mllion Ontar, wciel aS terc abtie A41h dep et Odoeir, 20020, met be fled cr00A ther- sigmed peesacal npncsecltctie co e Efe Use 2M0 day ef ticcemben, 2004 aler atesel date tire elciter wii be disaled hcceig rgard tefet le rdaime of ateet the Eltate Trustees tien ateait have noteca DATED aI Mimeo, tira 15th1 day of Ocioelsa, 2004 Patrila Ane Todd end Laalay Clan Eate Truiaiaaa siitot a Mli Niboia end Saeois BarSans end Soliitors 207 Mary Strai, Rox 249 M5loa, Ontaco Lgr 4N9 SOT iem o.t E-beslsd etud le r cerlirl lmR Tepo, 113K, . nice er tan 0 tor ce st shaee ceetRfetI Fel, citer. Oah 9r5-87r-626e ce $1,100 080. 9054877- 905-69e-282 7813 1994 Toyota Tercet, 2 dla tuiland e-luRtart or- colltan eneoditione, ls Ssuckud + 4 soes Gi-SAR LOSON write fima. AtseeRg $2,200. Pesaisl guie alle ons Avliaotrle et tRyt Garage avual"e hem or 90"-73-0550 etrieernrd, proesomal raai 1Ia Grnrel SE, ece l Not m~re in le lait candhle, b ornteleu- reasle raes. or MO5 c~tan WE-. an-a lorc a7Rtjct I 7TH ANNtJl CRAF i & ART SI110W 1-30 VýFNR)OHRS - -o 10.doy Octo 01 - 4: pc1- sc m Isnc dreRit 1 l\d., negect r renata eecerdie ecagte Sec cate te mete Cc ier tuesce onc 7ete TSine cietT COS tad nre tiesn adob nih tain A eetn boe sttit tinsîna ns pioer setis 0 m atein te .Saturent entoen t entiete -e 4 mue N n a fAUKinis a-a fie muitue yodAr Ordre, muloVe 1151ers wDro igtebld, OblIce bxs cnbnhSu, Nokae, omble , (Indoors)n t em co ay iCa h e icquers c c ine ' PSTer cain es iF p c etres hI tsbts wAsci Tbh oessoibre20 Shrin, kla T ranain I ig Centr 4071 froitSe Rd, Oakvit e Meef, Nemptoers 6Ifir v ario&rR idstr i es!0m-:3 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY AAAJI. fota tate cFatr preson in a cr11 rstablîshRd Outliegit service businress' Oct client is oereio a business profeicl willieg and abiele F andiR tFr dus te day salcs, service and admiets- talien tee their ccii established cusismens and help dRcelsp ec clients. Etcentt teganitatiotal, administratice anS commueica- tise steille ergaied. Muet ttc Sgtail coscisus and possrss inegediatR lecel cemputer steillo in 1Fr Mi-cosefi appli- cations. Wi11 teain on iodasty oprcitic sstware, Minimum eft10 yeaes relative business erpetroece tequited. IlFI l who ao>oi bout we cîSl sety rropoedteg te thoor eutder coesideratiee PIeuse e-mail yaur resume ta: [inla@chervîcraiacareers.cam Qatoille based BOT CONSTRUCTION LIM- ITED, a civil engineering and road building contractor worting thtrougtlout lte province of Ontario is expelsding tls SurvOy and Iayout division and reqaires te following positons; Survey & Mapping Manage Açtiat soui have at WBa 10 yUR&ÇWseçoro and beo briler ti Turtbl Teamod«9ý Paydit and Gwns dt#teioritpiret Applct eh ve e at 1O y s eeiRt and bo tint Ë Gie W/nTwfflÎIe RotÉc TM~ Sâon TeWamde sdtwat Pieus send resumnetoi Caroline Browning et Oakvîlle, ON L6L 2X4 Fax: 905-827-045 nt5 e-E Gun~ -~I B i g c i ty envi roo m e tt SmaII town appeal TH1E NIAGARA FIEAITFI SYSTEM N(S) woet cîtten an înegeated rystnm. cheFh mnaties the speeelied servces or e rght itopetals te serve oct cemmunitres cetten thn beactetul Niegara Region, aed ru en coese peeetmrty te cancers acedernt insttutttin Oct eetegeatntt teati servtces netasSe cocmmittd te rnecvation andtie 0Fruciding et e Feaittteriagara thtecgh 0hr peevisien et équitabln andi ternie pattent tecued care. MANAGERS, CLINICAL SERVICES Medical/Surgical/Maternal Chuld Sec eri Face 24 Fot accecetateitty tet client cate and statf pertermance tee the Médicat, Feegicci or Matetnai Chuileelur Yece rerpeoibititereîitticde ocersnnîng ptaneing, admineotratioee depaetmental ereatteet, rtatt. tevc-seiic Fuma ceereurcer management and drcniopment, beudgets, peetieseeral oeceloiepment, cutener service andi reste management. Sec pescrot cureeetregirtratien etth the Ceurege et Nres et Ontarioe cempirmenteti by a Racheto et Science degee en Ncrsteg et e enlated degreen eAdminisration. Sec aire Face expnrienen esepectice erers et nterert (Médical, Scegecel. Iepatient Ottetattre Rami, ce Mrteetel Chiti asti Fantiatreeri, as w ant oet fr te rnyeees et menegrerl eati atiminitîratice expérience. CLINICAL COORDINATORS Fuli-time & Part-time Repetieg te the ChietrNurring Ofltcr, volatiil bn rerpersibintfottheoerai leatiership, managemnt and ateiteeteen et nursin g end petient cae sertrces te et-lt eed reekentir, and ytc cei te tereibin tr oenf ethree site clustrers Ahble scprt ptetetsterei standardr r> practete end promeote serviceexcellence tFrocgF cincai snrvices, etca ate tutet> rengstered cete tFe cellrge et Ncrses of Ontario, Oeccaiaeeeelr preparateen et prenteed. Eapértence te petieeteetre manegemeet and ceried cienîcai erpeetience et teey et et iieemiedge ot nctstng prectre standaetd. REGISTERED NURSES An are actieni seeteeeg RNr te tei ece denemet Feaitheae tram tl yoc are set> dtrected, fleatble end releebie, end Face erempiata drctttoe-metetegtsitii and tartrent ncrsing tegistratire, eacetîng opedruneteés eceet ytc. Firare tereatti eeer rerumé, tc: toacalla Pittittani, Niagara fisrati Syulam. Hamacn Resoances Oeptl 142 Oceancr Stret, St Cathearnes, ON 12H 1CR. leeptione (905)>684-1211 ne 4222. Fax: (905> 684-1853. E-mail: terrecraitO.ý. -aala@aft.ca Fr mer e meto en heme pperite, pirate cenit us ai RWR R agaiahoalti.ca SNIAGARA HEALTH SYOTEM SYSTÈME DE SANTÉ DE NIAG5ARA VOIOLASMRtI.HR5SPIPAL - aRE1R RIAOAA&IRA litMtOA-Rfi-fli-UII ROOtILt - RtWAR A PM POU C8OOM EIRl WIbE MWSiTR * STl CAPHMUE55EIOM * cUME HMI81 IN-HOUSE SUPPORT i yaar Cantraci PoRsitioR Wîde is ose oI thr wrnd's Most isesualîro pradoceos sf heatieg aids. lime attr lime lthe compasy bas prseied the world w/împsdtael itnovatios. Widee devrîos digi- tal lecbnslsgy wlticb posoîdes beatieg impaiîed peuple ail oser the woold cithbheUtr beating. 1dmx is Iooaieg lotoa bigb eeegy poatessissal cilb a pleasaet telephoee pres- ece, rîceptîseal inletpetsueal & commueicatise okilîs 10 joie sut custsmer sertvice Iran. The positisels respossi- bililies incl. lelephoîr support for Caeadîae HHCP: heur- îng aid model seleclioe, lifting & post liig tou- blesboolieg, Compass, Noab. NOAHIiet and Hiprosîup- port us wrI) as lt-bouse training & ensîde sales suppoit. RRlquiremnts: a Maîtes Deg. en Audiology se Dispeesieg Dipîsena a Abilily (o rosubleshoot pooblens and delermite approptiale solutios a Excellent reiller and serbal communicatiots stilîs aStroeg and extsereely pleasanl lelepbsee prsence aExcellevt (oe building SOIS a Able (o build relatiossips temstely a Steoeg business, cliet seesices SIS e Biliegual (English aed Frenchr) teiuîed a Cliîical eepeeience ae assel a Abilily Io wort staggeeed bours a Compotet lileesto Pleau uad rtnte & ulary expecutatooj: Effiait: lRte@sidexcaRada.RRn Fox: 905-45-7380 - No phone oelsplme ACCEPTING RESUMES 0esoisie, FegFly moiai seotIe. WFo belin e Iemseieo lot rewarinqoeet n tinaecicl servicen iongoîng anS the HAU,,co witah yoc Ne erpetience necesoaty Joîn us soc fot yoee prsonai interew, ccli and cs ote De bc Bolton 90s-6e1-5515, adN 0rilill4 orivers ý Truek/Float Drives Mo-i hase either DZ rer VZ lirese. Exerrirmre ramieag fleaso Frîaaiîrert an a-.nri. Pemnn Ef;11 lnote. Rcie'riof Ahnlraet r irei. For inte-rview rail 905-878-6258 or fax 905-878-9493 Moffatt Autoworks Driver weanîrd, dlean absleacl a must. Fax Resomne to: 905-875-3741 No Phone Calta Please DZ Drivers DRIVERS New Tract Detuvocy FOR SALTERS! i. Wed r cenealork SHOW PLOWS shp thogotte Gleâo Astract US. andi go nec wh oece Experieccoan asset .4-4 il uc r QEW/403 area Plus uedece ns psy Must Face A2 0008ns & FAX: lyr.T/T OTO Etp FAX ty Canada 905-693-1759 577-893-2066 Eapresaway Tnacka Milice (A Dlolesin rof Exprreomac Trucks, Wcaerlo 8050 Lawmc Read, Mltonm 00e are ce the imetetat tee cancen mnerd indiviuelsa t foin car lcam ai car nemestlotcato. Pieuse retira the feiiewlmg posliins: -Ecpenienccti Parts Ceuer Personnel - OOT TnseteTecheiceans -Ecpeniuneed Truce Body and Pnap Seaff -Eaperinecd Trc ite re Positionsalaecavallabege urWaerloo & Wamdacr locaions. Coacto Biant Heemeeson, Oiperatiena Manager w (905> 876s-1662 or careen&rqareswayvvs.ecm Warehoua Worker Oclier îmctade tpenalieg teettead craes cnd band sacis Rtateeg dap ced aitestre tireR. Maet te efficae is imperia aed mal meacue- méci. Eperience cn a cteeSmeecl Siseibcrtttr ceenter te atset bat mc viil teain the eghI candi. date. vive citer cumpetitme cages pics bets. Plous cax rasmu» to: 90C478-4950 Attar Warsahoors accuel milto.waruhoaaae8eamliebe.oom ON-CALL WORKERS(PKAIG A sleady anS depandlabie worbar, pot wiii frît a kcy role on oer assembiy fine packaging pharmaceclîcal and healîhcare producit. If yoc posters good manual dcteriy, me offer training and a delan environmeel. Yeu must ber avaîlable for 3 asrita on a part ime basis and have cehiable trantportaion. Plesse apply, in perron, milh yoar resame, on TltaadaY, OtRober 26, 2004, between 1lOum and 2pm ait: Pativen. 921 Gataway Dr., Burlington, ON or Fax 9054639-4945. Wr e ce earl tan far toretnercer; hefr eey erieed candedatces PATHEON FULL TIME OPPORTUNMES Wleaa a Com~pany la acp«Wadung ROcaROR, dm paoplile mat neat Of Nia camnpamy are gwIgnq asi. Ouor exmplme duabbOR of tir lobs and sorti loi ra ne e bait In fbeg mamflmg. LICENSEO ELECTRICIAN Fice yeats industielaliperiesce in tecbleshotbg and aeecultng amergenc atd preveortatice maintenance te a conlicesus tics pMcm firne la roqaied. A wctteteg ketscsledge af PLCs and tormd apeed dmiers ca an amsef fer catrict otat mede peciecta in ait aspects of Use inidustriel ellecteical tield. At Ontaro le- dtstnib Eleclticiar Liceese cl escetial. Phna ftorSa an aumlmg hlatai> FACKAGING OPERATOR Fall flou Puacitg Oparatlols ta wotk 12 heen nctaiesg shf54 (10:00 - 10:00) ler ctller tee 24 heis operatttR wit RHR5 ter ceetterd off. Ver cate aveage $4000 + per yeee writ trime* and ette ferseard tar Fesla re, dental, pe- sceiption drug, dle, sotead log tenm disablttiy imsuace bereits, peste, crmpctty match RRSP, safety bort and eitrieg tiscwancet, paSd Fhdayt, pr- feortance, safety en tteedance incentivs. Fteac app4t in perm and camae poerd ta cormplfafr oc crpmnt apptlcalire and poeefda lurir ruennrcea. 7:30Oam -4:00Opmi Guardian Fiberglass 300 Maie Strete Erie, Oaie NOB 1 T0 t1,2 hocerat if Guripht onAighay fiClnt RocS 124» Noeecmtereaeeeeae oet, etýcesetremtIIaeetr#teetetceaae 873-m97 sus Ferd WrSelonr LX. notoerkm, geaI seats, ruse irusSai, escedit cor- dtioe, Smred $8.30t0 905- 873-1823 lmi Horde Csnec St Coupe, greene, ti-apeud AC, eunnui, 122,000 ferre. Excellet conditon.e $11,500regîc Cellru Alec 2COO Mazda 93000 pick-u eendcd tab, S sperd, b"aS tneau bole A/C. 1ecisorlcers Neerires, an canent contioln. $re,500 ole Cali 905-877-1997 me de oe ueR te catch mtsIakua bal faRt le essuTite finl "ye il raicto le nea vcola areutnr mirai yee nseu fcr Thacter - . 1

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