The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 26, 2004-23 supiremely fun and sale Halloween. IVIdKu sU[U yuur shoes fit and are tied tightly. ~ IMatthews 550 McGeachie Dr. Milton, Ontario Phone (905) 878-2358 Fax (905) 876-1344 Neyer entea stranger's home. 276 Main St. 90)878-4171 unuy 'eai cafroy after your parents have checked it. S enior Days at Dian Maries Mondays& Tuesdays Cail for your appointment today. 0150 Main St. E. TUES-FRI 9-6, SAT R- rps sucn as a swora or wand should only be flexible tays. P ET R ESO0RIT 905-878-9410 7ÇQà Amuhurn Rd-- Miltoin Quarters are a goal thing to carry in case you need Io cati home. JoHNsTroN iESjPETROLEUMS de-1eu supplier of Qualdlv Shelil F Fuae0il, Stove 011, Gaso line & Diesel Fuels S i ay on deal aeios much 2yas psible. Steeleks Aent1 Mdlo I1Husm ROICRTUPPIE)OLEE 245romessial SD.g Miltong OFIE -* 6FX 905-7- 92 muc 43s psle. Mlo Unfamiliar anirfHals and pets should be avoided.» e-1Handylnen Enterprises fiiII; Insured Io doiIour nori Repao & Renoi ns Io %i uHiome 'Odd Jobs P ainting inlierior & Poleilor ý-U 9038773 Visit only ho es AISPet SVIETiOAYMC S11280 Guelph Uine «#i campbeUlvllle 905-854-2216 D iphcn ai DVM -Dr jak ruifD M Wear a watc YOD can read in the dark. Water QiiDepot" 32.48118.UR ktl Waler Wieners ltavliolet - an & Uuffihu FiIIers - Revenue Usoi Sysu Chlorne Rerroal -HTRIPOUS fret lha erAa i - UeviebI I M F50101sîOFu IR,-PRICISI,(90 693-8820 525 OnLlani St. illion Young chilffren at any age should be accampanied by an adult. Halton H-ealthcare Milton District Hospital