The Canadian Champion. Tuesday October 26, 2004-119 *People who inspection station m yno longer bea lb Wk is i mayiin hreauclu By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special to The Champion As the annuat Shotgun Controlled Deer Hunt in Halion approaches, many people believe thîs may be the last year havîng the inspection statioîn oîpen ai the Haittîn Sportsmans, Club on Steetes Avenue. The check station is mn by vîttunteers each year, but a guarantee that volanteers will be available ta future yeacs can't be made. -Huniers who participate ta conîrolird huts arc reqaired tsi sabmit a mandatory repot after the seasou whicb provîdes information about their huting actîvîties in tbe coutrotird hut. These reports pro- vide us with information iuctading buter etfort, saccess rates and the namber of deer barvested by age and sec," said John Almnnd, fisb and wildlife techuical spe- cialisi for the Minîstry of Natural Resources (Aurora Distict). "The intormation collecîed by actually seeing the harvested deer is beneficial bat ni absolutely necessary tu manage the deer population. We will be having discus- sions witb the club and volanteers to deter- mine if tbe check station will be operated lin the future." The conîrolled deer hut, set for November 1toi 5, is an annual eveni to pro- vide huniers the opportunity to hut for deer. Having set dates allows the Ministry of Natural Resources tu control the namber of huniers on the landscape and control the namber of deer barvested. Halton is divid- ed it two Wildlife Management Units, WMU 79C (Hatton nortb of Hwy. 40 1) and 79D (Halton soutb of Hwy. 40 1), each witb a specific number of tags permtted to be issued in bunters. WMU 79C bas been attoiited 400 tags (therefore 400 deer can be barvested) and WMU 79D bas been attot- ted 175. Hunters had tu apply by the Aagast deadline and their names were entered into a random draw. The applica- tions for ibese seals bave hemn down in recent years allowing bunters tu apply for more iban ne tag per season. 'Deer populations are încreasing in many areas of souîbern Ontario. lu response to ibis. we are irytng to increase barvesis in keep populations ai sustainable levels that are aiso, acceptable in other siakebolders on the tandscape sucb as the agricultural industry, said Mr. Almond. "If deer populations are atlowed to gmt ton hîgb. farcners. fmuit growers. and nursery operators cant sasiain significani econnrsîc lisses due tai damnage by deer. There can aiso, be: an increase iu the incidence (it deer/moini seblicle collisions oi thie roads cauiistg niottrisi saty cnncemrs.- Altbougb mosi huiers must apply toc the bîînting tags, laîîduîwîers and ibeir inîmediate famnily have a separate option. -Landowners or nienbers of their imme- diate famîily do ni bave to apply in tbe draw if îhey own a minimum of 50 acres of land within the WMU tbey wtsh to hut in," saîd Mr. Almond. "Tbey can obtaîn a landowner controlled but validation tag from, the MNR office in Aurora." Hunters must obtain a controlled but validation tag for the wildlife management unit of their choice as well as an Ontario bonting licence. To obtain a bunting licence, a person must be at leasi 16 years of age. as well au eîther bave compteted a Hunier Safety Course (afier Januay t. 1968) or bave beld an Ontario resident hunier's licence since ibat date. An excep- tion to this rule is a person that is 15 years nId witb written permission from bis or ber parenta. Huniers alan need ta folow mi~ reinurding paossession and ownersbin of are short ranï!e fîreanos. station wîtl be open trorn November t to 4 firmarms as stated 'under the Criminat Code. To help ensure the safety of aIl hunters and the general public. f-îrearms allowed in the controhîrd hut are resuricted in shot- gans and muzzle lnading guns only as ibey Once a deer is shot. the hunier eau bning it to the Halton Sporisman's Club ai 5155 Steeles Ave. W. ta Milton to bave siatîstics sncb as weigbt. sex, bndy fat measure- menîs, and area of kilt recorded by the vol- unimers (usually two or îbree). The check fors 9 arn. in 2 p.m. and November 5 front 9 arn. to noon. For more information ou the Sbotgun Controlled Deer Hunt, contact John Atmoud ai the Miuistry of Natural Resources ai (905) 713-7707. injuries byup to 2005 New Model Show Is tonlght!i 5-9pm Corne on in to our showroom this evening and experience the New Era of Daimler Chrysier. Ail of the hottest new 2005 s will be on display plus enjoy our team's hospitality and -~ ~ .U Of- E ITF9 A ) f'l "Th ass eadr 200 6*L EW1 e Grn * soke 205Il vle f WhiIe vlsltlng our "showroom, U~check out our BONUS - t (i r -'~~ 5', -f K: tae uduas nactais PuA. fraight a Ait tia. Add tor tuai t, admit tee, Ssata +t alicence. naCiai tinituaitai raies 'ai *Le biad an 48 mitutu terni au sttuwn. nue ai lane aigning: tint piomant, traigti applicable taxes a licence tee. 20o400 km aitoainca tur tananaikm carga$1taes. DAC. Mayaaot beuamtined wah Ft l-pecial iniiace ratetmrn aty my modei+yia. Miy ntibaaumi#bsdo 03yeredSIrprs I l r v a Il' Featuring STO W-N1i-GO' __ miaig uinAleu FOA.cndae a aii pu ari Optinna tu tauk, wati iaiy aine. 1