Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 2004, p. 10

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i 0-The Canudian Champion, Tuesday, October 26, 2004 r 18Thmso Ra WeerJc r0)76 1 7 t-j an S *S .0. WhatW eSl *iio c lu@ t .e Tv &-I. eo Belînda Aizner Ashielt Clertci Julia Pyper MILTON DISTRICT RIO SCIIOOL Bp: Jutlia Pyper You are alune aith a frîead. walktug dama tht vireei or a coul fait aight s quitet satitor thestisprtg trts.adhe sddeirutiig tht hetige acris flie rtad. Luoktng aver yaîîr itaulders ynîî cati i benp bat break tmtnoanîn and head iawards the atares inotie, Ciaîîîberîag op tht sîepv paît ttastily kaack ait the fluor. Againtiher ts sorne mtonn acîtits the roitd and n it souudt liRe ats geîîîîîg cuiter. Presrîîily tht domntii ftrtînt oyîru gruant open, andpyuiyetl trickor treait. No one t-. ever tou ulf ta celehrte Haliatterît or su is the cave ai Mit District. ('otite Frîday al] tarts ai' fiîîy. prriip. and creepy dressefi stadeais aill hannintr halls Fvery pear unee is a large tîttîtber ofi stteits a ha dig ttt (lite depîhs ai' their claset, aortîrîtbte îhraîîeh the itîrribalis iii their drcs..ers ta fittî tht rîght ctumie. 'initie gai ta have a gante plat aMieu itere ire prrrtîgîaîîv aýiards lai cotstumtes ai vtke, llîdutediv fie tieCtitar tîuîîîpkîîîs set op ta aur frant hall are i.raauipteaters as oeill Fachfirst periadt.tatv iaaithe hance ta ittaketiver ait iînocenît pîîîîpkîu. and have it judged tar a prie lTe fer- tiiisare altsays tautastir. ii tuti ontui tlf be firighientitg! Speakîîîg ai trary, Our vparts trams îhuîd certaînly he teared tinte tht mtatangs merrî t iaîly rakîag ta leavet ihîs meek. bat alto turne aire mîns. Tht cross-rountry tram gate a fiue performance ai tht Bronie Park meai. Tht Mîdget boys fiaîshed fith avenu.l led hy Brad Huy who runîplaird tht mun ta eierenih positin. Nai aîîly ihai. but Thomnas Nightingale rait bis hast n ufihe seasua. He finîshed ta tht tnp ter for the Senior Boys divisin. Amesame mark ieaaît Sa maybe you mant ta be a football ployer for Halloween? Weil nu duhi yoa d mont ta be on the mustang jnine tearn, tinte ihay trured anuther glurinas min. The Mustangs haiilad crats-tuma ral Bishopà Reddmng, and rame out vitriaus wîth attcore uf 26-to. The tenti girls basketbali ieam shaed the surcets ahan they scraped tugether a w aver Arman, 36-32. And tht hope is ta hart an equaiy gondi repart an tht tenti boys football ieom f or net issue. Etcellence Nighî tank plate on Tbursday, andi was a tii. excellentt The guesi speaker Faiher Mark Curtis hîgliîghied tht îînportaaceof' îaakîng a différence ta hîfe Nut unly wat bit speech înspîrng but hi aisu shared a heart-watmiug sang. This aîght of recogntion iras hranghi ta a wunderfut end whea evetynne muncbed on rookîrs and cake, w ith jatte ta wash it ail dama. Jatte. hamerer, miii be the tmain eveut an Novenîber 2ad ta tht taire retap This artîrîty iv part ut tht fîsi erer Fait-F est rita by tht MO pie- tecîs. They are murkîng thte Sautas tinle heipers ta argane tht h car- itiiNiliRe errîts. fond. and tht parifonmante bp MO studeni band, Lîfe Tite tartre. Wt anic~ipaie a big turnoat su, prefecis caui raise marey for theur osier chilfi. stini-forniai. aad contribution ta tht schoal. unil Faii Fesi. Mit Distit is ganîang pumped Op for Hatiomeen, bit gîtb thit uhîfine bed sheet or dusi ofthbt aid costumîîe ihai s nom a lit- delsoo intallt Be titre to avte a sofa n spooky Hallameen' "D6ATELINE DRURY", Kim Hester Kai agy Enka Strome Proshant Neikwadi E.C. DRURT Bien SCGOL Wr ai Dateline Drury have reafîeed that many of our readeis haven't been inside the school rrcentiy. vo we thoaglit for ihis week we'd take you on a guided tour ofilite halls of E.C. We'l start the tour ia the iocker bay wftere tlie Spartans hegin iheir day. The Locker Bay mas the venue for last merits special fudraiser for a current Drury studeni. We sold pizaa flomers and even tftrew pies ai sortie lucky ieach- ers! Tfîe funds raised and support showa were iretîtendoas and miii sarely hefp ont ta her fight againsi cancer. Af vo ta the bay, hungry siadents have en'toyed flic reîarn tif' the meal nmobile. la the mornings vîndenîs cani bay fieaftit fîîîds sucfî as hageis, juice botes, yoguris and nmore tir tiily ihiriy-ire cents. Leaving ifie iockers, fei's take a sirofi doiu flie fhaff to tfie rnusic rooni. The music departmeai fias bera hasy ai work refîcarsîng and preparîng.for the upcomîng music miarathîon They are also planning to go to Toronto to ver flie miusicaf 'Hatrspruy' ta November. Sîayiug with the arts departrnenîs. metil make our nesi stop ai the drama rmont. Ms. Roberts and the Draina ai Drury crew are having final rehearvals for Buts ta the Belfry. ihis year 1s Halloween play. The cat of Bats mil I be gîvîag a perfortm- ance on Fniday Octoher 29îh ai 7:30 prn. Our nesi stop iv the sports building to see whaî those sporty Spartans have been up to. On Wednrsday the Spartan Ladies basketbaîl îeam improved their regular seuson record to 4-0 and thetr overaîl record tu 14-t by beattng Georgetown 38-20. Also, inîramurat floor hockey is welI under way. Sporty Spartans who are interesîed in sorte thîrd period floor hockey action ra contact Kaiîlyn Tsuruda or Peter Leamnan ta fînd oui miore. Lets tuke a leagthy hîke to the Aniter. ail the way ap to Mr. Keane's ront. Runîour has it ihat the Senior Reach teani iv hard ai work. With such an excellent turnout. ihey are lîavîng imo squads ihis season. And me'l finish off our tour in the Locker Bay. wlîer ail the Drary stadents are chatîîag about towm îcli faun tlîey had ai the dance. Everyoae looked awesonie ta their Halloween cots- turnes. wiih ererythiag f roui 80's pop princesses to ghavîl y gîtoal s. So tliaaks for coiiang on ibis tour of E.C. Wr fiope everyone lias a sale and hîappy Halloween. Don't eut tîto nînci caady. and iry not Io art vpooked! "TUE ROYAL REPORT' Katie Nadalin Siobhan Desroches DISHOP REDINO HIO SCHGGL Thts week is gotng to be a very vpooky one at Btshop Reding. as students prepare for the scariesi lime otf the year. Ghosts and goblins are lurking behind the scenes aI BR organizing a costume and pumpkin curving contesi. Students are busy at work on their costumes so that they cani win lirsl prize for the scari- est, tunniest. or most creative costume. Classes have already begun designs for- a prize-winning pumpkin. Since Halloween falîs on a Sunday this year, Bishop Reding's festivities will take place on Friday. October 29th. Now here's vomethirtg scary! Royal's athîctics bave had a great week, winning fiearly ail of their games tbis week! The senior boys' football teami is miaking their mark in the tier one division. winning their game last Friday against Iroquois Ridge, wiîh a score of 17-16. Good job boys! The female athietes at BR have been triomphant in their latent feats as weil. Both the junior and senior girls bakethaîl teams beat Christ the King on Wednesday. If that's not enougb for Christ the King, our varnity boy'a volleyball team alan came Dut on top, beating them on the same day. Good luck to alI the teama playing thia week! BR's top atudents are going to be honored next week ut the annual academie awards night, whicb iv to take place on the evening of October 28th. Honor roll atu- dents will also be given the privilege of a dress up cîvtev day on November 2nd. They will also be enjoying a breakfast during period one. Congratulations to aIl honor roll recipienitsI Keep up the good work! Grade nine students are getîing ready for some work- ing experience. wiîh Take Your Kid To Work Day. This is an opportunity for students to explore the working world. and get a better grasp on the career path they wisb to follow. This iv 10 take place on November 3rd. Hlave fun! Well that's al] for now, have a bone-chilling Halloween and remember to eal lots of candy!

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