8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 22, 2004 HIGHSCHOOL REPORT i I"6DATrELENE DHURY" I "6THE ROYAL REPORT' Katie Nadalin Siobhan Desroches BISIIGP REDINO HIGE SCEGOL Extra! Extra! Read ail about it! Royal Report hot off the presses! Top Story: LION ON THE I.t>SE! Thtre havt heen repîîrted sightings ni a large lion ai BR's sporig eents, roanntng the halls, and sprtadtng school spirit! Wttnesses descrihe the lion as betng apprîtxtmately 5"7 in height, weighing about 2110 pounds, golden mn colout. aod vtry furry! Il scas last seen doîng caot wheels acrîtss the BR football field. A shocked eyewttness claims. "f h ave neyer seen sac h an acrobatic lion!" Afler bearîog these accoonts, the Royal Report decided 10 lake il upon themstlves 10 dîscover îasi who ibis lion rcally is. Afller mach dttetivt work. an anonymous source revealed thal the ,'any lion may ho ihis ytar's new mascotl lis hettttd 1ha1 fis "mascot" wîll stop ai nothing te spread sehool spirit, and chcer on BR's athntes. Howeser, ibis information cannoî yeî he confi'med. Anyone with further informatton please contact tht Royal Report. Arts and Enlertuinment: GET READY TO RE SPOOKED! Slart picking oui yonr costumes, htcaase sladet govemmet bas tons of hoîte chilling evns planntd for the comîng wtek. Ont reporters spokt wîîb presidet of tht student gonemment, Mallory Ryan for insîdtr information. At press iume, she was; ahleto1 announce aclivitits sach as pampkîn carsing. a costume day, and class compettions. When asktd for a stalemeni sht said, "1 along wîlh tht student govemmet are workîng bard 10 make thîs yeae's Hallowttn actvttes heiter thon oser". DO YOD HAVE THURSDAY NIGHT FEVER? Ltt's hope so, hocause the talent seatch has begun, and Thursday nîphi fever is thetlhemt lot our annaal talent show' So if you hase a groony talent you'd lîke 10 show 10 the school, itue make sure io hast your forns handtd in by Octoher 28th. Siart pracîîcîng your disco moves hecause auditions are November 1 siand 2nd. Sports: TIHIS VEAR A MILESTONE FOR BR FOOTBALI. This season, the football players hase adapîed sceli 10 the division of their sarsîty tcam min a junior and a senior teant. Tht juniors base wîîrked bard to make il witihout the suppoîrt of the veleran players. cont- ing close but lallîng short of ibeir gainte on Wtdnesday agatnst Georgetown Higb. with a score ol 311 24. However tht seniors base a lit- île bit of work 10 do. as msêdent in their 56-0 loss againsi Nelson. Wben asked by tht Royal Report for aremark on the gaine teain captaiti, Chuck Allen. had no comment. Howtver Coach Juinus had words olenciurago- ment. "The juniors look stry promisîng. ond tl bas hotu on escîtîng ytar thus far. This year signifies a btg sîep iu tht prograin, beiug a BR firsi for hoth junior ond diviston ont football. Tbis season wîll mark tht founda- lion of ytars 10 come." Go Royals! Lufeutyles: H(>LY RETREAT! Lasi Thurscday grade rimt religion classes went 10 Camp Brehouef 10 par- ticipale in a retreat day. Classes, accompanitd by grade twelve groap leaders. shaeed in spiritual gaines, a nature hîke, and a delictous lunch' p rizes galore & so, so much more!, october 29-31 m international centre Receive EXCLUSIVE low prices on select vacation packages only available when you book with Sears Trravel at the show! www.travelandleisureshow.com * 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga e Hall 6 Prent. by Sm tnîvdbx Insurance 6â À Belinda Aimner Ashiey Clorici Jua Pyper MILTON DISTRICT lion SCIGOL Ils ine oraoterful ee f Mustang spirt We teai had illuky wh attowek en tolfon day weeks ina row? tl seen great, but everynne ai MD îs jnsî ready 10 gel back iniaful nii ve-day leamîng mode! Rtght" 0f course' MDHS athietîcu were hack tun full swing last week, ailler schedulîng changes dur 10 tht grade 10 s Wildtintsn Northtrip. The cross-country bain aîîended yet anoîhernîeeî, wîîb ail ranners gîvîug ibtîr hesi efforts. Bath football trams saw action on tht ftid with tht juniors facîng off agaînni ISurlington Centrat, and unfortunattiy, esen wîîh a vaiani effort îhry came up short 26-20. Tht seniors on tht nîher baud scîli have tht renulîs of their gaine revtalcd ini nexi wtek s Muntang Messenger. Tht voiltyhail beain saw ibrîr firsi wîn of tht non last wnok as weit' Way 10 ga boys'! Cor ail you hockey nuls oui ihere: stop frettîng! Yon may n01 be seeing any bine and white of tht Toronto Mapit Leafs ibis comine neason, but you don t have lo go very for ai att tontee MD s very own blue and white lake on rivais fromr around tht reglon in tht upcomîng monîhu. Yen, Muntang hockey wîlt he coming soon! Tht girls started pracising last week, aid tht guys scîli ho foilowîug soon enoagh wîih ibtîr dry-land training. Talk bas heen heard amougni tht husling hatlways already about dress- ing up for Halloween, a f avonnite sehool tradtion amoug ail tht staff and neudenîn. That n ighî, ilis leus thon two weeks frain now' That means il s lime 10 Oind the mont ghoulîslcfunny/cruey/cueny costume whîch i know you have hangîng around thai old Tîckie Tmunk and dusi thein off, hecause of course you wouldn t wanî 10 he normal lookîng or anythtng, neghl" Attention to ail smarty-pants, and the parents/guardians of tbose sinar- ty.pants! Excellence Nighl ns ibis comîng Tbarsday. Any sindeni who attended MD tant year and had an average of 80%1 or hîpher wîll be receîvîng theîr award ai the ceremony. Not tare if you qnîte mode thai 8sii average cnt-off or not" There is a tsit ol tvtryone elîgîble 10 attend posîed in tht office wîndow, se pie ose cectek 10 stt, if you are on il or Have y ou ever heen in tht sehool Monday or Tuesday aller sehool, or Wednesday momîng and heard tht magnifieenî metodie munic sîmpiy movîng îhrough tht halls" Il isn t1100 loin yni bo comre joîn on Senior Jazz bond (practinen Monday froin 3:30-5:00), Senior Concert band lTuesday 3.30,5:00) or Choir (Wtdntndoy mornîng ai 8:15). Ail ihote ensembles are alwoys lookîng for new retraits, so don t bestale 10 come on oui' Weil ihat is Milton District in a nuinhett for ibis week' Ste yon bock here nesi week for our super spooky Halloween Editn nf tht Mustong M tunenger! Kim Mentor KatiO Bangay Eniko Strome Pronhant Noaikwadi E.C. DRURY alron SCHOOL Whîle collecîîng updaîes for thîs week's article, we noticed that EC is not only helping out within tht school but is also getîing involved in communiîy events. In the spirit of generosiîy we'd like t0 dedicate this column tc0 ail the people of Milton who like 10, help oui. Ode te, Gentrosity This week Drury is making a stand To lend Michelle a helping haîtd To support her and her ioved 0005 Drury han decided 10 raine sorng fonds Lots of different evenîs have heen arranged So through ihis week hring your spart change To ail the Spartans looking for community houes Gel hooked up in guidance they have the powers If you have spart tinte during period thee Corne help out with the kids in special needu Volunteers are needed aI Martin Street School Ask Mes. Sheppard, and don't ho a tool! Houldcrofî helped ouI tht girls haskethall teamn Winning againsî Acton, 52-23 They've heen undefeated in thoîr 10-0 season So cornte out on Friday itîIl ho pleabin' Alto for girls, we*ve got ico hockey If you're intorested, talk 10 McPhet Intrarnurals are coming up if you'rt wanîing 10 play Sign up for floor hockey are found in tht hay Also, in tht hay you cao huy your dance ticket Wiîh aIl tht great mnusic, for sure, il will ht wicked! Help ouI studont govemrment and huy your ticket today, ls onîy sevon dollars, s0 il won't ho wasted away As you cari set, Spartans help and care We have a spirit of charity, and we're willing te, short P () NTO ST, 7ý