Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 2004, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday. October 22. 2004-7 I ~Z~0'tfyIMldIU ~ * Oui READERS WiRITE lim f lttîspttî ttle tit i, îîî l itiiin t ' nt ts, pttttidî a a iîtdts iti) Mtlttsn s past. c paîa o mmetntîti s sotintttti e pro- ttded tt pilaî titi situatoninttcttte ît. March 1904 The Globe reports the arrisai oI 150 Englisb and Irish immigrants ai Toronto on Monday. Ali who were wîllîng to work on farmns got ibat kînd of employment. $175 s to $240 a year was offered to experienced men and $ 100 to $150 to men fromt towns wbo knew notiîg about tarming. Anoiber s lot of men amrvedi yesîerday. James Cumre, mail carrier, set oui for Homby and Drumquin ibis moming witb an unusually well-filled bag. owîng to the arrvai of delayed mail matier. He went only a short distance and tmcd back on account of snow drîis casîsed by the bigb wtnds ibat set in lasi nîght. R. Burling, undertaker. had charge of the fueral of the laie Mrs. Joshua Worthington of Kîlbride last Mondiiy. On bis wiîy home bis hearse upset in a snow- drîi and aIl the glass on one sîde of il was brîsken. The damage amounird to about $6(0. The be.irse bad us be lef on the road utîl yesterday when il was brought home. Halttsi Counîy last year had 364 bîrtbs. an itîcrease tof 201 over the former year; 12(0 martiages. a decrease of 2: 243 deaths. a decrease osf 18g. The ratio of bîrthraie per 1(1(1( of population was 18.5, three less iban the average for Ontario. The deaîb rate was 11.3, whicb is 1.3 less than the provincial average. The low-lying section of the wesi end of Milton (Mill St. near Broute St.) bas bren flooded for somte days, owing 10 the thaw and the onîlet for water being blocked by ice. Stewart Moorebead bad to take up bis carpetu as tbey were covered by îwo inch- es of waîer. He, Chief Constable Bradley and neigbbours have bad to wade int and oui of ibrir bouses. The Lome Rifles will recrîve new clotb- ing hefore the June camp and officers com- manding companies are now prrparing the uecessary requisitîns. Lieut.-Col. Appelbe bas succeeded i securing an issue of serv- TH AADA, IIýPO Milton ,î nÎ 0 1 Proposed cycling committee a step Capsues~ in the right direction for thîs region ice caps to replace the nId Glengarnies, whtch have been dtscarded. The change will save about $100 to the regiment as the importation of a lot of Glengarrirs would have cost about that amount. Col. Apprîbe has also received permission for the naval patiem, fiat-toppedi forage cap for the offi- cers of the regiment. The tntermedtate teamt of the Marîhoro's of Toronto, champions of their district, played an exhibition match with the locals at the ririk on Friday. The game was the fastest and cleanest that bas beeti played in Milton ibis season. The locals won by 10 goals tsi 5. A skattng party. under the management of Miss Gertrude Feaiberstone, was held at the Drumquin skating rînk on Saturday evenîng. John Porter. landlord of the Campbellville boiel. bas sold oui 10 David Black, a man of many years experience in bis business in the Western Hoiel. Guelph. Price paid $1,7(K). The Match siiiings of the Firsi Division Court were fixed for lasi Fniday, but didi not cornte off as ihere was no cases to nry noir judgment debtors to exammne. This was the first time since the Division Courts were establisbed that there was no business for sittings in Milton. E. Edmonds died ai St. Catharines last week. He was the eldesi son of the laie Wm. Edmonds, wbo had a bakety in the '50s and '60s wbere the Milton Methodist Cburch uow stands, and bad bren in the baking and confrcîionery business himself ai St. Catbarines for many years. He had a large irade and kepi several wagons on the road. Thtis material is cîssembled oit behaif of t/te Milton Hi.storital Sociers' 6y un, DuOls, wvho ,ati be reaîhed by e-mail at jdills@idiret-t.c-oni. Dear Editor: We've jusi moved here, and while the ouîdoors and feel of Milton is wouderlul, we've noticed a lack of bicycle frtrndliness bere. There's a lack of good metal boops for locking up bikes ait Most stores and a lack of bicycle lanes on streets wiib major traffir. Wbhile bilciug arouud town, I've been ai sncb a loss over tute lack of places to leave my bike. So il was good news 10 read i lasi Friday's Champion that a com- belp promote and encourage increased cyclîng îbrougbout Halion. Our former homnetown of Toronto had counîless bikes lItud up nutide dowuiowu busiesses, and in general cars were aware of and mixed well witb pedestrians and bike traffie. TMe reason for Ibis was grass- moots efforts that helped create awareness. trails, bike lanes and maps sbowing bike rouies -mak- ing. roller blading and cycling. Any cîty can bave a personable and welcoming cbarm to it if pro- pIe arenit addicied to sitiîg in their The siory onua cyclig commiltre possihly beig formed brr is greai uews, and I truly hope it bappeus. Lei's brng ou the grassroots efforts brr. Lynne Moquin Heslop Road Please take extra care and always watch for cats while driving in residential areas Dear Ediior: l'mt exîremely upset wîîb ail the animais kîlîrd by vebîcles in our communîty. Lasi week our cal was struck by a car. She managed 10 get in someone's doorsirp, wbrre she dird. ht infuri- aies me ibat somene ni only couldut sec a ca1, but must bave heard or (rît ibeir car hit somneîbing yri dîd- nit stop to belp. Citizens ot Milton, please pay antention on the road. AnimaIs can qaickly dart oui of bushes or trees. On a simîlar note. please keep your cals inside. Our cat ran oui of the back door. She lovrd beiug ouiside and we usually didu't tiik anythig of it. Unfortunairly, site clîmbed the feuce and followed it to the road. If you have a rai capable of climbing your feuce. uts mucb crurler îo let il go outide than krepiug it in. House cals are meant 10 be juvi thai. If Ibis siory makes anytîne recîsusider letîing iheir cai out, iben Mîtzy's deatb was ni in vain. Patricia Martin Baverstock Crescent Time has corne to get leash-free dog park here Dear Ediior: h bhas occurred in me ibat the people of Ibis town spend way ton much time wonryiug about man's best frieud, as well as bow and wben ibese dogs inieract wib the fine people of Ibis îowu. If we speut as mucb as baîf the time ou other problrms in this ton -and we ail know the prnblems I speak of -maybe our four-lrgged frieuds wouldn'i seem to be sucb a big dral. Lîke many people living in Milton, Frim a responsible dog owner -ne thai respects the nigbis of others and only wanis man's besi frnd in he jusi ihai. This iown bas a big population of dogs and I belirve the time bas corne to bave a leasb-free park. like the ors they have in Oakvillr. Wr can make this bappen wiib the sup- port of the people in Milton. If you're interesirdi in makiug ibis happen, please e-mail me ai dogpark@brandiix.com and maybe wr can grti h donc. Wr nerd a place i Milton wbr dng owuers can le their animais mun free. Chris Gray Milton Visit from humaine socîety about cat was upsetting Dear Ediior: I rereuily receivrd a wamig fronm the Oakvitlr Humane Society because my seven-year-old rat gors off my property. I've bren îold Ibai Ibeir nexi visît will resuli i a fine. Appareutly Milton bas a bylaw siatiag ibat rats Must br ou an owner's property ait ail urnes unless Ibry're ou a leash. Surely Milion bas more significant ihiugs 10 worty about, like traffir and educatin. Cais wander - uts in their nature. My rai's ni burtîng anyne. She loves kids and the sushine. Fi'm very upset about Ibis situation and I wani other owuers of nuidoor rais îo bo aware of Ibis bylaw. One day the Oakville Humane Society may visit you as well. M. Waltz Mary Street savings so hot, best to wear sunblock!, octobor 29-31 *> international contre Receive EXCLUSIVE Iow prices on select vacation packages only available when you book with Sears Travel at the show! www.travelandleisureshow.com a 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga e Hall 6 PIe.ted by * srance W-A À mince could be formed next year to ing Toronto a great city iûr walk- 'Fir ir 11; ifif!fjr du" &* il VI 1 " ci ir ed2

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