Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 22. 2004 uoLmm en t *U The Canadian Champion IBox 248. 191 M. Miltonu Oui, 1, Fditortal Fax: 90. Adventistng Fax: 90. Classifird: 90 Circulation: 901 Iain Oliver Neit Oliver Ase, .fii D)avis Karen Smith Wendy McNah Adî'î TIim Coles Pi of Charlene Hall Dîiî ti 'leni Casas aiiS. V. lie Canatn Champioe pub!ibhed r-f, losa ai Fr4ay ai 191 9l IN9 Man SEMin Our 400 4889 '80ý 248, s o, ,f l Metisiand 84a Blo Fnýpris Baspti Gaoisi BuIiiii Post.iilitoti .,oing News Ci88 Paret City of York Giarani CsIiig odfWasaga Conn88,20 East York Miir Erin dvtCsontr Routes. Elîbîsoke 5-878-4943 Guaria8 Tair n4oie agh Reiiew toto , Yowig Gergetown 5-76246 dependtdiiions Fiee Press Haon bUsiness Tmeso Hu ia Business Times LndsayTlinsWeekMarkliainEcoirOot & Su. M81ai,Peileiangi 5-875-330 MOirroriMtion Shopin Neis Mississauga Business Times 5-87-33M Nnsissaqa NvisNapanei Guide Nass3aw4eya Nes NewmaNeisAurora 5-878-5947 88 aiilne, Nortmerl0and Neais. North York Miro Oakvill uraver Oakville Shoppin Nes, Orangeaie Bainer Oldimerstocolîkey Nevis, Oile Publisher Tûday Oshawa/Wh5t88 Clairigton/Poi Peiiy This Week. Peterborough This Week, Pitn Con ide RichmondHitiOThonhilV0auga Liberai, Ssai 'iiîaiae Puhtiiha'i boroug Mirro 88stous,18 0,8488ie Tribune Eiio doTlsigis accepted cr othe condiion thlin ste eaiii of a typo Fîinhitgoaphical errer thai portin of the adveeisin spa0e occapid 88 theer- dielai FiieFg Falits neousitem. inueihie aaith i reasoniiu alioeaaîie for signature wli net be chargein aiifrbu he baianceofitie advertiseninti8lfl epaid foralthe appi- et'iiii Diii', r abl rate 82Tee pulishe riserses the igh lu88 ctegori adsiereisnso ali, ti,ii Miielaf d4 e2ine 184it MIl ditur,44ad adveiin contentii ofThe C0ii4 Champon is proiictii lîîîge aeiael hy copyighIt Unau,,tzdu8,ese is proh,88ed lAtaiý e Maîac v Tehe Motion Caeedae Chanmpion as a Recyctabie Peadaoi WZ Ounce of prevention An ounce of prevention ta worth a pound of cure ta an old saying tbat bas an element of trutb, especially when it cornes toi getting a flu sbot. Halton Region bas launcbed its 2004 Universal Influenza Immunization Campaign witb the goal of immunizing at least 90 per cent of bigh-risk residents and 60 per cent of the general public. Tbe Halton Region Healtb Department la running fin clinics over tbe next tbree montbs, and it's not alone. Local pbarmacies are also providing * tbe vaccine antd VON Halton is offering on-site workplace clinics. Altbougb a lu sbot won't prevent colds or otber respiratory illness- es, an annual influenza vaccination is considered to be a valuable h ealtb promotion initiative and is strongly encouraged by Healtb Canada. It's effective in preventing flu in 70 to 90 per cent of tbe adult population and 30 to 40 per cent effective in tbe frail elderly. Iî's also safe, as tbe vaccine doesn't contain a live virus. Those at bigb risk for complications fromn tbe (lu include anyone over tbe age of 65, tbose witb cbronic medical conditions sucb as beart or lung problems, tbose witb weak immune systems, and bealtby cbildren aged six to 23 montbs. Many states in tbe U.S. are unprepared for the coming winter and are facing a vaccine sbortage. Ontario doesn't sbare tbat problem. Tbere's enougb vaccine - free - for everyone wbo wants it. And wby wouldn't you? Would you ratber apend a baîf bour getting a needle or two weeks recovering from the lu? T1hat's tbe value of pre- vention. *Our RaesWri te L'ack of support for Marauders upsettî»ng l)ear Edilor: I*d tike 10 take Ibis opportuniiy lIo congrattîlate flic Milton Marauders football tram ion n01 îînly a great season, but stlsii for winning tbe national cbaînpionsbip recenlly. As a supporter of the ieueîî. 1 find il very disbeariening lSdt the Town oif Milton didn't taise tbe opportoîni ty loj inp in and shows Ibeit support for tbe team , wbicb bad 10 travel 10 Edmonton to play the nationals. As a former Milton resident of 20. years, I feit tbe Marauders were exaclly wbat mas needed in order t0 belp biing tlie îown tiegeiber in the mniddle of a nmajoîr groosîb spurt. Thiîs lc. ait support bas caîîsed isard feelings. net onty from mysell' but the 30 players wbo couldn't go and play in ibis very important gane ibal lbey Sud wîîrked su baril aIl 5tasion 10 gel 10. Aller only Ibiee years un the league, the Marauders wenl front Somtfic to unstoppable. Tbey made the rigbl movs, brougbt in tbe rigbt people and managed 10 go from being winless 10 brtngîng borne a national title. 1 hale 10 say il. bull1 led that if the lccHassks wccc lie gel Ibis type of iipporiunity 10 do the saine tSat Ibis îîîwn would be bebind Ibem lo ai meuh larger degree. I brg the Town of Milton 10 rec- ogeuî;e ibis greai tcam nexl season and undcrstand jusi how hacd these guys worked Ibis pasl Npeur 10 gel 188 wbere they are. They are a greal teurn, wilb a lot of potenlial 10 continue winning national lttes. Jay Fendley Miton Make sure you include your name, address and telephone number when submitting a letter to the editor for publication. New residents can enjoy water rightfrom the tap For the first lime in tbe eigbt years I've lîved in Milton, I 'r enjoyimg rny tap mater. Gone is that distinctive taste and odoor of Chio- rine ibat rame out of rny faucet - like waîer fromt a swîmming pool. VI'm one of the lurky ones expcrienring tbe benefîts of tbe Region's improvements 10 ils Burlîîugton Water Purification Plant, wbicb serv- ires Burlingion resîdents as mdll as sortie citizens of Oaksille and nrm arras o)1 Milton. The Regiou affuctally opened the rspanded plant site Isist muoîîtb. The upgrades include the introduction of sape- rior ozonation tecbnology tbat lacîlitates tbe pro- dutioîn of1 sonne of the bigbrst qualiy and safest drinkiiig ss ater in Ontario. l'se certaînly notied tbe difleretîce. I used 10 base rIo reffogerair iny tap ss ater o inake il bail decencu tua drituk. But flow Iran dnink tl rigbi out of the tap and il tastes good. My Ira even talles better. I no longer base a nerd or desire 10 boy bottîrd water. The $40 million upgrades 10 the Lakeshore Road plant. approved by regional courîl in Febrttary 2001, began tii January 2002 10 meel increasing water demands as wetl as nem' Provincial regulati8ins lîke enbanced dîsînfeciion capabîlîtîrs. Tbe additioni oif tbe o/îînatîon tecbnology. inîrodued tu the ss ater ireatrnt proress in lune ai a rosI of alniosi $12 omfllion. improses the taste of th1e mater. Ozonation is reportedîsy bîgbly effective ut desiriiy îng bacieria aîîd iiicrii organisms. and is regarded as a process ifiet prid8ices b\ery bîgb quilits driiîkiiîg \Nauer. Il 's saîd t1e iifilemneitatioi8 fflic lie\\ oLona- Prom the j editor's desk lion systemi is one of the most subsiantial instal- lattons of ils kind in the province. Ozone iecbnology is reportedly the only tech- nology tbat comprebensively addresses disinlrc- lion as weli as taste and odour issues. The Burlinglon Watrr Purification Plant expan- sion lias jncieasced the lacilitx 's capacity tromr 218 million litres per day to 263 million litres per day to meet lbe increased mater demands in Halton. 'Me plant now produces enougb water every day 10 fi11110 Olympir-size swimnming pools. There' no doubt il's rostly. In fart in 200)4, the Region, wbirb owns and operales Oive water purification plants tbrougbout Halton, is invest- ing 52 per cent of ils capital budget -more tban $8 1.4 million - n water and sewer infrastruc- ture. But I tbink il's wortb tbe rnoney. TMe bottomi toe is -and we know ibis aIl toui mdll you ranIt cut corners wben il cornes tua clean. safe drinkîng mater. We sure bave corne a ling m,,ay f rom tbe bromn-mater mxors thSd plagurd the taîmo fier so nmany y cars. Kai £i .Smithi iiii li ria, lired ai /,inili( trial-

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