B6-The Canadian Chamoion. Friday, October 22, 2004 est female approx. 10 months oid "Previously Enjoyed Books" ISAMl . or,8ine Keecht 1 6Pe.aMill Se. L oseMiltonO 0-7-04 pos'ssAquarius. Fish & SoPPli. SmaI Aniasis & SuPplies NOÉtas - ird, Repiles ACCiESSORIES - PET F00D TONS 0F TOVS FRIENDLY, KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF 905-875-0475 ee taboy, spupea temnaie. approx a yis PET FG3G3U 400 Main East m~878-9808 ~ >omestic short har grey, neuteredmale.opprox i yr oie Profeuoal iraGoo niig &Iriing 0f Ail Ometds Basic, Intermedial, and Advnced obedience levels Grossp Classes -Privais Classes Iïffiny Kishsla 905-876-6346 stic ralahît. white with brome spots, spayeu temale, young oauis Hw - -I AUTO REPAIR INO. FAST, RELIABLE RJEPAIRS Lyie Overland 8M6 Nipisdng Rd., Unit 42 Toi. 905-876-0310 Milton. Ontario L9T 4Z9 ic short hair. black, neutered maie, approx. ý yrs olu P BOOKS MOVIES MUSIC & MORE ' guy Soli - Trade . T ýD 13 Ch-111- Street, Unit 102 _9( 1 Milton, 0 N Lq ..«.9-y S-11 et "»I 9 5 8 2G5 iý1ýC 1 lýýe tIL A Milton, ON L9T 2G5 St05. 87 17U -it ý1 -878-9071 28 Bronte St. N. 905-878-2391 Pet Grooming for thai Spessaal Famiîy Member - Doggy Dav Cure A fan dayfor.voar dog!0 By Donna 892 Edisn Court. Milton QOiii-991 BROOKVIHUE VETERINARY CUI 112Me Guelph unse 511Capdl9l 905-854-2216 D, Sophri R1 DV M Dlok DcaifI)VM ovhite. neatered maie. approx 2 yrs D PetC esi t,« g .Pervces 0 Put Taxi uvias #LAc@,) je kenft1 7 ft. A W111111111 Servfit M"alOj amPbY, w*.ruwUhurr.Csm îbyneotered maie, approx i yr aid Professional bog Groming 09O5-875-TCail (8245)j *438 Kingsleigh crt»MItorn ich & wite, female spayed appasx 2 yrs P ET R ESO0RI 905-878-9410 7594 Auburn Rd., Miltn s s o rahbit, whil