30-Tha canadia Champion. Friday, Octaber 22, 2004 S The guide is published once a year and is delivered ta 18,755 * households within Milton, Campbellville and Hornby. This invaluable directory includes community, health and government services, schools, sports, interests and services clubs. Specialty pages for shopping, restaurants, pet care and home improvement are also included. Attention Service Clubs & Organizations: Toupdate your contact information and book youri, -advertising space, please cati Joice at 905-878-2341 or' email jschof ieldi@m iltonca nad iancha mpion. com U4**542 or you can fi out the form below and forward it to the, c~ba~OOi 'Champion, 191 Main St. E., lu V 0 pic ON Organization: 19la ë&rwa 'Contact Name &Address: _________ iPhone: ____________________ F'The Regional Munitcipatity of Halton. A Portnershp Thot Worksl HALTNEIN - Ha1ton's ]Blue Box Progra2m P3Lace t ]BOXs Us.d .o BLUE BOXi itea1,1t eo 10o0e ZN your Blue Eoee, azsd *=$mmir tisat tis.y al-* deams and Lv.. or flood and graere.Aues. Polycoet (juice boxes/Tetra Pak@® and gable top containers such as milk and juice cartons) Glas Boftles andJans (clear orA coloured, food and beverage) MAta Food and Beverage Cqstalao (steel and aluminum) Akmlaum I.l (foil, plates ansd containers) *Stmomn' or Polysyre n S(packaging foam, cups, plates, etc.) (î Plati Dot";s ÇP only (water, juice, beverage, detergent, bleach, etc) To help prevent lifter on windy days: *Place your Blue Box out on the moming of collection day by 7:00 arn., instead of the night before. *Stack your Blue Boses on top of one another eaith heavier items on top. *Do flot overload your Blue Box, use additional containers. Note: Blue Boxes are available at the Hahon Regional Centre, the Halton Waste Management Site and at the Halton Hilis Public Works Yard. papî,,dd tî17.g 711 th, XîIad 47saý A î0ýa,1 -d l ,, 1I715Pappî"Il 11 The7,.-P177 a 14prt o, Onrp&11- , 131- 5 îPîe'-, n 7 . mhV'.l Pi 147a B3LUS Bo0X 2 Placre tise itensu U0t.d b.iow ins a Iprat. 33LUES BOX, or E3UNDLEID ema ti.d, or tas a gudtabie igimd aoimtaîuez. Comfaatd Cardboard (tie in boniles no larger than76 cm x76 cm x20cm (30" x qqr 30" x 8') and place beside blue box) Fine Papes (computer paperXç. writing papier, envelopes, etc.) b oxboard (oereal, detergent~ tissue, etc Flatten and bundle with corrugated cardboerd or place baose in your Blue. Box) Newspapers (include inserts, magazines, catalogues, telephone books, hard and soft covered books)- CORRECTION NOTICE PrdC M.cr 128M.4 MP3 Payer 10047151 fhis PIOuC I aty~ adv.4sd onpg 14 cd ur 0,btar22d 1ye as I $10999 atter a$0 savings 1:30-4 pm, 30 Heslop #23, $179,.900 Adina Nonis, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmi, 238 Galbraith Bled. Teresa Milîs-Hali, ReMax Bise Sprir s 905-878-7777 ý î iki olv iig l: a s: 2-4 pm, 30 Heslop #23, $179,900 Adina Nonis, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 280 Pettigrew Trait, $249,900 Karen Curmby, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 290 Randali Cres., $419,000 Barb Crowe, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pm, 3001 Purdy Or., $789,900 Verge Cabrai, ReMax Blue Springs 905-878-7777 1-4 pmi, 1226 Brook Dr., $374,900 Bard King, ReMax Blae Springs 905-878-7777 2-4 pm, 25 Robarts Dr. Tfleresa Keares, ReMax Biue Sprirgs 905-878-7777 2-4 pin, 12065 Firsl Line, Mollat, $699.900 Fran Goedkey, Coemneealth Real Errait Servies 905-076-0460 2-4 pm, 14 Coates Dr., $254,900 Sesan Recoskie, Royal LePage 905-878-801 2-4 pin, 1607 Waldie Ave., $312.900 Eva Goeding, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 157 Fitzgerald Cres., $374,900 Kim Scet, Royal Letage 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 379 Pine St., $475.900 Joyce Hagevik, Royal Lepage 905-878-8101 2-4 pm, 36 Mary St., $429,000 Diane Mayrard. Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 1155 Davis lane, $277.900 Audrey Newell, Caldwell Banker 905-878-4444 SECURETHE FUTURE ..Use Restraint EYM lime You Drive!, Hetre are aus a tas llesaarrg ripa al prents shouldl krow about tre correct wayto 1use ctrild realainla. Take A Buak Seat Ils tee satest place in a crash, and t your car ras a passerger air bag. it is assertial trat crildrer urdar 12 Babea ap te oe year (ap to 20 ibal ah ide in a car seat fdn ha rear. in rh backat Whar irstallag a car seat, o a sure yeur cars sky betastot aroard te afe seat. Hamesaps g oser the chatds souâtr ard so eu adjurste so at yeu car slip oriy ore irger ur emeath the sac aleur childs Gerreraly childrer ap tei 40 s stouli renainri a car saAltarttralc zoser seat myb Maog w decars aft retai syste Theao bet slit tM acreaa8aheupp r thirs, the shwr beto r te hulr and BL