ACCEPTING RESUMES Rentiiiniiblp h gn!y FF 4ateh liFiiliui Whii tiiî hpmiîhci' WiUNr TRAINED if riîihdirii iý,l nF fiin Fl C- TRAIMNIII FiitiF aid tie F iti Fji adi ail loi ùhai' 11h i in 905-681-5515, ext 68 NOW HIRING Keins No PriOls i loirg for entirssiastic idi- viduals witir good costumer service shîllis wbo enjoy dealing w/tir tire public. We are h/ring perma- nient P/T cashiers &clerks for ail deparemeets. Part- lime employmert witir days, evemigs & weeleerds shit avaîlale. Apply en persen: Kevin's No Frilis 125 Cross Ave., Oak. JOIN A WORLD LEADER We have opportunhties for Pull-Urne & Para-time Saies Assiataents & Assistant Store Manager Tralnee Flexible Shlfts TAKE THAT FIAST STEP TO AN EXCITING CAREER IN RETAIL TOI3AY if you're oltgoîog, enthusiastîr & share our com- mîlment Io costumer service, we'd lîke lu have ysu on sur team! Wr olier training, compelttue wageo, excellent herelîts, and a fierdly ard oupponlive eruirormeot for careet advaocemet! JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM' Please appiy ir person ai: 2267 Lakeshore Rd., W. @ E. Oakville Lmi Aclively dupportiog Eonploymeot Equity. A Coovenient Place o Work! Flexible Heurs! ibflo> Milton Retail Support Centre 270i1 H/gb Peint Drive Miltron, Ontario L9T 5G5 PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE! Hair 4ur art Hwp 25 Gainerai Warehouse Positions Flexible Hours *4-8 houes shifts Das, Aternoors, Everîngs ard Weekends *24 heur spersfion *Prelerence g/oer te candidates able te work Fr/day rîght shîi and/or Saturdsy dep shdft $14.501 hour T/me and sne hall aller 24hrs/ reek Outies include: *Aosembting ustomer orders accuratly and efficîenttp *Heary lifilng is requîrod (up f5 7Slbs). Are pou intereatet le an eec/tîng challenge? do yeu leet thaï: psu are a lnîerdly, mot/nated, mature, reapons/ble, fleieble indiolduai who recognîzes the importance and value of enceeding eut castomer's eopectat/oee? Att thoso intoreeted ploase emait or lax pour resumo le: mllten.resurnasiSobens.cem Fax: 90"-1260 important: Please Indicate "Matenial Han- dler' in the subject lise of your entait No phono calte please lt Pren/ous appt/carra need est appiy -SATTL -AIL :I SA O Material Handiers Q ani J _F rit^ ma / li F 'F F Mon.- Fri. 8:30arn-3pm leuse brîng ta pieces of ýD & vert5ifi lFirc lN PARTNERSHIP WITH -na Personnell SolutIons Ino. has excellent oppertunities Ioaded with poutential in Milton. Avaîlabte positions inciode Machine Operators art Assemblers. 5t t 512/hour * Ail shifts are asaîtahie OPEN THE UBLI Tensday, Octber 27,2004 Shegrain Skl10 Taînîn Cetre 407 o iqay 25re, Qakuiofti01 vao eosaris ndotr rat Ing 0u are nterse u spac e to attd, orPlee al freiv more information Cai g Ch.Colsrinton @xeic 905-681-114 bt ot reguister ;1551 Gas Fitter/Pipe Fitter Experience Requîred Benefits, Competitive Wages Cali Dan 905-878-1344 or Fax 905-878-7590 (;ENERAI, CONTRACTOR rut (itA has iiiiniiediaie ipeiiiigs. *Suril contracturs *Site Forepersun *Sklled rades people (cdrywalt K, arpenteS i Prelerence o iII ire gives lii applicins with a di verse skiff hase. Yu are irne- ized, efficient aisd ,iork sinder deadtînes. Excellent eppitniiy t'r adraneement aîsd loung leni wrk. Experience runrkîng in a onedical faciliy is an assel. Reply Il fax in confidence o: 905-852-7065 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR tndusifilFCormeroialiResidenil requiresF LîCENSED ELECTRICIANS Permanent positins competîiie wagesiirerleîis Must have nord cusîsmer reltnrs and communicaion skiiis Piease lax resurme loi CARNEY ELECTRîC 905-877-0726 In-House Technical Support 1 year Contracl Position Wîdee is nrie of the mortds most rnoxatîve producers ut irearînq ais Time abter lime tire company iras presenteit tire cord w/important innovations, Widex tlnuelops digi- tl technooy wich provîdes irevrirg împurred peuple ail ovni lire wortd wilh ireber irearirg. Widex is lookîrg for a Itoni energy proiessonal wi a pleasani relepirone pins- nce, exceplnal îrterperuonal & communicationr sklls lu voin Oui crîstomer service tram lihn position s responsi- irlîîn oteIlephone support toi Canadian HHCP irear- oug aid model selectn. lifting & pool liCing ton- irlenrontirg, Compass Nous, NOAHlînk and HîIpro onp- pol as well as le irouse training & insîde vains suppoli Requireesento: *Mastero Deg in Audîology or lispeosinq ipuma *Airility nu trouirleoiroot proirlevis art determinie appropîrate solutions " Ecelient wrîoten and verbal communications skills " Sirog undt eetremely plasant telepirore pînsence *iEcellent tram building siffts " Abl1e Io bivli relatiorshîp riemotely *Strong business client services skîllu " Bîlîngual lirrulîs andt French)l requireit *ChiriaI experience an usser " AilîtyIo 10 oîl staggered hours *Compuoter lîerate Fiente stnd resume & salary expectations to: Email: Fao: 905-845-7380 - lit phon0e ca/ll pIeuse GateWay We are an ostabtrsired, progrossive transportaiont 0dm panty spociolizirg in tire planning ard ce ordination of grourid transportation services throughoul Norfir America. Dispatcher/Logistics Planner Wll are growing rapîdip ard curnenly irave ant oponirng er nue oporatîn departmont for an indîvîdual who onîoys thre chralonge and pace di a busy drspatcir office. We osuer a superior cmlk enaîroriment, socare empide- ment, lob training os weli as a compotitive cage adr bonolif package. Transportation oporations oxperionce wouid bo a delinite assaI, bat commilmoint artd tire abil' iup te worti as port of a tram is a must. Please replp ie coefidence to. Gatewvay Freight Systems lnc. 201-1235 North Service Road West Oakville, Ontarlo L6M 2W2 Fax: (905) 842-5407 Or bp arait ta: nr@gatewavfri cern OAK VILLE NISSAN Oakuille Infitili Nissan is loukilig fut qualitied people lu Ibilfei elm fot the tullueitg pusîttutsý Lube Technicians & Junior Service Advisor il are Iuokîng tu bite team playets and peuple wbu teant tu gruw with but business. Expenience witb impunt vebicles au asset. Selected candidates will be uffered a great compensation aid benfefit pack- age. If yns are ilieliesled ili ]inilg Our leam please fax leum lu Joanne aI. 905-828-5687 Qakuille based BOT CONT'RUCTiOlN LIM- IED, a civil engineering andt roaci bailding contractor workîng tirrougirsat the proviece of Ontario is enpaedîng Ils ssrvep and tapeur division and requies the foiivwîng positions: Survey & Mapping Mana ger Applîcant sirouni have ut leasf 10 pears espe- rience ard ire famîliar wîth Teumirie Terramodel, Paydiei and Gromnatms software or eqaîvaieni. Surveyor Appuycant shosit irave at toast 10 peans expe- rience and ire tamîtian w/rh Geodirnete/Trirnbie Robutie Total Station, Teeramodel software. Please sesit eessme to Caraline Browning at f224 Speers Rd. Oakvile, ON L6L 2X4 le Fax: 905-827-0458 reurespondonces Wae lcmeauae erh sprinc U a x rem tOmô 0p 90s5-8nr 7ums7u-Atr58198354 Peerl aivLloe M-ltonaius.u The Canadian Champion, Fnîdali Octobr 22, 2004--27 515515 MIS Exp. Dental Receptionist /Assistant fFFtFlirs MtiFt iv, ABE11 exp hiFi 'Fiii r eiifl111F "Susiu tas Fusir 't 905-333-1603 Overnight Pharmacist requiret Pli Pt Pieuse suit resuuîl Shoppera Draq Mari 520 Kerr tI., Oak., ON 16K 3C7 Fax: 905-845-3407 Expeiece atr Ceentement rinelecgs ppyrtesume 699suelp ne,/ax urii n Ne Fa J90-61-75