26-h T rirau-r-Cr ,î r-~~r Senior Recruiters full-time & fuli-time contract jone-year) Sas mutl be accounitatte tor the recruttment process tnctsditg needs anatysis, candidate screening, tiehaviaurat nrterviewing, and recroitmeet strategies. A resut-driven team player who tosters a position work enoirooment you wilt evecare recraitment strategies ta atîge with business needs. Saur post-secendary education in HR management business administration or the equisatent coperience is ceapted with 710a 10 years' recruiting expenience preteiabty ie a gamtng. hotet or hospitatity eneirenment as wett as a minimum ni 2 Seans' coperience recrsiting at the manager ceet. Sou hase advanced computer skitts and esceltent presentatios and fottew-up ahitîties and nuhibit thc highect degree of confidlentiatity and protessionatism. Human Resources Specialist Management oriennîd and tocuscd on poiding proadmie sotutions t0 operattonat chattenges, yos mutl take a leadership rote in censutting att Mg tunctions sucti as organizationat etfcctieeness, compensation administration, job esatuation, and performance management. Vos wvitt atsa tic responsitite Cor making decisions and resotoing conceros regardint pregrams and poticies and act as an adoisor te the management tcam. Sou hase 5 years' eopcrience in a gamtng. bosptatitr or tourism eneirenment comtiined mitti a degree or diptoma in hum an resources or a retated ietd. Sou haoe a minimum of 3 years' eoperience in a management position coupted vvitti the atitity ta use inftuencingL coaching, and mentorin skitts ut the manageriat tevet. A CHRP designatton is comptemented by saperior koowtedge et the Ontario Maman Ottirs Code, Emptoyment Stundards Act WStO tegistation as wett as famitiarty wcth the Ontario Atcohet and Gaming Commission controt specifrcations. Sou are fleitite t0 support aur 24/7 eperatien. We inoite yeu te joie our dynamic team of exceptienat peopte crcating exceptienat eoperiertCes. LOCAL DRIVER N] We need an in-town drive bundies to our carriers. li van and a oeil phone. Must Tuesday, Thursday and Fric lifting involved. Forward resume t scoles@miltoncanadiancha or drap off resumne The Canadian Chai 191 Main St. E. or fax resume to: 905.8 No phone cais pie Moffatt Autoworks Driver wanled, Ctean absîraCt a must. Fax Rentame t0: 905-875-3741 No Phone Colis Please DRIVERS NEEDED Futt-Tttne Tuaurs Sander Ploa Drmet DZ Ltcenne reqaired. Deivers eieeded for uporg 2004-2095 Wtnter Sna Cai 905-877-1307 *eOIN LOA NEW.AEAESI s E 'VI **VS PAT e SLTNIDIER Handyman (M/ll liii1Al-rae Up to $750/week Local co. is lookieg lot craftsperxsos skillod in EEDED catpesîîy plumig, r to deliver painting allpaper, dry- lust have a waîî, loon cosering. be available first cheque (y Fri. lays. Heavy FT/PT Deqoîre reltable tranpxrtton & owr fools. emon.o AZ Driver npion needed full time, clean abstract, 78-4057 3 yrs. expertence,1 ase Ontario deliveries only. - 416-919-7231 tWONA S Househol a Roe Commercial Setrces. wo- ofie u a iro45570e.oDz Drivers - FO SALTERI SHOW pI.OWS OUITAA LESSONS Clean Abstract Peivute guttr tessons Experteoce ao asset avaible Item an QEW403 aoea Poessonal srctor FAX: No reganlestte measoalet raIes. 905-693-1759 Piset 1955> 875-«10t - - Classlfled Deadîînes Monduy et Il ar. fln Tlutdoy - rsdy et il Ur.. n fec Ftdaqy Coil 905-875-330 Ir F«x 90"-7=3' Larrtta Educaflon Seroces DRIVERS STILL NEEDED FreeTraining School Bus Driver's Wantea Cali 905-877-4448 Lard/ave I an rouai opporfunrv Company Esprcssway Truckis Mitosn (A Division of Expresssnay Truscks, Waterlo) 8050 Lawnon Road, Miltan We are on the lootiout for career minded individuals to toio our team at our naeet loca- tion. Please review the following positions: *Experienced Parts Coaniter Personnel *310T Truok Techniciens *Eoperienoed Traoh Body and Prep Staff *Expenienced Trucki Paioter Positions aise availabte ai aur Waterloo & Windsor locations. Contact Bria Herniessy. Operaions Manager @ (905) 876-1662 or careers&spresseayvolvo.coin TruckfFloat Driveirs Must have ejîher DZ or AZ License. Experience ronning Ileavy Equipment un asset. Permanent Foul Time. Copy ocf Alîstrase requirevi. For interv.iew rafl 905-878-6258 or fax 905-878-9493 Martindale Gardens Milton 's Retarement Residence Requires Wall Staff Prnvlding fine dlnling for seniors Hiring eoeeîngs aod aveekentts Sena resaces: Atn. Huaun Resourcos Ecal to. murtinalegardens@cogeco.net or Fao to: (905) 693-v3e2 Milttan maving and nlarage company requiren AZ, DZ Drivers and Haipers. Bath fuit and part time panifions avait- abte. Cati Howie or Slave at: Scannait Moving 905-878-2823 N thHalton Golf & Country Club Requîtes DAYTIME DISHWASHER Monday - Prîdus, 10 amn-3 pro Ptease drop off resucne at Club Office 383 Mspte Aee., Gergetown ON Warehouse Worker Dattes tentait eperutîng overhead crunes and bund suws. Rotuttng duy uni nfternoon shiff. Must be efficient te impertut ana cetrn ceaure- cents. Eapenience te u steeticetat diîstribution center an usset bat ve avitt trutn the eigft cundi- date. 00e offer cacpettoe ages ptas benefits. Plusse fair roguns ta: 905-87-4930 Atta: Wàreoumei or ernalh msitan.wareoosateamtub.om TV/FILM AUDITIONS' ACTORS WAMTED Adulîn & Kids (2&up) neaded for TV & Film Annignments Na Feen, Na Coursen Cail: (416)221-3829 ma Ngtsitfor Milton warehouse. Excellent beeeffds and mages. S Omn transportation recommended. Plaefxrsmet:9" 891 Attn: Chris Nogalo Boss, Wbotesale Produce Co. en Miton ix csrrently seekîog quatitied Patrt-Titan Packer/Re-Graders and Genuerai Labourers. The succenstul candi- date(s) sboatd have preeilun re-packieg andior regrading experieece and be otite to wort in a tant paced enoiromeet. Applicant(s) ment be otite 10 work ftexibile bouts, tectudliag weekeedn. Candidate(s) must bave the atiutily f0, lit beavy boxes. Stroeg verbal communication nilits an anse). Qualifed Individuals May Fax Resjum tn: 905-878-7848 Or Apt in Persan. At: 370 Ontaio St. N Milton, ONi Gilad i Genond èke Stopp's Dry Cleaners Hîrtng Part-tîme Counter Persan Thursday & Frtday Apply in person: 885 Main St. GRAPHIC ARTIST IMMEDIATE Adverlisrng agericy seetis att trime graphei aS/ist wvirh Macintosh eaperrerice for design yod productior of custom pr/st muterrats, advettsmerts, disptays and sigra. Detaited ltnoetedge ot Plrotoshop, Qark, and Ittustrutot are retqatred, us oel as enpetience trn mur- agteg computer filtes. Appticurts must be proftctent n Engtistr, wrrrOon and spohor. Saluts, $3000-$35,000. Lawtor Il Conmpan y Marketing & Communitcalton Lt. 8 JAMES STREET Georgetown, Ontarto L7G 2H3 Fax: 90"-73-9499 Emuit: into@tnwtetcom NIGHT SHIFT Persan to aork witti, and supervisea smntt sift in a basy Wood Sirop. Sonne reoy titiing. Bsitc woodeorhtng reqaîred. Must utsa Ibo organtzod and sutoty conscoos. Apptst te persan wtth tenace und nage «atitons 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit Gergetown, ON A_.LSO DAY AND NI ONT SHtFT AVAILABLE e.,WRKN ** ** pp [ ei -e ý1pýla Wareho.se Pers.. sordod for groorox Ourtrsgtos Distribution Company Must ire aStI orgasised arth basic computer skrtls. able to lit! 50115v ynd aorr we11 aîlh liSîSl suporoision, AS citer a positive fus onvîrosmool & ne00 a loam playor Forward resume tos Fax 905-332-0557 or Emati graham@puynmsmarine.com No phono catis ploase REOIJES? PERSONNEL SERVICES NEC. WWW.REQUESTPERSONNEL.COM REQUIEEM EDALY Otr Etakitl area client bas an rmmedrate neod for: MACcUTICL COUPAN Day, Afternooo shifts, avattablo, $10/hr 429-A Iritannia Roud East Suite 201 Mlsslseauga, Ontarlo Phono: 1-877-755-03951905-755-0395 rêiiine@rqetprolflbl.coii Accepttng Appltcations 9-2pm Mon-Frt THE CLEANING COMPANY requires cleaners Pleuve cuti 905-877-883 or Pax reaumne te 905-877-5881 FNICHAICREUIRE1 Goff Course Mecbaetc required art WLEODGOLF CLUB Small engiee experience ts se asnet Faxresume to:905-87847601 EXPERIENCEDWORKERS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAIM Discover How To: *tdentify your kcy strenteghs and obtuss -Write effective resumes and tetters -Use the tntetnet and posl your resmme -Peomote yourseif le ae interview You Must B. .45 yearv of age or older *Urtemptoyed and seeking mark Lacated at 460 trt Sesoir t2Otn toripon 905-681-3356 extl 21 wuw.expetencedseeheesvi -en -e SHIPPERI RECEIVER required part-treve days. Knooctedge of Haîrçare industry is an asset. Iffronfe Street) Cali Saraht 905-878-1300 FIT & PITY PERMANENT POSITIONS " Cournter Sltaff " FIT Baker ePI/T Jenitor (drtcor'o tic. reqord) (At AieI Un> hîlbngalon HAVE A FLAIN FOR DECODAIR? Hiring part-time Oas oaenns /aoekords. Drop off rosomo 10 Manager Covers 275 tiays Blvd. Oarville & Ere Mîls Tows Centre GREAT OPPORTUNITY' Management Position 300Nsoh SorvîceRd W Tukurîlo Toun Contre *UNDER NEW* OWNERSHIP Superior mustc knowledûe Resnxnsibteffleliable Maenasement& Oppy wil osumeOict 23 &24, 125pm Need" A Job? Check out CM" Employment Section! or visit us on the webl