Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 2004, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, October 22, 2004 CVassified I ' iltoaa ianhmil Ico ~-,ENGAGEMENT IIIII CO0ONDOOtor saieO M1liade* Dr., seconid fil, 2-bdfm,MLTN Spioaft 2 boleonp, 1 1/2 baih, 4 ap- i ihsd l-bedroom opot- ytianes & or condtonîng. ttltn sttaced entrance $172,508. Cai 905-693- rqie hnn cosrt mal, 9401 Wod ta eotfll porî atidty, flrplae, large lev- 1-805-828-3038 oentgs = = a mU oter 7:30twn 20ai. Netmnoiegp/yoail- doen 9755/menai. Retoroenes reqaired. 905- 875-083. rn STEELESITRAFALGAR b o e fo1r ront. 588mai atdotee indluded. Aeoair be Nonember lai. FOR reni 2200 el ti. indus- Col 905-875-4632. 5/iai ant, sues temoi DO STDI Basement Ayart- station ManSt PFasse 0<l meet Fsr Sent. Sewy Saut, 905-875-9500. clseteathe401tanddlown - tcw Milton. Tas car yark- ing, large hae/îyard tS 880 & pato soi, iaundiy fltes tanad appliaces cnci. Seyaraie A tedi ot Home JbOn entrane $025/mIS. Cati 905-875-8899. Aeaiahie Yssr Cemyuier. Trainîng Dec let. Prseided. F/T, F/T. Code: n4. TWO bedmoom upper oyoot- cd. w,MSiiaîc5 matint Miltnn Country EÇJQO-0&01 seOtirg wih yrieaie en PROOuuE itoor buins traoe 9760/mai + aidols lirest/telarenes re- ehitottrtl te oser 4 million qaired, asaiiobie c lot. adait reodams ta South Cen- Cati 805-878-8331. tral Ontario. Booktyoarod- AnIse Apartsncettn t & 2 sedîisemeot in star 80 Met- badtoom oyotent asoît- miland eommanii netsya aile 80w ond Ir fture. yers otai oe yhone Cali. Fridgo & Stese, acndty Caltil oer information facilites, No doel tlB-883- ex teehiy tord ad yackag- 4374 spot 7 days/teak as (intermet litibn tecld a n a prvl ed) 416-493-1300 ext 276; DOWNTOWN MILTON wwmetroland.com Milside Totems 82 Mitlide - rive 162 Bedrom Ips. Net ayy tancas. Close te ciowtown Bus eto ait Frot cirer 805-870-1249 $gteaseyl$ 1WI.tle. 2nd wwo.reasia.eu and 3rd Msrtgages. Bad credît 0K, Cai Ontacio Wîdt t-888-307- GLEN EDEN 7799. COURT APARTUENTS 122 Bronle Strset aie are ext anCCEtîcg ayplications lor: GUELPH LN. /N et 401/ Aadtmecta spacires t bdmi upt ta- Fat maoe ltaal an/a parking 5045/mai + us/tebes. sapontent, Ca/i 416-791-9910 or 416- 805-879-8378 787-1125 Building Managers Leetarsl & Penny MILTON, 2-5dmr uyt. usait able Jan. t. rate et1 8925/mis. a/t incluivîe, SILTON t & 2 stdrssm aduit tisiern degal for ap asuiu/te. $945. , C/euei soîimtrent cui 905-099- and quiet building. Cai 1398 et 5/use message ut Jack 89 812-0188 Suai- 905 078-5345ý uble îmeditey 97725/mena ydrem i rmpmntitas 1sable. Parking iaoiaded. a818aes,pottang, tndgsistoce Avaîtabla Deeember ist. sein oyaratad iaaadry Cai Linda alter 6p 905- Il05-875-1613 mer st 873-4072 958511 b;-om lo. n ctnGEORGETOWN 1-bad- 2bdcomap.t Asre, m aparttnt Aoaiable 19800/menai plan atibats, Nonamrbar tnt. $585/moear f/rslat asatlal Non. laI, plus hydre. No pets. Cai 905-452-1734 805-873-3355. 2 badroom basamasporat- GEORGETOWN 2-bed- ment. No atoosg/naiso or rl senda. A/C, hateoy, pois. Asa/tale Nonembr i 2-asdergrsund paring, 151. $850 047295-6250 tiS te GO0. Astilahie Ns- vernit 151h. $900/mrelh ACTON 1-hadrorm apoat- plus sutlies. 1-805-820- mtnt. Asaitabit Fiseember 8250. tat.p 519as85cti4 alle LARGE 1 or 2-bedrrem for 701pt 10-03-953 rasî, Country astate maSk- ACTON 1-Sedrrem asat- oat bassimeet, Soath as/e îmmedîatey. Fcidge, Gasorgetst Satlite park- alose, atftias nctaded. Ns ing, cs pets/smoking. pets, tinsVas, ttlerecces $805/mscth plas utîlîttes. requîred. Cati 519-853- No6111 he ei80-7 MILTON 1-Mdm ayt. asai- ACTON 2 badren apat aide Nec. lt. Macn Irer, mnt. Asaiahit December patvate enOrance 9800/mai laI. 200 Chuarchi Ooad, liaastydro/easie înetodad. Soutai Se pats. Cal 519.- Cali 805870-2014. 853-0007. ACTION ,2-bed o aa tents, aoailahla SNo- COUNTRY bangalot, ber lait aod Deeamter lst. sola Mitre, shows tai. 519-853-3389 et 519-803- 91308m. Asa/taido imme- 0710. d/aty. Sandy Dalr 418- ACTON, oarge t bedroot. 5272 Firlio & seal deplît DOWNTOWN Mltlon 3- $625/mtae s itas. 519 5dm eondo. 4dapp., & A/C, 853-0029 nr 905-864-9401 2 parking apaes, lrtshy paiatod, $1300/mth te- BASEMENT bachator dadaes parking, cabte 1V, apartmatt, qatet netghbor- hast, hydre, mater, selt hood, Net, settotabe Cai J/m Kean. Kerr Fea// and cel Ner Gel Managemeît @ 905-878- and iea Sta Orrge 9924 lorturtshet deauils or tome hexplat parkicg asai- oiemng alte. No amohens, co pets. 805-873-900$ MILTON quîi 3-Mdm, 2 - bath, & S aptacts,in BURLINOTON. Ste/poren dadîing iaacdry rrem lots soated 2 hedrren hase- sf parking, close te do- mnt apartteet tîctudas toel $7S0/mtli , utîtities, caSte, /asedy, 2 pahîong asattabit Dec laI. Cai spots. soyamte ntrance. ordI 0-9-70 Ssn-snokac/Ns pts. MILTON, Nos. lIs. Greenc $850/msalh. 905-633-7409 poS ne liane. 4 Sed- Srsem, 2ý5 Saths, tant/y FORNISHED cosy, modem root, launry isen 805- csoage. Otautîfl seelg 894-2307 indrer parkicg, sait Suai- MILTON. 4 Sedroon ins pesne Fitilt no hose. A/C. garuge, 5 ay- smoking/pets, Relercas. pitances, bae/iyaid & dech, Soeener 1tst. $1250/msclli + ut/its. 01,000/menai iiciadtcg li5 418-998 26/2. taes. d1-82"-551. MILTON 3-5dm 5suse, GEORGETOWVN asut/asie immade/ 433 RESTALS George St. Ns yetcssk 1, 2, & 3 Sedisens Check ets, eider couple yn/eed. sut seb site $2/5nth ist/ust , l- wwha/tsîlisîeîtuio Ses. Raieraîces îoquirad ese 905-878-8515 3 bedretm large est-i large batngi/t/g rsam p eortdaaon, double trench doots te patio, moin trerr taadry, /aouza U, lots of Austin's l4th "Annual parki/ng, oa/alaide Deome C rstma Ginl ot & ber tl. South ai Acton. C r a r $1, ais tihs 51-' nventory Clearance Sale 856-9191 o 541548020-2 r St. Oct. 23 - 9:30 - 3:30 MILTON. 4 bedtrem, 3 Sun. Oct 24. - 12:00 - 4:00 baai, aawat, 2300 sq. f., 5489 SixtIl Umi Hombl doahle garage. (1 08<1 mes> of Trafalgar, scouth $1900/month s util/es, o> Btitatnt/g great patlk/ng, Asatiabie tecembor lai nlo throtdgh tm»/fc) No smoksn9/pots. 416-8331 Hundreda of uaefu & unuaual - 1 I l items et gras prices. MILON hdt tan 7TH ANNUAL MILTO town CRAET & ART SHOW $1275/mai u8iois. Col1 Sa.-dy Ovto - 31 s5 905-876-2997. 130 VEP4DOR11S MILTON immauaoe 3- 10:0 a- - 4:00 pas 5dm townliaase, 5 ap- Chlde FR s.E - ng A is $3 phianoeaotoiaboe Nov lot 70 Guelph Stst smoking. on pets, phkone Idchsansd Disrlas - Ratit OAKVILLE W& Brbotag Seotsaes ioonlioasos avabl il maisl throagh Deeembor, 4 aypionoos. Hoeei Mo aa Lakosho e Management. nitchon, iaundry parking, SdO0/mth ai inclusiso, avaîtabto rien. Cati 647- NICE oarge reem arili shared kîtchen & bathns, quiet aeciuded rural Mît- ieîn/Ca mp bel/11,vi 1e. 0425/mai. Cai 905-854- 0359. Moohosn - Cary, Apsil asid big atater Tuyiot-Jsde are eoe/tod te onesaîce aie iota ameia aI Esstly Gtac «on FURNISHED re etar Faiday Ocieher 8ih ai 12:30 o.t. toighing 7lbs, es Mîten Mail, patkong, toue- Syeeioi aiha le Dt. Cese and at entre Milton Dis- dry te. $110/eok. FMasse mae Obstettocs staff. In yarticat Sae, Delho Moti cal 905-870-1 092 yn, Jessie an Liedoa lot molring oar say se combert able dise ety spedi taaks te out meaiet, cirand mo Taylor ond Grog oad Aegel Ir allthaiir hoiyMt "Big Salter s/ling. GARROOt JIN ktMai <ss Pellgera Saddsnl ex Pt/ay Oetokea 15, 2004. Jîli Gamrod Ire- mali ai Mir mate raeofa Brampto. Lovng vite and best fritaid ai Brue. Locang dielte more et daagtter Alexa and stop-daahtat Emma. Balocad daagliter of Harvey and Famata Fot5ttrw ai M/fOa. Mach lreed daaghtarro-aw of Va Gamrod. Baatfl, ehemihad natter ai KOm Cmoss ai Aaaaga 8each and Andrea Petigw of M/fOa. GrwoO missed bp her tayhat Jeremy Cmoss aod han n/oe Bttacy Cross Ftamamhtred by Tassa. A Frivata Santice taes held heom the J. Solt Eadly Fanesai lere, 21 James St, M/No /905)>878-2669. Cremalo toitsaad. A gaaier- ing te cetebrate dît/'site wtti Se annouoeed acd heid ai a tater date. cn Jute' memnory donatios nay ba mode te the Canadian Mania Heath Associassen GRACE, Margaret Lorraine (Stewart Fasana aaay, October idai, 2004d at Mîlton Dîsticti Hospital, ti ber lamiy aI her oide, atir a coaragasus battle againat cancer. Margare, 69, ta suresaed 5y lier seing Susband et 51 yeans, iliaom; ler daugliter Jeas and Dire;, set gsanchtdreci Ros, Lamre, MIss asd Cht/s her grat-graodisao Tsaois und Set sîster Osta Brome. Margearal jo tins lier mothar Violet, laSher Rsy, toto Smother John and satmsAbina, Emiy Satire aaidSaie. A private lamiy son/ice tas be/cg hed. rn lita et flotets Margerai asa ainat: yoa donate le litr tassanite ehaaty, Qakrille Humant Soiety, 445 Commat Rred, Qabstille, Ontario LOT 7S8 yaefsipa h laie Arnold Daman E oad lIe toe express tIl hearfeit thafo r a0il the love oad support or . ifatyasdrdad .our htad wor4 crns, Roman aaad charitable dosa- apecial hanhs ta the vialissisi sul Ganta .sd Réerod fierr liafstetler for shýeir part ta the fanerai service /~asd the staff at Makersie-Kocher Faseratiome for thrir asitance. k llïe tomiy aI the laie Jonc Whethan couli Ille ta express tihertl thonlu le ail the masy people Worb Sup perted us iortsg ts dtfil tisse. laie card, toors anai dosationa ta the LJvec Foundatien ta temory aI Jane ere grraly appreeisred. Speciol thanku te Dr. Srhaehter, Narsing Staff et Mitlton District Hlospital oaid i A ic/rlecbcr Foorra Hote. Wmr Rupert & Sharon Coffen are pleased tun ennoance thie engagement of tiacir dasagtter 4 'l Nancy Lynn to Christian Daniel sien of Da & Lynne Postier

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