The Canadiar, Cham0lion. Friday, October 22, 2004-23 leli"awks set to host exhibition showdown The IceHawks donst have any trague games sciseduted for the Hsttoween werk- end. But isave no fear, tise local juniors wil stit Ilver some action, in tise form of an exhi- bition tilt witis tise Soutisera Conference- leading St. Michael's Buzzers Octoiser 30. Tise 7:30 p.m. stars against former Milton netinder Kain Tisi and a potent offense tisai inctudes tisree ptsyers in tise Provincial Jr. A League's top-tO will cap an evening double-iseader at Memoriat Arena. Up firsi are tise affitiate Toronto Martie minor midgets, wiso're one of tise province's top trams. Tiey'tl do hate witis tise Wexford Raiders. beginning as 5:30 p.m. The pre-Hattowern hasis witt feature tous bags and baltoons for tise kids, plus prizes for tisr iest costume. Tiserrîl] also be a $2 discount on admission for anyone dressing up. Currentty sitting as 13-2-0-t and isotding down a spot among Canada's sop-l5 rankrd clubs, tise Buzzrrs witt provide a isuge test for tisr IceHawks -wiso'rr hsop- ing t0 use tisas game as a strong spning- board 10 tiseir big trip lu Hamilton November t. Milton isad booked tise Halloween werk- end off isack in the sununer. isoping tu scisedute a rmi fae toumnamens shat didn't come sogetiser. -Champs unveil banner LMs semison's Mîlton tykes show off their Tri County champlonshlp banne In the icellswks' dresslng room ~fs unvstling Nt just bofore last Fridsys 5-1 Wb, over strstsvli. 4VW.I Dick junior boys win Haltons WlI. Dick's junior boys clawed their way te, top honours as tise AIi-Halton Cross Country Mers ai Burlington's Siserwood Park Octoiser 13. Trumping their Norths Halton pensant win from a week carlier, the Wildcats ctincised the regional titlr in decisive fasision - with Bryden Curren teading the way witis third-place isonours. Matthew Dupons and Oran Ferguson also cracked the top-tO. tinisising seventis and eighth respectivety. white rounding out the junior boys' triumph were Atex Searle and Tyler Smits. Their vicsory highlightrd an att around successful showing for tise boys. On tise strengts of a sixth-ptace effort front David Dimitrov, WLI Dick's intermediates fsnisised second, white tise seniors took third and were just a point shy of tying for second - tisanks te, Todd Campisetîs eightis-ptace performnance. Att six Witdcat teams cracked tise top-four at the Nortis Hatton mers, witis tise junior and insermediate boys bots topping tise field. Tise senior boys took second, tise junior and senior-girls were botis tisird. and coming fourtis were tise intermediate girls. Communisty ChiId Safety Awareness Night Have your child's car seat inspected for proper installation. Monday October 25th 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM f4wMoL Advertonial Local Mail Boxes Etc. centre hosts Open House on Saturday The Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) centre in Milton is hosting an Open House Saturday, October 23 fmom 1 tol 4 pm in conjuniction with six centrts in neighbouring towns (Waterdown and Burlington) celebrating thse ten year anniversary of three Burlington locations. Among the many services offéetd as Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) art: black and white and colour copying; document fsnisising, including binding and laminating; digital output; fax services; business printing; computer and graphic services; 24-hour private mail and pastel rtceiving; email and intemet access; computer rentaIs; packing and shipping; office supplies. lIn Milton, tise MBE centre is located at: 420 Main Street East Franchisee: Susan Van Veen Tel: 905-878-5955 Mail Boxes Etc. is an international chain of business and communications services. The worldwide nctwork just celebrated the opening of ils 5,OOOtis centre. la Canada, tise network is 275 centres strong - a signiticant achievement, statles the Canadian Franchise Association, since most non-food retail franchise networks average 60 centres nationwide. Non-perishable food donations are being accepted for the Partnership West Food Bank. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE THE CITY OF GUELPH4 GLASS EN70IRONMENTAL A88EOSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TREATMENT Ai THE ARKELL AND4 CARTER WELL SUPPLIES The Study Th. City Gulp,177. 71houg7171117 onsultants7, 070117.0 C.11.,1I0 L071170, .739,.7d 7, Abo lotdEgineering L73, nu0,0,0070,0,7es!0a Cases E 0,7170707.0,0,77117117 (Close~ 01) in suport1111 of -w Ins0,,7,.7 i.lm71 f te,113th.E A.50,I W97.o70009113en Carter W.0117100 Supplies E. 1.1p 77101110he1ytern 00,b R99,1l.7071170103 In addition te. Cfty, pnwmveJ0yunetkn tu130,t0719910,71.7.710,13 pgafflto .a.tWn17 te h.0,7lly .1300,d .7 0<EI0 of h 70717PI Plesse.00,1170,0 Mow 000,S3agw,, (519) 837-5027.97et h City of Guel7ph for n-a inf07100,7 on11011 FA0,7 The Poo.0,. The1 Study 1.00,330077371117.37in000,13.710. .7107the Municipa19 07119700070,390007970,7a.Close Publie Information Contfre As7par of th 0701S77dy. a7,0, Publ1977 Inarnai00,enr (PIC). el110,11110for00700002. 20043I 70prellen th. pr711007E 7110.77 the 7110,7 publicand 90,7130.0011.11.0,003for 077170d0,0 TOis PIC 7077,0004Me71101 PIC 75970,9910,777M J110 22, 200470 370E In 711171(0,717et Te ICvllfoowe int-I.770100.1,1019. 1171'dm ý be presan170,e. h PIC toalne 07,07questions77Md 1337.000,011011110 on1Me0,1udy737 PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE MONDAV OCTOSER as, 2004 2 PM h. 4 PM and N PM 0. 8 PM GUELPH TURFGRASS INSTTUTE (G.M. Frost Research and7, Infrmation Centre, 328 victoria Roai South, Guelph) 71000,10,0,007.0,,9.370.710et7the PIC .143,070 be onscieed n Ce fnal0,1.o on th preere solution7.30E 0,0131 400,0,117.0.7. 43,90700010. 000ntin.ts01097>0070,ut0of7m000 bi 0,0007d.10. A Fo7lwi0,thil r0,0,1700.a,0,00,39700File Report 0,0,700,00,341tE.dcrin h hn 11770007,0EA 77107.103an.17he 7.170,170003000,0,714007107797M0M E0Guelph Merowy3. 10n GuelIph Tribune,. the Wob*on ,07dv~10, 0,0,the ~ M.0Cana0den Champion and0 by34, cWict 70@@ E.a0 thsinth pm)$«$cod. 000,7.0,30,., W. engin0, Pen 00, Dahlia ", P.E. Cit of0.*4 Guelph, ,0,0.00U ,700 57.0,97 Coooit7g L7. 00.0.0,7105170, 0 010,00,3,710Ins City 7., 50,e,,. 5710,9 f70,,00 71,10ne .tai 7120,0,,7 Gu.10717.09. 979551 Toi 197100.3438 Toi7 010.7-50,7 FU: 519-733733 Fu: 019--8337 soleil: 300317@0,70,17.01 mail:7 7190,d 7I7109771100 .w This NobDe le0,10, e 00,0000, 2004. ASSOCIATED 7Z ENIERIGJ le st& Milton Police Officers will be on site ta do safety inspections of your child's car seat. Please cal Rob Browning at Gallinger Ford Lincoln to RESERVE YOUR APPOINTMENT -"Muf LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE. riALL1NIIER' FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON www.Uallingerford.coml A Traditio>n of Value & Trust ince 1967