12- Se Canadian Champion. Fday, O oser 22, 200 -HOG raises $39G *~ to help children C * ol H obeb Bikers with a heart -there's no doubt tat's how members oftL thte Milton Harley Owners Group (HOG) wtlI bte seen, partcular- ly after lteir recent cheque presentation of $39,000 to help chil, dren in need .1 The group donated the funds last month t0 Eninoak, a non-prof- i it organizatIon that supports ch idren and youth ith physical, developmental and communication disabilittes. citapter over lte past year, in particular ils thtrd annual Ertnoak Charity Ride in August. This event is a poker ntn thal. this past or' sumnmer, involved 330 bikers ridtng 250 motorcycles 14 Thte motorcyclists made their way titrough 160 km of scenie roads in Halton. ep The Milton HO-G portrays a posittve image nimtrccm wtth events such as HOG rallies, poker runs, loy runs and citarity , e& events. General meetings are held tite t hird Tuesday of each month 0%e in Campbellville. ; For more information, visat www.miltonhog.ca. *NOW OPEN* Lose 2-6 Ibs/week ORVYOUR MONEY BACK* Wruestar for Women Fitness and Nutrition Centers now offer a total health program for fast and Iasting resuits. Included in your program are: li 30-minute fitness for women A beginner a intermediate li advanced *Personalized nutrition counselling»~ li Weight loss and weight V management with \Cail guaranteed results* o " Free personal coachfo " 24/7 online support F E on following the Truestar program ConsutUto For your free consultation cal: 905u864.6644 575 Ontario Street, Miton AeE 132 ar FOR. leý1 E.C. Orury atudents Kyle Smith (lit) and KIM Robb are aurrounded by 'MiIIes Flowers of Hope' carda that they, along wlth other studilents, are seeking donations for as part of a week-Iong fundraising effort in support of classamate Michelle McKay, who's battfing cancer. Photo bygRAHAM PAINE Nutrition & Fitness Centers aubri ldlio . I i1 5A3804 www.truiestarforwomenl.com 8 Si~Ba) 1530SuhSrieR.(ewe plb& uak FSPECÏAL SALE HOURSI