Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 2004, p. 6

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*Comment Let's hear about those extraordinary youths We'vu il) huard siorius ahout Iroublusomi. y uîhs - îhaî s no eye open- er. Ilowevur. i' impo rtant Io reînemher ih'iî this uommunity - like every othur onu aulos Ontaio - has ils fair share ai exlriordinary young pco- pic, those who throutgh a vaniety of initiatives are committedl 10 making Milton a huiler place 10 hive With that in mnd, wu re proud 10 once again support the Ontaaio Junior Citizen of the Year Awards, co-ordinated by the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA) and sponsored hy the Temhec papier Group. In conjunction with newspapers across the province, we're looking to recogniie the efforts and accomplishmenîs of outstanding youngsîers, 10 showcase themn and encourage others to follow iheir good example. Please help hy nominating a young person aged 6 10 18 years who's involved in community service, has performed acis of heroism, is con- îrihuîing to the communily while living wilh limitations or is a good kid who shows commilment 10 making life hetter for others. The deadline for nominations is November 30, which should provide plenîy of lime 10 adequately illusîrate just why a local boy or girl is worthy of distinction. Nomination flormns and furiher information can be ohtained hy calling the OCNA ai (905) 639-8720 or hy going 10 the community newspaper association's Weh site at www.OCNA.org. *Our Readeàqrs,, Wri te Pumpkin stolen off front porch; four-year-old girl hurt by theft Dear Editor: wiib our puirchases, isctuding aur large t've lîved in Milton for two years now pumpldn for Hal loween. and tove the communiiy. Thai night, someone caine atong and My family spendsa aloi of turne visiiing siote the pumpkin off of aur front porch. the faris and enjoys ihe scenric outings t's not about the $t0 we spent on tbe offered in ibis town. pumpkin. ii's about the value of the day. Over Tbankagiving weekend we spenît 1 pend moisi of my weekends working a day ai Springridge Fann looking for and rarety have family lime. the perfeci pumpkin. My daugl>ier, wbo It waa difficuli 10 explain ie tradition just iumed four, found the anc stie tiked of 'lharksgiving wben my daugbier was thse besi, and we also bougbt saine festive upset tao fmnd hec pumpkin missing. bay and coin. Melani. Allen At borne, we decoraied aur front porcs Spue aUnfe *The CanadianChampion Box 248, 19I Mais Si. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Edlitorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertîsing Fax: 905.876-2364 Classîfied: 905-875-3300 Circultion: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neit Olivser t osaePidhhîsl itl DSavis Fdtttin ut h Karen Smith Mantagn oeFdtitor Wendy MeNab Ao1,oprsn eDe ' i im Caoles Pp.e,fi stiittst I'hariene Hall ftitiitione 1tc Ieri ('uas. 0,fit t fan't.tct The Canadiean Chtampion publshed nouay Tuesday attd Friday ai 191 Main Si EI Milton. Ont ,L9T 4N19 (Box 248). s one of Fie Meinoland Printain Pbllsltnl5&lsibtintLit] gtotp oftsubtbancomnparues wich incitdes Alan/Fîckeits Sews Adventset> Ailsiot Henald Couiieee Barie Advane Blton Entrpise> Bramptoii Gardian, locinono Post, linuton Shioppmng Nens. City Paient, City of York Guardian, Colingwoo0litasaga Coiretion, East York Mirron Ern, Advocate/Cooitry loutes. Eiobicoon Gtarian Frannotouli teieme Fotete, Young, Geotgeeon Independeni Icion Fiee Press. (alto, Business Times Hatonia Business Times, Lndsay This Weel Markhaniîoonomisi &Sun, M.iand/Peneiat otstene Stîteot Milton Shopping News. Mississaul, Business Times. MIssissauga Sens, Napanee Guid, Nassagannyt News, Newaraketilotora Fia-lanner Nortumerlando Sens Not nork Meeo, lakille eauter Oakviie Si oppîng Sens. Otingevile Bonner Olcltneti Hloike Nias Otîlla Ooday. Oshana5Stîiby/Clanington/PF00 Fetny This Week. Petenboroogh Tis Week Poton C totty Guide Richmond biIfThotnilOiaoghan Liena Suai- botogh Mîrot, Stoattolie OonOnOOe Tribune Adveetsn is acepied on tenitn bion ttain othetentnoftatypo- geaphital euor t pio of0 tihe adverising space otoapie by the efen neous iemiogeiietaoilhaeasoable aioanefor sinaue, notiiî chaged for, butitebalaneeofthenadoseentiloFuid or aitheppi- catie taite Tie pu01,0er loe. ns thn rit to caitleoriz tOutientent, or (Tee Mefn tiantia tinamo os a lenyc1éae Peodootb Critî»cîsm of WaI-Mart-'s recent arrivai to Milton extremely d1ffiuit to understand Dear Editor: l'In wniting si resposse Io Peler Haighî's leller to lhe ediior regard- iîog his pessimisio toward Wat-Mari opening in Milton. I've tived in Milton tor more ibas 20 years and masy limes was forced la sbop oulsîde oui comma- niiy for goods ibai were usavailable in îows - especially for cassaI clolbing for mes. 1 neyer once regarded il as a beirayal, or as sot supportisg my communîty. How coutd tl be a betrayal wben these goads werenlt avaîlable in iown. I've spoken 10 many people in ton n rcgarding the expansios ot local shopping opportanities. and have heard very tew negalîve replies. Peter Haighl's specultios ihai s-omne stores coutd go bankrupi wiîb Wal-Mart openisg ls, in my opin- ion, tudicrous, since ils osly reat compeiiion in iown in Zellers. Up usi 505v, Zelters bas bees the only mass mercbandising store in iows. Compelition is ose the won- derful advantages we esjoy -and ofles take for granîrd s i a dem- ocralic Society Saine people view Zellers as a community store because il's bees here for niasy yecars, bal ils sjill a uhaint store. Does il realty maier il the head office is in Toronto or in the Usited States? Not t0 me. whes goods ihai usail this poist were usavailabte ustess ose refi the commasiîy 10 sbop. Local job crecation, alternative shopping options and an expansion of goods aIl sousds like good busi- ness asd added conveniesce 10 an ever-growing iows. Lel's hope Mition's infrastructure continues 10 expand wîtb ils popa- ltion. Jason Wlens Coulson Avenue Letters welcome lThe Canadian Champion welcomes letters ta the editor. We reserve thei right ta edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of thxe writer includ- ed. Letters con be e-mailed ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E.1 Piid by Steve Nease

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