,,Main St. construction nearing completion Work should be clone by end of Novernber By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion While pant tof Mais Street East has heen under ctonstrucstton fotr misi tsf the sommer. Miltont residenîs wtil bc bappy ttt know uts atmtsst over. ,rttwn Engineering Services Direcior Pasl Cripps satd the prctîecs is pretsy mocb on scbedste andt shotîld bie s.rappstng sp hy the etd] osf Ntsvenîher. "They've (thbe ctonstruction wotrkers) been very lfortunate witb the neather,- he said. The $1t.7-milliîtn initiative involves rectmnsiruciing Main Street between Commercial andt Ontario streets. taking it dîswn from the curreni four-taie design tii iwo fanes and a continuoos left tom lanc. Sidiewalks are being widened I rom the curreni 1 .5 meires to 2.3 metres, wib some inserlîîckîng brick. and the tradisionat con- crete sireet Iigbts aee being replaced by decorative lîgbtîng. lits really to improve the esibeties ofibhe street and promote pedestriai traffie in the area. Mr. Cripps said. [lIaiton Region bas atso pumped about $1 mittion iat tbe protect for sewer aid waier works. Mr. Cnipps ttîld Tbe Cbampion Friday ibat the base aspbalî bas beets laid and ssork on the ligbîing and sidewalks is get- sing underway. Wbile tbe coînstructton bas been an ineonventence for sinie. be saîd the Town appreci.ats shat local residents bave been iinderstanding. 'Ne baven't receîved a lot of coru- ptaints," Mr. Cripps said. "Peuple bave been pretty patient." He said a liaison cttmmîtîee was estab- "I1t's realîy to impr'ove the esthetics of the street and promote pedestrian traffic in the area." PAUL Cm"~ ltsbed %sîîb tbe Mttton Cb.imber osf Ctommerce, Downtown Bostness Improvemetît Area and representattves rom some businesses along tbe Main Street East sîretcb to deat witb conceros on tbe road work. "We've kepi tbe fies of communication oipen,- be said. Mr. Crîpps added ibat wbîle tbe Town lias offered tu bave mneettngs wîîb tbe liai- son group. be was informed ibat woutdn't be necessary. -Tbey've basicaîiy saîd ibere's no prob- lems," be said. Altbougb tbe iown's Santa Clans parade bappens in November aid follows a route down Main Street, Mr. Crîpps saîd tbe reconstruction sboutdn's bave ai effeci on tbe event aid ai tbe mois. tbere could be a bit of gravet teEt on tbe ground. About four years ago, town councîl adopsed a ptai to upgrade tbe streetscape along a pars of Main Street. Reconstruction in tbe downtown was completed in 2002 beiweeti James aid Commercial streets ai a cost of $2 mitlion, malong ibis sîrescb îwo tartés witb a redesigned streetscape. Tbis work earned tbe Town ai award lrom tbe American Public Works Association. Me/att/e Hettietîi'v tati hi eat/ted at ttt/teitste.ssçevxidisi/otatiadianî/ianipiot tio ALL6 SUMR 16ASE CUISTOMERS If your ase expires btween Nov. 13I04 & July 314105, you may be eligible to terminate early (maximum of 3 payments) on the purchaselease of selected new 200«/5 vehicles. 38e dealer for compçlete dletails for eligibilfty. Offer ends Nov. 3Oth/04 1L 200 Cavalier Sedan VL n 5 Year100,000torGM PostrainWorraoty ortf $0 die, im air conditioin 4-speeoaiftes, 2.2L140 HP-ECOTEC Engine, 60140 splft totIno rear seat $«~ sotei$ eod DoW tomte Ftstiittptttetetontt f Âzý 2M0 Epica 1.8 4 Dur Sedun 2.St. 155HP lUte 6 cylinder engin, aotomato transmission, aIr rtendtonîng, poutr Mnhdots, Wkos, & mirroro, noise control, remote Oeos entry, fog lampe, CD stores -IMI1 CM mcm $211O es Ucti moit. tru)Os $ ut POtas . PusO fet $es 5 Wu taistOs$13 "/0 1r VUe8esso 2094j Imla 4 Dmu Sedn tmk srmoe -tyw estry ntise cnr 6-pes setols, CD mmet 0 up bo 60 montSs -UC c~m mcm *axes ad adesoltstraton tees estro Ses dlealer for detailo. GREAT DEALS ON CARS GREAT DEALS ON GAS OFF PER LITRE / ON 2500 LITERS FINANCE UP TO WIHOR LEASE 6MNH seau go@ t - 'l-. 6 msH