28-T C e i- Car4#TfU~~p ,-~ Dql,~gs Temporary Iight delîvery - t loketo and postero Lice, on otage Manro & The Magîc Coat la comîng f0 Mittoo n a apecral perfor- mance boated by Parento Witbout Partnera. Muot bave owrn car and good knowfedge cf area. Exceif ont pay. caub. Cati 1-800-419- 7383, eut 222 Mn. Aibent. Warrnbfood Breedlng Fane seeles evpenîenced taittîrne napiopees wîth enceitent reterencea ta tend, mach out, grava. turnout ard rniscellaireouo barn chonex Caf f for interview Oaa 430 prn fn00f873.levv 430 prn 9 pa f905)v73-8501 or fax reourne la fveîf-873.1v19. s: .e A~M~RK CAFETERIA MANA ER ai cii Si ne K.ng caiboiîc Oconor greai Sou, ard 500e. 5 Ciii rime Sepi Jure lvi cearu rond Sandi il erperence an auser GENERAL HELPERS ieeded n marlon aiea n gO sOnooru Perteci icb loi moine, viii sciai age ciricien PonO icrd ng crronenoo an asuci FULLIIME PERSON renuerd r n'on aid exerure ronni niosiamu rom soc On' in .0 c e.emenraiy sonooru Oeî 0,0 cndîcddiaeis ceneramour n unrra or loi raine, oS dria ru nease send reuomr r ernily dolihan@arananls ca Or caîl 416-2554131 Extenuron e529 SNOW PLOWERS AND SHOVELLERS NEEDED Muot haee dean drivera abstract Mout 0e relioble Acailabte 1cr 7r24 Cour Or Caîl For Acton Georgetoor une Nonal areas Exeesesce Ostyr CuIt Srovtaku Snc8 Rernoval ai 905-877-7146 teaee a aeosaqe CHALLENGER MOTOR FREIGHT CAREER 8EMUI~IAR Rat ESTATE Il pou are currentty on csorss rocorfty lrcesued consîderrng a charge troa peur curnoot bruker cr lcokîng tor a sec caroor, psu cao il te pourutît f0 attend thîu somînar Pao Will Find Ouf 400e! - Viso sboala consmue reat estate land abu sCcuid 0db * Prouinciai iîerrumag course * Rooci crOage trarnîca, prîsonai deaemepnent ana suppcrl * lina 10 goto qurcle alunI - ho 10 maciniox vovrmnonne lbmwmiui Oct. 21, 7:UI pu oeiuwoeimw~m 10241 ~m Lb <hotumu Argot M I TaiN SUerai> kwpW~ ~wh Ocaîrco mn Oaîted catI noo 10 iroome a seau ROYAL LEPAGE iiiîmaai.aa Geergetoan 905-8774262 Miaaisaauga 905-821-3288 BUYER I PROJECT MANAGER A Salve Manulacturor, basea mn Ookvrble s soekrng o Soyer I Prcîect Manager MusI nove b pears mndustry reloted expermence cr11 5e îespcssmblo ber purcCasrsg cosbiogs asd sus contrant oochmsisg The soccesulul cao dm4010 cmli Cea Candu on msdmvmduab manage 3 cuppont stoP 004 braise crIC cuutooors and suppîrers cerbdcmde Plaase fao veer reoames la Haman Resoarcet aI 905-842-1785 Ladies Edenetco Oervreev DRIVERS STILI NEEDED Free Training Schsnt Sua 0niee~v Wasfed Caf t 055477-4448 Lao8wrs an val ovnifr car ny I~ Part-time Position Avotilable Ta warh 2 ovoninga ITue/TeurI ani Safandapa. Dalles would inctade atockîng ahelvea and fifting tacha n Obe tamber dopa. 0f aur atone. Fax Reîuaae Tor 900-878-4049 MitOvo Benne Hardware Building Centre 383 Seneles Ave., MilOon Husky Truck Stop 9:OOam-2:OOpm 6625 Kennedy Rd., Mississauga * Top Wages * Sigo on Bonus * Quafiey Auaigned Equipment Job Seabifiry - . e: e Snowplow Equipmenî Operarionu Needed Mcveeaugcbavedocuepavyearqurroe HocevFarrv/i. eerracnree Fs1icipeeovî& Pîokuprnuokepeecucre i upoorre eg 00cr eceoxcltab,îaerre fervv'cllusocv'oeec', (.lecedxrsexv aberocor ced cvpcxvrcoo îeplemrree &eqeiipeuieieperctoiiiee (Ouaracr.red Wcgo Phocer 905 896 4016 or tiaca 905 812 3883 DZ Drivers FOR SALTERS/ SHOW PLOWS Cneao AOoireot ExonnieniOe ao anool QEW dO.d orna FAX: 905-693-1759 North Halton Golf & Country Club Requires DAYTIME DISHWASHER Monday Friday 10 arn - 3 pa PIeuse drop off reourne 8f Club Office 383 Maple Ave., Georgetowo ON OAKVILLE NISSAN bakuille Inlînîli bînson s looking loi qoalîhed people 10100 Ibeir leum loi the tolleaing positions Lube Technicians & Junior Service Advisor 00e are Iooleing te Cire toua playeru and poople wlio waot to grec wrth oar beorseos Foperreoce aîth împort oebicleo an aooet. Selected candidatex wrIl be offered a greaf ceaperoatron aod benefît pack- age lInon are înlereoled n joînîng cor leam pleane tac nenome 10 Joanne aI 905-828-5687 We are an eolabtiohed. progrexoîce rranoportaiior cern pany upecîalîoîrg n tee planning ard ce ordination ut groord lronoportotîor oereiceu throaghoot North Amerîca. Dispatcher/Logistios Planner Wo are growîng rapîdty and carrenlly Coco or openirg n oui operairono depaîlmeni toi an indîvîdoal cho erîoyo Ce challenge ard pace ol a bosy dîspatch office We cIter a ouperror cork enariormeni, secure ernpley ment, lob traînîng au coîl au a cornpehtîae cage and beneCt paclioge Tranoponiulîon operatrons experrence wouid bea dofînîle 0050f, Oit cornrn imeni and 0e abri ryro colle au pari 010 ban s a muot Pleaxe neply r confîdeoce te Gataway Freight Systame mc. 201-1230 NoOh Service Rcad Weot Qakoîlle, Ontarro L8M 2W2 Fao: 1905) 042-5407 On by emaîl 10. bn@gatewayfrt com ~îofrÎ!s. NOW HIRING Kavoro No Fnîffo o lookisg ton enthosiaobc mdi- vîdools witb geod costorner oernîce skîllo. aho enîop dedling unîth the poblic 00e are hininq penrna neol P/T cashiers &clenks for aIl departmento Part tîrne emplopnent aîfh dopo. evoningo & weokends ohîb anaîlable Apply n peson: Kevins No Frik 125Cro~e., Dait. ÀZ priver needed f~II time, dean abstraQt, 3 yrs e~perience, Ontarlo deliveries only. 41~91~7231 Robe~ ~H~p -~ Qe~ H~ lululemon athietica Educators and Seamstress Required mulutemno olPletîco ccc bulolemon com s a Voncouver bosen company Ibal prourdes people crth components 10 lree o ronger healthier 004 mote un lite luluIeOOO cîolhrng tocuseh on phhsrcolly tuncîronol opporel crth teconicol guolîtîns 0040 Ilatterrng cul maC mg lu comtortoble option 10 ceai 10 durrng 004 rom olhletrc acîrvîtres We are seekrng enthusrostrc nybeot 004 outhentrc îndîvîduols 10 loin oui team as Fait & Pan lima Edacatara avd a Saamslress n oui neceol location Pokorîle Lokeshore Bîvo I Openrng il the beort ol Tokurîle on Lokeshore BIvO ceaie planning oui bondi 10 ciii cîde crlh 2004 Cnlrdoy seoson ho Ho ho Educators As an n store Educotor yoc cr11 ploya VitOr oIe n the succebsîol celîven) ut costumer service or Ce retoil 110cr The main ohîectîve ot Ibis position s ho rhoitrue anS ehinient eduratron ol customers regordrng ho features benelîts, ulage 004 cote o) lsloleinOî pro duct We are lookrng Ion upboot, Irrondl), outhontrc 010 less rîdîvîduols 1h41 cao wnrk celi ina teom or alone We celcome those cho embroco Ce lululenen culture 004 OOi values Applîcanîs most have a strong cerk elhrc be selI-occre 004 goal onrented cîlh a desîre 1cr constant oeIl improuement Wo wculd piolet that applîconîs have knoclodge and roter est n yoga or 01h01 lrlness, hsolth or spodo aclîvîtres Goneral conputer sCîlîs and slrcng prohien colvîng aed decîsîco makrng sCîtîs an assel Seamstress At lulolemon athlelîco, 80 provîdo fIes hemmrng aso service cool costomoil 10 0000i0 Ihat hep gela cuslomîood, pedsct lit for heu techoîcal clothrng Wo are loukrng for sone one cho has secrng esperronce 811h a 4 5 throad cover ctrtch machine ldoaIIy the soansîroos ceuld ccrk 0031 - 40 heos per day ldeally 80 are lookmsg le loto o long loto rebalronsCrp wrlh a osamslress ir-hoasa 1h01 con effoctîvol) sorvîco S 0001 ho needo ot our drscernrng cuclomers lîtoiected7 Colt us ch) youd liCe o ho a paO cf ho lubulemon 0401 For more mrdoîoolîoî silo lcrcaîd heur rosune sida bellot outlrnrng hsc ce coubd cerk together Pfeaso contact Tracey Mercier ni 416.965.9800 or tmeroier@IuIuleman.Eom Nîvetaber 8,2004 FULITIME OPPORTUNITIES Wheo a cornpany n eopertenclng vuccela, the peepte thot are part of 1h31 compnny are growfnn ta watt. Our ernptoyeeî ev/Off the otabititp 0f thair jobv aod worh for ove the very bell lrr tibergfota manofactonivg. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Fise poaro induotrial eeperîesce n troubteobootîrg asd eeecutirg eaergercy urd preecrtative aaintesarcc on a coobsuouO fisc procesa tire o required. A corteisg hoocleage et PLC'o and variable speed dniecro ix ao aoset ton carryirg ouI aarioua projecta n utt aspecto ut the loduatriat etectnicat tield, An Ostanîo s dustriat Etoctnician Licenoe o esuential Pteave loclude an camiogo hioleiy. PACKAGING OPERATOR Fait Tise Pachagirg Operatool o voile 12 hour retatîrg uhîffu 11000 10001 10 cuver our 24 Cour operation cîtC eveili other cooleerd off You car average $48.000 e per year crIC osortîrne asd Ioule foroard o CeatCcure, dental, pie- ucrîpîron drag. lite, short ard long rein Oivubility inouranco benetîto, pension, cornpary aatcC 80SF, uateie bout ard clotbîrg allocarcea, paîd helidayu, per toraunce, uatety and ationdance rncentrueu. Please appty iv persan and cane prepareri te cemptefe an emptopmenf application and proride fhnee wonh referencea. Mvnday Octaber 101h te Friday Octaber 208h, 2004 7:30 arn- 4:00 pm Guardian Fiberglass 300 Mais Streef Ens, Ortanto NOB tTO i 2 iouî ocur ot Oue.pn on Orgncal eooidocniy Road ioaîî Noirîciicic ai orocer un eencreoiecei ai iiei,.rvriîcco'iicruo Woodlore International mc. We are took/ng for enfhuo/aat/c individualo w/fb opec/fîc qua/if/cat/ono fer day ard affernoon ah/ff. Cutting Department: Saw operafora famil/ar w/fb Holzma pane) 00W and Cad- mat/c confrotier. Trouble shoot/sg eopen/erce and fork tiff licence ar aoaet. Machining Department: Eopen/eoce wîth operafîng and trouble ohoofirg of Homag edge bandera. Drllling Department: Esper/ence n operafing ONO mach/ring cent rea. TooI/ng krowledge reqo/red. No tctepCono nallu ~ Fax Resume 905-791-2228 or ~ email: jobs@woodlore.ca woodlcre 160 Delta Park BIvd.Brampton. www.woodlore.ca r BURLINGTON POST Nocas PaO tiae INSERTERS Dans Affonroons 10 20Ccvrs a coole lot vst Cave wcnle bocîs j Pleaoe appi y iv person la Rab @ 4390 Paletta Coorl j (south Service near Applebyl i-i Gn~ai HeIp Handyman (M/ff> Jack-W-AII-TîtdOS Up ta $750/WeOk Local co 5 lookiflg or crattspensors skrlled in caipenlry plombiflg, electrical, ceramic, painting. calîpoper dry woll tînor coueriOg Flexible hours Receive mot choque by Fn FT/PT Reqoire reirabie t a n s po Oct ion & nan 10015 905-578-4405 HOUSE 0F FLOWERS n docoloan Pakoille requkes two malone Delivery Drivers cho know lokeille nîleels 34 days/week Hoorly rate & vehîcle sopp lied Cali Heather 9O544~ Now Hiring Ail Positions MaxI be flexible *Benef ds *lnceotroe programo *Paîd trainîog *Free unfora Apply n persan 501 3rd Lina Oakeîlle Attn: Jeff or Scoti A delightffol and nupîsco poaxo mac wîth Auburn c Isokîco for a part-ban Running Caach & Personal Assistant to obare heu paooios for cannons wîfb groupe and ta holp Cia coccoct wîtb otbero Pou 8r11 need 10 0e trI lie ion cerntedably aI o P 40/or pacel and recdy 100000 Psu cr11 Ce ouger o bain about Coc o relate toc person crIC o protoond dîsabitity 300 arîl 000410 have rntegrrly Pou cr11 otready Cave o 00050 Col you cr11 loin aI bout as oocb os you cr11 gîoe n Ibis position Marathon ronnrng eeperrenoe preterred Gioop tors are os Wed evenîngo, bat and Son nornîngo Reirable vehîcle reqorrea CIaO $20/hteOîiOatO 710 Coors/ceele Emaîl yoor resume and couer bIbi by bot 22/04 explaîn mg why hou acot o make o diberence n Crs man s lite 1004 hoorsl genîle optrnns@sympatroo co P/nase rote, ceaie o tamrly ont an agencp Wr thanO o/I applîcanîs, hocecen nnty ICone oelected bran interview cr11 Ce oorrtaoted A dnliphflal aod îoopîong ycorug oas cîth Aotisa regaîrno a pant-time PERSONAL ASSISTANT who cao aooîot Cia cetb titcracy ukitîn, job coach mg c coaauoity octtiogo. anrud acat preparabax Pou cr11 needîn recognice Ce tondarnenlal rrOpoîonoe ot Crs coregroisg coîk ard iv apprecrale Cal you wîll gtbc 004 gain moch more n Crs position thon ena cao possi bly gise TeachinO eeperienoe ord/or eeperrence n rotaI ng 10 O person wrth ootrsm s pieteiren An cohue mer gOtrO yel colm P0i500 80014 Ce ideal loi Crs pos lion Fersonol ntegrrty s essenirol Stortîno ai 520/Ci mîleoge Cet 0010 amide rego cd b Jpbrs/ck loin otisi nonnî marly nuenino Some Sotuîdays Ornait resome 000 cover roTer by Oct 22/bd meplornino dry hou wont 10 mono o OrttOiOnOn r lis maris lite /004 ynursr genile opirons/TOympat 0500 Pleare iinnOeiStond 1h01 800000 tomr/y ont an aneny We ornoeîeiy thanli a/I applicanto nocecen nnip ICone selîoted ton oni inteivrec ci/I ho contaoiod SECURfTY INSTALLER: FULL-TIME POSITION Hamîttos hased Espenrenue w tC a ous secu y panes s an asse oos equ ed Ca R4W~RP P e 094 45 Fa 90 40 0023 If you are an naperiencord AZ f icensed driver and wish Oo join eue aseard ouinnîng eeam; please attend eue open bouse an: *~.